
Self-promotion – in a short text message

Follow us now on Twitter! – we can read in numerous American and Western European magazines and on the websites of shops, businesses, restaurants and bars. What is this new,...

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Facing the challenge in New York – part 2

From July Roland Oláh, formerly the chef of Café Erte, tries his luck in the USA. He regularly reports to our magazine: “I have started my interim career in the...

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School cafeteria

In the United Kingdom, school cafeterias are on the frontline of fighting obesity. Parents often complain that are not informed about lunch menus. From September, Somerset County Council will use...

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Visible monitoring – without extra costs

Fino-Food Kft. uses CSB-System’s industry-specific software to control its business processes. The company’s manufacturing traditions go back as far as 120 years. In 1889, Antal Strausz started manufacturing cheese and...

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Twitter tips:

5-6 posts a day are enough; Make your posts personal; Ask for the opinions of your followers; Never advertise promotions using the same text; React to comments; Make special offers...

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There are numerous professions which require a characteristic personality and that of chef’s belongs to this category. What makes the best stand out? The funny guy Heston Blumenthal’s eyes are...

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Let’s heal the customer!

Modern diets do not heal by fasting, but by eating, Bars and restaurants could profit from this fact. In the new millennium health preserving diets focus on what one should...

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While its cousins, like paella are still something new for us, risotto has become trendy repeatedly. Its a universal dish, suitable for many branches of the catering business and can...

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We adore rice

Risotteria, where their special technolgy enables them to serve risotto from a selection of 42, within five minutes of getting the order. Rice to Riches is another restaurant in New...

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Rice can be prepared in a thousand colour and flavour versions. Olives or dried tomatoes can be added, or rice can be painted using ink from squids....

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Smoked cocktail

It is a rather original idea that already conquered a few big cities in the United States: bartenders add a smoke flavour to cocktails. The easiest way to do it...

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Gábor Buday on the renewal of Gundel

Danubius Hotels Nyrt. bought the remaining one third of Gundel Kft.’s ownership share from LL Partners, L.P. Both the management of Gundel Kft. and the restaurant remain unchanged. According to...

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May be we too will come out as winners?

Experts keep returning to the topic of climate change and its effect on wine regions and grape varieties. Péter Teszlák from the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology at the...

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Bocuse d’Or preliminaries

Competition details of Bocuse d’Or Hungary, the preliminaries for the world’s most prestigious chef contest, is now available in full at www.bocusedorhungary.hu.The winner of the Hungarian final (planned to be...

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Dandelion ale

New Belgium brewing company in Colorado started selling its Dandelion Ale this August. The new product was inspired by the great hop shortage of 2008. Brewers took advantage of the...

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Special wine-tasting event

Wine shop In Vino Veritas invited its partners to a special wine-tasting event. The company’s main profile is selling high quality Hungarian wines, but this time they invited the representatives...

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Coca-Cola of a hundred flavours

There are never too many varieties – this could have been the starting point for the American soft drink giant when they invented the Coca-Cola Freestyle vending machine, which offers...

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József Szántó passed away

József Szántó died in August, at the age of 52. The master chef, winner of numerous competitions, helped to start the careers of several young talents. His former apprentices will...

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Beer comes pouring

There used to be a time when people had to queue for beer on tap. Even today, often there is only one beer tap, so the customer sobers up by...

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A four-star hotel is building in Hódmezővásárhely

With a 1.3 billion HUF investment, a four-star hotel is building in the center of Hódmezővásárhely. The Ginkgo-Sas City Hotel is expected to open in August 2010. Schleiffer Ervin one...

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Accor hotel chain sells twelve thousand rooms

One of Europe's largest hotel company, the French Accor, sells its 158 hotels with 12,300 rooms to compatriot institutional investors, through OPCI real estate fund. The purchase price is 272...

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Sushi Sei expands further

The Sei Sushi restaurant operating in Hungary for 10 years now, expands its Budapest network with a new take-away bar. The new unit of the Japanese cuisine, which is among...

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Excellent Hungarian foods in the HORECA sector

Agrármarketing Centrum will organize the business meeting between the representatives of the companies with Excellent Hungarian Food trademark and between the decision-makers of the HORECA sector, on the 6th October....

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Weak performance for Budapest hotels in the region

According to CB Richard Ellis’ (CBRE), most recent analysis on the hotel market of Central and Eastern Europe; The occupancy of Budapest hotels decrased with 17.5 percent to 55.7 percent...

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Oktoberfest opened its gates

World’s largest festival the Oktoberfest opened its gates on the third Saturday of September in the presence of several thousand celebtrating crowd, mostly dressed in Bavarian costumes. This year's Oktoberfest...

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Budapest hotels drop behind

According to Smith Travel Research’s report; the crisis weakened Hungarian hotels more, than the hotels of other countries in the region. While Budapest’s, hotel occupancy (49.2 percent) decreased by more...

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Tourism exhibition in the West End

It is no longer apart of September, that Hungary’s colorful tourism do not appear at the Millennium roof garden in the WestEnd City Center. The 3rd Főszezon Domestic tourism exhibition,...

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Wellness hotel from a pension in Balassagyarmat

A three-star wellness hotel is building in Balassagyarmat with the extension of a pension. The project cost nearly half a billion HUF, with tender support. The 45 percent of the...

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Scandinavians love Budapest

The largest Swedish travel agency network, the Ticket, published the summer and autumn sales top lists of metropolitan destinations. According to the list, U.S. boomtowns have fallen, the winners are...

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Holiday checks are thirty percent more popular than last year

According to the most recent datas of the Hungarian National Holiday Foundation (MNÜA); the usage of holiday checks increased by more than 30 percent. This year, nearly one and a...

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