Vajda-Papír was awarded the Best Managed Companies qualification

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 27. 11:29

Vajda-Papír, Hungary’s market-leading hygiene paper product manufacturer, won the Best Managed Companies (Excellently Managed Companies) rating at this year’s Deloitte tender. The results of the jury of the Best Managed Companies program were announced on the evening of September 26 at a gala held in the Renaissance Hall of the Museum of Fine Arts. According to Attila Vajda, the founder and managing director of Vajda-Papír, with the decision, the jury recognized the company’s pioneering strategy, its efforts so far for sustainable production, reducing harmful emissions, ensuring the country’s self-sufficiency and creating continuous training for employees.

Deloitte Private’s business mentoring program, which recognizes the work of excellently managed private enterprises, was held in Hungary for the third time this year. Successful Hungarian-owned and managed enterprises can participate in its mentoring program, which – subject to other conditions – have an annual turnover of at least 20 million euros and more than 50 employees.

This year, among the aspects examined in the tender, sustainable production and the strengthening of the green approach were highlighted, which also coincides with Vajda-Papír’s strategy.

“As an industrial production company, our company was the first to publish its environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance ESG report (Environment, Social, Governance), which includes environmental protection measures and commitments to date, which also includes ambitious commitments for the coming years in the field of sustainability. We have undertaken to reduce our water consumption by 20 percent by 2030, increase the use of renewable energy by 50 percent, and become carbon neutral by 2050.”

– said Attila Vajda, managing director of Vajda-Papír.
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