The vast majority of Internet users said that Hungarian cuisine is their favorite and they intend to pay 2-5 thousand forints to try a new meal and before they go to a new restaurant they read about it on the Internet – according to the joint survey of the Bónusz Brigád and GKI Digital on eating habits. More than half of the respondents like to try new flavors. Between the ages of 25-39, this rate is even higher, nearly 75 percent. Half of the respondents try the local characteristics, but only if there is no unusual raw material in it. (MTI)
The vast majority of Internet users said that Hungarian cuisine is their favorite and they intend to pay 2-5 thousand forints to try a new meal and before they go to a new restaurant they read about it on the Internet – according to the joint survey of the Bónusz Brigád and GKI Digital on eating habits.
More than half of the respondents like to try new flavors. Between the ages of 25-39, this rate is even higher, nearly 75 percent. Half of the respondents try the local characteristics, but only if there is no unusual raw material in it. (MTI)
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