Tamás Éder: now is the turning point in food prices

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 04. 12:50

Éder Tamás, the president of the Hungarian Meat Industry Association, the vice-president responsible for the food industry of the National Chamber of Agriculture, spoke about the possible future of food prices in Hungary in the InfoRádió Aréna program.

“I can reassure everyone who is worried that there is not an adequate amount and quality of food in the stores, how is it going? The Hungarian food industry is offering consumers a very wide repertoire of Easter preparations this year as well. Another issue is that the prices of the last year and a half -increased very significantly in two years. But let’s look at the root of this. Sometime in the second half of 2021, the world market prices of grains began to increase drastically. At that time, experts attributed the main factor to the increase in China’s hunger for fodder. We can go back another step, and the reason was that previously China’s pig population had to be drastically reduced due to the emergence of a very violent African swine fever virus. In a year and a half, a third of China’s population, forty percent, some analysts say that even fifty percent had to be slaughtered or died And if we start from the assumption that China had half of the world’s pig population”

– says Éder.