It is now the cheapest grocery chain according to consumers

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 02. 13. 13:31

Two German supermarket chains are in the lead, and the most expensive are Hungarian grocery chains.

According to customers, Lidl is the cheapest FMCG chain in Hungary in 2023, the discount chain is followed in order by its two competitors, Penny Market and Aldi, according to a joint large-scale subjective survey of the Pénzcentrum and the University of Debrecen.

It is subjective because consumers were asked which chain is the cheapest according to their opinion and feeling. The online questionnaire was open to everyone, anyone could fill it out; no identification or registration was required to fill it out. The initial order of appearance of the chains was randomly generated for the interviewees, the initial order did not reflect the opinion of other respondents or the researchers, about which the interviewees were also informed.