
Sólyom Hungarian Airlines starting its operation soon

Sólyom (Falcon) Hungarian Airwaysis the name of the Hungarian Airlines, and it will already start to operate with in August 2013. If all plans work out the new airline can...

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The Zsóry bath in Mezőkövesd has received the Spa certification

The Zsóry bath of Mezőkövesd has received the Spa certification officially. The fact of the certification will bring benefits not only for the city and the facility, but also for...

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International tourisms sees a significant expansion

UNWTO Tourism Highlights presents a concise overview of international tourism in the world based on the results for the year 2012. The booklet includes: Key trends in international tourism in...

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Vienna is closing a record half-year

Despite the flagging economy and increasing concern over the Eurozone debt, Vienna’s tourism industry is booming. The results for the congress and conference sector in 2013 are every bit as...

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Bottles with a tie

Botskis, the creator of unique and fun-loving decorative accessories for gift-giving and home use, announced the availability of Botskis bottle ties – miniature-size neckties that increase the appeal and enhance...

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The Lake Balaton is showing its youthful face

The image of the Lake Balaton has improved and become more youthful in recent years. The high season has started last weekend, but outstanding growth in the number of guests...

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Might have inspired the game Fruitninja – Video of the day

Somebody call Herbie Hancock, because the real-life watermelon man is apparently stuck working in an industrial kitchen where he's forced to complete high-stakes fruit butchering challenges all day long. In...

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A woman went to the restaurant by horse

Customers and staff at a branch of McDonald’s in Greater Manchester were left stunned after a woman brought a horse inside the fast food restaurant and let it ‘do its...

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Wing without bones

Many people like chicken wings, and many others do not. In any case, chicken wings are enormously popular. Pierce Chicken, one of the largest suppliers specialising in chicken wings has...

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Csopak and Hévíz applies for Floral Prize

The jury of the European Floral Cities and Villages visited Hungary in the first half of the month. The professionals visited the two top rated predecessors of the 2012 Floral...

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Forint is underrated, according to Big Mac index

The Economist's so-called Big Mac Index got an update last week, with McDonald's signature burger serving as a rubric for the valuation of currency around the world. This year they...

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Big brother is watching (and giving you a coffee) – Video of the day

Today in marketing gimmicks/vending machine innovation: coffee company Douwe Egberts installed a vending machine in Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo International Airport that dispenses coffee when you yawn at it. The machine...

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Dinner at the statue of David for 20 thousand euros

With the country mired in debt, Italy's cultural budget has been slashed in recent years, spelling trouble for several historic sites. Many local politicians have turned to corporate sponsorships to...

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Magazine: A chef with two Bib Gourmand nominations in the 9th district

Petrus, the restaurant of a chef with two Bib Gourmand nominations, doesn’t follow any classic trend. The place offers a bit of Hungarian cuisine, a bit of French cuisine (technology...

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Costumers should pay for the tap water in more and more Viennese cafés

An increasing number of Viennese cafés and restaurants break the former practice and the tap water is served with charge to the customers. According to a compilation of media reports,...

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Tradition and Evolution chef competition coming soon

The cooking competition, named Tradition and Evolution, will organized again for the 5th time from 22nd to 29th September. The finals of the competition will be open to the public,...

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Magazine: The heaven of handmade beers

Élesztő takes the culture of beer consumption into another dimension. This place doesn’t simply follow trends but sets them: when completely ready it will seat 500 guests, there will be...

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How to produce for top-restaurants?

If you think it would be cool to be an artisanal farmer who grows mind-blowing ingredients for prominent chefs, your time has come. Now there’s a school that will teach...

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Unique food museums around the world are waiting for tourists

Some art is meant to be touched, but in the case of food museums, it's also meant to be tasted. This genre of museum can spotlight a specific food or...

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Business tourism dynamically grows in Kecskemét

The number of nights spent by foreigners increased significantly in Kecskemét between 2008 and 2012, thanks to business tourism – Szemereyné Pataki Klaudia (Fidesz), deputy mayor of Kecskemét told MTI....

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Magazin: What is on focus?

Borháló (Wine Network) is a franchise system, established with the goal of distributing high quality Hungarian bulk wine in Hungary and abroad. Currently there are already 11 standard-looking stores in...

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An offer for Michelin-star obsessed people

People with money to spend, take note: The British luxury retail siteVeryFirstTo is partnering with travel site HolidaysPlease in offering a travel package in which guests can visit every three...

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Domestic tourists spent less for accommodation in the second quarter

Domestic tourists spent three percent less for accommodations in Hungary in the second quarter, than in the same period of last year – show the latest statistics of Szallas.hu. According...

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Magazine: Women’s only!

Women-only club, Grace Belgravia opened in London this March. In the two-storey building there is a bar, a gym and a wellness section too. Men are only welcome on Tuesday,...

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Elegand deconstruction with Joachim Wissler

Schweinebraten, or roast pork, is the holy grail of German cuisine. Done right, it is a hearty mélange of sweet and savory, tender and crunchy, a perfect foil for side...

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Goats enticing guests to a nice place

Japanese cat and dog cafes — where guests can play with friendly animals while they drink their coffee — are already a thing, so one enterprising Tokyo cafe owner has...

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Magazine: Fast food in hotels

In many-star hotels of North America the new fashion is serving fast food to guest who are used to luxury eating. The new trend is probably the result of the...

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Exercise can help prevent brain damage linked to high alcohol intake

Aerobic exercise can help prevent and even reverse some brain damage linked to high alcohol intake, according to new research carried out at the University of Colorado Boulder. The finding,...

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Witty, trendy and environment-friendly VeuveClicqout packaging – Video of the day

Maison Veuve Clicquot has gone green with Naturally Clicquot, the first ever 100 per cent biodegradable isothermal bottle packaging designed by the trendy and eclectic Cedric Ragot. Naturally Clicquot is...

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Magazine: All that glitters is not gold…

Quiznos brand was established in 1978 and in 30 years it has become the 28th biggest restaurant chain in the USA. After its peak in 2008 (there were 5,000 units...

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