Sándor Czomba: in May 2024, the number of employed people increased by 36 thousand and the activity continued to expand

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 28. 09:01

Employment and the number of economically active people increased in parallel compared to the same period of the previous year, while the number of registered jobseekers is still at a low point, so the labor market results in May are favorable from several points of view – Sándor Czomba of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) evaluated the latest data in his statement on Friday ) State Secretary responsible for employment policy.

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of employed persons increased to 4.749 million in May 2024, i.e. 36 thousand more people worked than a year earlier.

The state secretary emphasized that activity is continuously expanding, i.e. people who were previously inactive are constantly appearing on the labor market, which is positive from the point of view of the economy, as it gives room for further growth of employment and economic performance. Compared to the previous month, however, there is a decrease in both the number and proportion of the unemployed, which is due to the fact that those entering the labor market can find a job almost immediately.
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