Fewer and fewer retail chains publish discount newspapers
Half of the consumers demand discount newspapers, the other half are left cold by printed catalogs. Retail chains are therefore either discontinuing or starting to publish fewer copies of their regular catalogs.

Customers strongly disagree whether catalogs are needed or not
OBI got rid of the catalogs, and so did IKEA. SPAR’s stores publish millions of copies every week, and fewer and fewer newspapers are published every year, which means a decrease of about 10-20 percent every year. According to Lidl, their customers like printed pages, so they are not currently planning to phase out printed leaflets, while Aldi admitted that they also believe in completeness, and the company follows the trends in terms of promotional publications. Tesco also responded by continuously monitoring customer feedback and continuously working on digitization. Their goal is to make more and more customers prefer the digital publication, even in the case of a discount newspaper – it was revealed from the statements made by the retail chains to Pénzcentrum.
The paper also asked consumers, and it turned out: 50-50 percent of those who prefer discount newspapers and those who think that these publications have no meaning.
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