
From 06.00 AM till 20.00 PM

György Molnár (35), chef of Hotel Hadik and a former member of the board of Étrend Magyar Konyhafőnökök Egyesülete had resigned from the board minutes before the annual meeting of...

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Talent in the bag

Yet another talented young chef has decided to leave after building up something. Roland Oláh has turned Café Erté into one of the best restaurants but is now leaving for...

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To feel the atmosphere!

Chefs from Villa Medici have recently attended a course held by Lea Linster. – This is an efficient way to develop – explains Judit Doktorits-Neubauer from Villa Medici. – We...

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More functions – in less space

Though VarioCooking Center® has been in existence for some years, it is just beginning to appear in Hungarian kitchens. The shortage of space is an eternal problem in restaurant kitchens....

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How many?

A new American web site (www.fatburgr.com) where the nutritional values of various dishes are listed should be a profitable enterprise. Displaying such information on menu cards is already mandatory in...

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Something for something

The grill season is at its peak. In the US, a whole industry has been built around the popularity of grilled meat. At the same time, an increasing proportion of...

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Global pioneers

Every year, several thousand new beverages –many of them spirits – appear on the shelves world-wide, including some really new products. Death’s Door, the first mass produced white whiskey is...

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One hotel – ten thousand suppliers

The majority of the suppliers of Fairmont Royal York hotel in Toronto supply honey, because they are bees. Three beehives have been installed on the roof. The project has several...

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“Joint” success

According to a survey by Magyar Bormarketing Kht and MT Zrt., 90 percent of the retailers and restaurant owners participating in the Wine Wednesday campaign would participate again. The six...

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Ice cream UFO

Russian scientists have worked out a special stabiliser which prevents ice cream from melting. The special ice cream which turns into a gel rather than melting upon being heated has...

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Four-star Castle Hotel in Szilvásvárad

The 59th Castle Hotel of Hungary opened its gates in Szilvásvárad, Heves County. The owners renovated the castle, by 1.5 billion HUF and developed a four-star, 45 room hotel, which...

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There are less domestic tourist in Western Transdanubia

According to theCentral Statistical Office, the Western Transdanubia commercial accommodation in the first four months of 2009 has been decreased by 2.7 percent less than a year earlier. The number...

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Danube Wine Garden opened

The Danube Wine Garden tourist visitor centre opened its gates and waiting its guests for three months. Danube Wine Garden will present the gene center of Hungarian viticulture, the Danube...

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Paris is the first, Budapest the 38th in the list of global cities

The 2009 Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands Index (CBI) report captures consumer perception of the image and reputation of 50 major cities worldwide – GfK Custom Research North America announced highlights...

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Four-star hotels in Zala, for 1.3 billion HUF

With EU-support, a new, 73-room, – 4 apartman hotel is being built in Zala, in Gelse. Total cost of the investment is 1.3 billion HUF. The four-star hotel is expected...

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Bad weather destroying bathing-possibilities at Lake Balaton

A good number of guests have not even turned up at their previously reserved accomodations due to the bad weather conditions at Lake Balaton. Wineries, restaurants and shops, on the...

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Volt and Balaton Sound may bring hundreds of millions for the budget

In spite of the recession, both festivals organized by Sziget Office are increasingly popular: the interest in Volt has not seen much of a decline, whereas Balaton Sound faces a...

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Hungarian beach-festival with special-offer tickets

One single special-offer ticket is valid for 9 days for 100 swimming-pools, aquaparks, beaches, thermal-and spa baths: the beach-festival organized by Hungarian Tourism Ltd. starts on 27th June and closes...

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Travel agency liquidated due to insolvence

MKEH, the office in charge of Hungarian commercial authorisations has legally cancelled the acivity of the travel agency called 5 Kontinens Travel Agency Ltd. – as announced on the official...

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Most of the Hungarians do not plan going on holiday longer than 5 days in a year

According to the National Media Analysis of GfK Hungária and Szonda Ipsos, 76 percent of the Hungarians stated that they did not have any holidays in the past year. The...

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Reduced VAT rate for the hotels

Since July, not 20, or 25 percent, but a reduced, 18 percent will be the commercial accommodation sales tax – said Kovács István Secretary-General of the Hotel Association of Hungary....

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Rearranging of the hotel market

The serious decline in the number of guests will result a serious rearrangement on the domestic hotel market. The three-or four-star hotels are likely to survive the crisis better, and...

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Renaissance experience estate is building in Barany county

The consortium and support contract of the Experience Tour of Baranya was signed in the Puchner Castle in Bikal. Comprehensive tourist development will be realized in four settlements of Baranya...

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Boosting tourism at the Lake Velence

The number of guests and overnight stays had been increased in the Central-Transdanubian region, in the first four months of this year. According to the datas of KSH, in the...

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The victory of Hungarian tourism in Korea

Hungary has won the “Best Tourism promotion” on the Seoul tourism exhibition. The Korea Tourism Association, decided Hungary to be the winner on the basis of the Hungarian stand and...

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Booming bicycle tourism around Lake Balaton

Bicycle tourism at Lake Balaton can break records this year. It is projected that traffic can increase with 40 percent. Meanwhile, the quality of bicycle paths is deteriorating. According to...

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The weekend of rural tourism

Rural tourism weekend (officially Homecoming weekend), will be held this year for the first time. Rural producers, suppliers can show their products among real farm environment on the expense of...

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Guest traffic decreased

According to Central Statistical Office the number of foreign and domestic visitors in 2009. January and in April decreased by 16, and 8 percentage points compared to the results of...

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Village Catering

The government allows privateers the ccommodation of tourists visiting the village. This activity is tax free, and can carry out without any skills or authorization. According to Sipos Jánosné the...

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Castle renovation with EU sources

The Andrássy Castle in Tiszadob can be renewed by EU support. The total amount of the priority investment project is 2.2 billion HUF, of which has a 1.7 billion HUF...

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