More and more are sold from Nógrádi ropogós
Last year, 950 tons of Nógrádi ropogós was produced at the Salgótarján, Karancslapujtő and Karancsberény-based premises of the Salgó Center Coop Zrt. The amount five years ago was 750 tons – Turiné Bácskai Julianna, the company's plant manager told MTI.
MTI photo: Komka Péter
The main profile of Salgó Center Coop Zrt. is food retail and manufacturing – Turiné Bácskai Julianna informs. The company employes a total of 270 people in the two business branches and closed last year with a modest profit, beside nearly 3 billion HUF sales revenue. The operate 35 food stores in Salgótarján and and its area, but also has retail outlets in Eger, Szirák, Ecseg, Pásztó and Tar. (MTI)
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