
In a heated mood

Hungary’s changeable continental weather is not always favourable. At the same time, terraces are an important source of restaurateurs’ revenues, therefore they try to make the terrace season longer by...

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The practical and the special

Distributors of professional parasols are now not only protecting customers from sunshine and rain: some are equipped with infrared heaters. An open fire is quite a surprising way of heating...

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Foreigners spend more in Hungary, than Hungarians abroad

In the first half of 2009, the total foreign consumption was 544 billion HUF, 21 percent more than the same period of 2008. Hungarians visiting abroad, spent HUF 379 billion...

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Holiday checks made up 9 percent of the income of accommodations last year

Acording to Central Statistical Office, holiday checks were used in a value of more than 21 billion HUF at commercial accommodation last year. Fourteen billion HUF was recorded at the...

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Hospitality is a success story

In the accommodation and hospitality sector the total value of investments were 58.4 billion HUF in 2008. This is 10.9 percent more in volume than in the previous year, while...

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Hungarian tourism still functioning – said Secretary of State

According to Ujhelyi István Secretary of State in the Prime Minister's Office; the economic crisis put smaller negative impact on tourism than expected. Revenues reduce less than expected. Tourism is...

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Season at Lake Balaton finally started in August

According to the CEO of Balatontourist; there would be no complaint about this year's season at Lake Balaton. The next year looks even better if the Western tourists are returning....

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Sixty-six percent of the firms will give fringe benefits to the staff next year

The fringe benefits providing by the small and medium-sized enterprises has significantly reduced. More than one-third of the companies do not give fringe benefits in any way. Among the fringe...

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A loss in the second quarter of 2009 at the InterContinental

The British InterContinental Hotels Group reported a net loss of 56 million USD in the second quarter of this year, compared to the net profit of the one year earlier...

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BB Boglár Vintage Festival

This year, for the 33rd time, one of the country's largest outdoor events will be held. The BB Boglár Vintage Festival waiting its guests with four days of concerts and...

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Life at the Adriatic became more expensive

According to a Croatian media research; in the Southern-Slavic area, life is much more expensive than in Hungary, compared with the eight main food commodity prices. This year, much less...

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Cafeteria system still has sense

Next year the tax-free fringe benefits will reduce. But the cafeteria system in 2010 will have a number of potential benefits – states RSM DTM Hungary. According to the calculations...

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Hungarian tourism had a bad year

According to the informations of the Central Statistical Office; during the first half of 2009, 14 percent less than foreign tourists visited Hungary and the number of domestic visitors decreased...

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Reduction in the number of tourists and overnight stays in Croatia

According to the Croatian Statistical Office, in the first half of the year, 3.35 million tourists spent 12.7 million nights in Croatia. In June, the number of guests excessed 1.4...

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Slovakian tourism affected badly by euro

According to the participants of Slovak tourism and retail, the strong euro discourages the Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Russian tourists. In the first six months of the year retail and...

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A large decrease in traffic at the restaurants of Lake Balaton

The operators of the restaurants reported a 15-20 percent traffic decrease compared to the previous year, but there were operators who reported third less guest, than last year. On the...

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Terézváros – public support for longer opening hours

It seems that the majority of the citizens of Budapest opposes the restrictive regulation of the opening hours of restaurants, shops and clubs opening restrictive by the municipality of Terézváros....

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Finally main season started at Lake Balaton

Traffic is hectic at the lake, with weeks with full house follows by weeks with half house, but there are more guests, than a year ago. The 3 and 4...

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Pig cutting may be eliminated from 2010

The rural guests table providers would be ruined by the 2010 planned regulation of the government, which may virtually eliminate the traditional pig cutting. If the host kill his pig,...

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Hotel Narád of Mátraszentimre will be expanded

The expansion of Hotel Narád has been started June this year. The five-stairs, 34 room hotel will be transformed into a 54 room wellness hotel. A conference room of 166...

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Fewer guests at the time of the Hungarian Grand Prix

Following the trend of the previous years, this year foreign guests do not is swarming in the the host-industrial units at the time of the Hungarian Grand Prix – reported...

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The Mediterranean tourism performs poorly

Cyprus tourism revenue fell by 15.8 percent in the first six months of 2009. compared to last year’s same period and 10.8 percent fewer tourists arrived in the island. Less...

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More than one billion euros to develop tourism in Spain

The Spanish government has approved a 1.03 billion euros support to boost tourism, which is crucial for the whole Spanish economy. Tourism generates 11 percent of the Spanish domestic product...

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One million people received holiday checks this year

In the first six months of 2009 one million workers, and close relatives, received holiday pay check, with a total value of 33 billion HUF. This is about 30 percent...

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Balaton hosts are more disciplined than last year

According to the mid-term experiences of „Heat wave” 2 control action, the discipline of the hosts have significantly improved. The number of irregularities decreased by 33 percent. During the coordinated...

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Lake Velence – tourist bait auction

The Bál-Na Production Ltd. started an online auction to boost the guest traffic of the lake. On the auction one can bid for the products and services offered by thecompanies...

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Burgenland earmarks 2.5 million euros for tourism programs

The provincial government of Burgenland (Őrvidék) neighboring with Hungary has approved a plan for for six tourism program. From the amount, market work will be strengthened and infrastructure investment funds...

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Tihany legend – 820 million HUF development can be realized

The local government has been cherished “Tihany Legend” tourism development project for years now. The project become a reality with a 600 million HUF EU support. The project aims to...

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Hotel development slows down in the region

Two new hotels will open its gates in Budapest; the Expo Congress Hotel in Kőbánya and the Eurostars Hotel located at the First Site complex. However, not much can be...

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Travelers to the United States purchases nearly third of their money

According to Karen MacDonald, Communications Director of Taubman Centers shopping mall operator group, most of the foreigners visit to the United States for shopping and to try good restaurants. America...

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