
Quitt Tours quits

Quitt Tours travel agency reported insolvency. The insurance of the company is assumed to ensure the bringing home of fifteen passengers from abroad, but unable to compensate all the claims....

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Three kinds of VAT rates in hotels

From now hotels can apply three kind of VAT rates, during the designation of the new reduced VAT rate. For spa massage zero, for the accommodation 18 percent, for purchasing...

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Two hotels of Budapest are on the top list

Two hotels in Budapest are on Travel + Leisure magazine's European hotel top list of this year. The Marriott Hotel became 3rd in the category of urban hotels over hundred...

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Baths join forces

The leaders of the baths of North and the South Plains, Transylvania and Vajdaság have signed a cooperation agreement. The objective is to get a greater slice from the European...

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Good tourists and bad tourists

In a survey made by the participation of 4500 hotel owners, the leaders of the accommodations prefers Japanese, British and German travelers. French considered the worst tourists of the world....

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Fare-paying beaches for a few hundred forints

One can find several free beaches by the shores of lake Balaton. But because of the built-up infrastructure fare-paying should not be neglected. According to Penzcentrum.hu it is not necessary...

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More than four billion HUF on the development of Balaton and its area

According to Suchman Tamás President of the Balaton Development Council, the attractiveness of the Balaton region tourism project will provide a 4.25 billion HUF support for the development of the...

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It is not worth to bring food to a Croatian holiday

Although this year, it has been allowed to bring food to Croatia, it is not worth to carry heavy loads of food because the prices are similar to the domestic...

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Guest traffic decreased

According to Central Statistical Office the number of foreign and domestic visitors in 2009. January and in May decreased by 16, and 9 percentage points compared to the results of...

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Hertelendy Castlehotel waiting sport aircrafts

A landing field was handed over during the weekend in the area of the Hertelendy Castlehotel, which can receive small sport aircrafts. The owners want to expand the range of...

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Spa and swimming pool in Martfű

The spa and swimming pool of the Martfű Health and Recreation Center was handed over with more than a 600 million HUF of investment. Toma Bau Ltd. spent 1.5 billion...

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Tourism development in the Zemplén from 1.6 billion forints

The Zemplén Project aims to increase tourist attraction, especially for the development of existing tourist attractions in the region of Sátoraljaújhely. Horváth Jenő consortium leader considers necessary the development of...

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The Ramsey restaurant chain's profit decreased by 87 percent

In 2008 the profit of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants have been decreased by 87 percent. The denominator star chef and his business partner father-in-law, supported the company with a total of...

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Balaton is our favourite place

Thirty-seven percent of the Hungarian population is planning a vacation this year.Three-fourth part of them will have a rest domestically, mostly at the Lake Balaton. Among the foreign destinations Croatia...

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French Restaurants Prepare for VAT Cut

French restaurants prepared to cut prices on meals and soft drinks ahead of a new lower sales tax rate that comes into effect on Wednesday after years of lobbying European...

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Discount VAT for the hotels

According to the communication of the Ministry of Finance, the VAT of accommodation services decreases to 18 percent but only after the VAT changes adopted on 29 June will enter...

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One million holiday vouchers in the first six months of 2009

In the first half of the year employers purchased holiday vouchers for 33 billion HUF and one million people received them – stated Kiss Péter Minister of Social Policy on...

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Hot meal vouchers – 25 percent tax is a partial success

Food Voucher Distribution Association (EUFE) reckons as a partial succes that the Parliament instead of the nearly 100 percent tax, voted for a rate of 25 percent for the hot...

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Alcohol banned in district XI

Once we have experienced the level of noise produced by the open air clubs located in the district, the argument used by the local government of district XI to justify...

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Franchise news

Chains under a franchise system One of the biggest problems Hungarian catering businesses are faced with is the supply of good quality materials. Two initiatives have been launched recently which...

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„Turning back the clock”

László Kovács, owner of La Fiesta Party Service had been chairman of the Restaurant Master Committee of MNGSZ for four years, but suspended his membership recently, following the annual meeting...

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From 06.00 AM till 20.00 PM

György Molnár (35), chef of Hotel Hadik and a former member of the board of Étrend Magyar Konyhafőnökök Egyesülete had resigned from the board minutes before the annual meeting of...

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Talent in the bag

Yet another talented young chef has decided to leave after building up something. Roland Oláh has turned Café Erté into one of the best restaurants but is now leaving for...

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To feel the atmosphere!

Chefs from Villa Medici have recently attended a course held by Lea Linster. – This is an efficient way to develop – explains Judit Doktorits-Neubauer from Villa Medici. – We...

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More functions – in less space

Though VarioCooking Center® has been in existence for some years, it is just beginning to appear in Hungarian kitchens. The shortage of space is an eternal problem in restaurant kitchens....

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How many?

A new American web site (www.fatburgr.com) where the nutritional values of various dishes are listed should be a profitable enterprise. Displaying such information on menu cards is already mandatory in...

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Something for something

The grill season is at its peak. In the US, a whole industry has been built around the popularity of grilled meat. At the same time, an increasing proportion of...

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Global pioneers

Every year, several thousand new beverages –many of them spirits – appear on the shelves world-wide, including some really new products. Death’s Door, the first mass produced white whiskey is...

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One hotel – ten thousand suppliers

The majority of the suppliers of Fairmont Royal York hotel in Toronto supply honey, because they are bees. Three beehives have been installed on the roof. The project has several...

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“Joint” success

According to a survey by Magyar Bormarketing Kht and MT Zrt., 90 percent of the retailers and restaurant owners participating in the Wine Wednesday campaign would participate again. The six...

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