A decrease in Hungary’s living cattle imports

By: trademagazin Date: 2016. 07. 20. 11:16

The chain of stores in Hungary support the market access of the Hungarian producers, but in many cases they are forced to import foreign products, if domestic supply capacities are limited – that was the lesson of the poll of Magyar Nemzet, which was conducted among the big chain stores.


After the article appeared, several managing directors and owners of slaughterhouses indicated the newspaper that there are five such slaughterhouses in Hungary that would have the ability to fulfill domestic consumer demand. Zalaszentiván, Kalocsa, Jászszentandrás, Gyöngyös and Hajdúnánás have slaughterhouses that have the technical and logistical support necessary for goods supply security, and this will enable them to build long-term commercial relationships with the dominant participants of the Hungarian food market. (mno.hu)