

Between 11 and 14 October Hoventa, the international hotel, restaurant, catering and gastro-technological trade exhibition is waiting for visitors at the Hungexpo fair centre with more programmes than ever before....

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Scandinavian reality show promotes the Lake Balaton

A Swedish and Norwegian reality show is under shooting for one month in the Northern uplands of Lake Balaton, until the end of September. The show entitled The Master of...

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SMEs are waiting with the a Széchenyi Rest Card

Fringe benefits continously play a major role in the business life, since the majority of the domestic SMEs will build them in their benefit system in the next year again...

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Sicily: retail and gastronomy done the Southern Italian way

I love to travel and this year my destination was Sicily. Italy is famous for flavours and food but Sicily is different: it is special, a bit wilder and more...

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The Oktoberfest has opened

The world's largest beer festival, the Oktoberfest has opened its gates in Munich on Saturday, in the presence of several thousand celebrating people dressed in Bavarian costumes. More than six...

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ÁNTSZ: public catering is not healthy enough

According to a research project carried out by the National Food and Nutrition Institute (OÉTI), only half of public caterers are able to offer the right amount of fresh vegetables,...

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The Castle Bath of Gyula expects improving results

In the first eight months of this year the Castle Bath of Gyula, majority owned by the government of Gyula reached a revenue 10 to 15 percent less, compared to...

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The Budapest Airport broke passenger record

Until the end of August this year, a total of 5.9 million passengers used the terminals of  the Budapest airport, of which 2,736,412 came during the summer months, four thousand...

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Development phase of New Széchenyi Plan project closes

3G Multimedia finishes the development phase of New Széchenyi Plan project, the company announced in a press release. The development of 3G Multimedia is the first product to hit the...

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Four-star hotel opens in Felsőtárkány

On Saturday the four-star superior rated Bambara Hotel, that belongs to the Shiraz group will open officially in Felsőtárkány. The 66-room West African type hotel was built from 2.2 billion...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card system to be extended next year

From the next year, the system of the Széchenyi Rest Card will be extended – said Matolcsy György Economy Minister on Tuesday. The minister announced that the proposal for the...

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The draft law on Tourism has been completed

The draft law on tourism and hospitality has been completed. It will be discussed by the parliament this fall – announced Matolcsy György National Economy Minister on Tuesday. According to...

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Hotel, office park and barter center will be built at the Liszt Ferenc airport

In the next 10-15 years, a 300 million euros (82.5 billion HUF) development can take place at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport, creating ten thousands new jobs. With the investment,...

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Community purchasing may increase the turnover of accomodiations

The community purchasing is the most effective marketing tool that – if used well and consciously – can significantly increase the number of guests and the hotels' reputation. Experience has...

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Twenty million visitors are expected for the European Heritage Days

Several thousands attractions and special programs of fifty countries, that can be rarely visited are waiting for the visitors at the series of events promoting cultural heritage in September. At...

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Domestic tourism performed weak in July

The number of overnight stays decreased by 5.9 percent, the total gross sales revenue declined by 3.8 percent in July compared to July 2010 at the public accommodations – reports...

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More Hungarian tourists in Croatia this year

Following the first two months of summer, August was another successful month for Croatian hotels when it comes to the number of Hungarian tourists – leader of the Croatian Tourism...

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The EU liberalization can benefit the Hungarian haelth tourism

The union will liberalize the health services of the members countries in 2013, so the patients in any EU country will be able to claim the same charge as their...

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New tender for the expansion of the Castle Bath of Gyula

The city of Gyula issued a new procurement procedure for the development of the Castle Bath majority-owned by the town of Gyula, because the last offer of the previous tender...

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Facing the challenge in New York – part 20

Roland Oláh earned himself a good reputation in Hungary and has been working in the United States for nearly two years. He regularly shares his experiences with our readers: ‘I...

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Colourful Harvest

A farmer in California, the founder of a company called Colourful Harvest, tried to make her little daughter like vegetables by breeding coloured corn. He experimented with 276 types of...

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They hardly speak about salt

There are now laws on fighting salt consumption in the US yet, but restaurant chains and independent restaurants have already started serving food with reduced salt content. Strangely, they do...

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Mom’s cooking…

… but wives or girlfriends do not have to compete with the unbeatable one, as this time we are talking about anyone’s mom. In richer parts of the world websites...

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First Minute trips are more and more popular

According to the survey of Central Europe's leading online travel agency, the Invia; the value of the online booked trips increased by nearly 20 percent between June and August this...

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BDO: coupon based distribution of accommodation offers may strike back

Community-based shopping sites offering various services enjoying their second bloom in Hungary, which offerrings now provide a variety of accommodation offers as well. Although through this channel a high number...

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Economist: Melbourne is the most livable city of the world

How livable a life of a city depends on many things,. For example on everyday quality of life, convenient access to services, or the urban areas' rich experiences. The Economist...

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Pizzeria on the Moon

The Japanese branch of the Domino pizza chain considers the construction of a Lunar pizzeria. Its main rival, the Pizza Hut has set the bar high in the competition with...

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Magazine: Who can live la dolce vita?

János Pataki, president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners hopes that the new catering and tourism act, which enters into force in 2012, will only allow those places to call...

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The Hungarian restaurant of Bejing is closing

After a brief hiatus, Beijing’s first Hungarian restaurant is closing for good. The restaurant was opened in May 2009, but owners found that it is not worth keeping up such...

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Orangeways opens a hotel in October

The second largest private bus company the Orangeways Zrt. starts a new strategy for the following years. One main element that they will open a hotel in October. It was...

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