
Animals in the kitchen – Picture of the day

One way or another, they are everywhere!!...

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If you’ve grown out of Legos, but you still have homo ludens in you – Video of the day

The discovery and wonder of the year – at least for us – is the book nook: a magical little wonderland that can be placed between books, or more precisely,...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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MTÜ: more people spend the holiday weekend in hotels than last year

More people are spending the holiday weekend in hotels than last year, this year there were nearly 10 percent more bookings for a total of 213,000 guest nights, the Hungarian...

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The Gellért Hotel is reopened under the management of Mandarin Oriental

The Mandarin Oriental hotel chain, which operates internationally renowned high-end hotels, will operate the Gellért Hotel in Budapest, which is expected to reopen in 2027, the BDPST Group told MTI...

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What came first, the egg or the cameraman? – Video of the day

We’ve always loved eggs, but watching this movie made us think: why don’t we eat eggs all the time?...

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Beer by the meter – Picture of the day

In Komarno, the Christmas beer promotion is measured in meters! A few meters from the border…...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Do you want to save on the use of the refrigerator?

You can even start during the holidays with the help of NÉBIH: publication is available at maradeknelkul.hu....

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Serving lunch with some effort – Video of the day

Uniqueness and distinctiveness are important for any restaurant, but sometimes the effort leads to monstrous ideas! (Although we wouldn’t stand up in front of so many delicious sea scallops…)...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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In one year, the number of travel insurances taken out for winter sports increased by nearly 60 percent in January

Winter and the holiday season provide an excellent opportunity to travel with the family and indulge in our favorite winter sports, either at home or abroad, or just to escape...

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Confirmation of the evidence – Picture of the day

If there was a child who doesn’t eat ketchup or mayonnaise (but there are hardly any), maybe even he could be convinced with these packages....

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Another step towards sustainability: Hungarian households waste less and less food

We waste 24 kg of food per person every year, according to the fourth waste assessment of the No Leftovers program. The results of the survey, which took place in...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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They drew attention to International Tea Day with a glass of hot tea

The action called “A Cup of Love” was organized in the Santa Claus Factory in the capital and in several settlements of Balaton. In these places passers-by were offered a...

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The ibis & TRIBE Budapest Stadium hotel has opened

The ibis & TRIBE Budapest Stadium hotel has opened in Budapest in Ferencváros, which is the first hotel in Hungary of TRIBE, one of the fastest growing European hotel brands...

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Man in the machine age – Video of the day

The combination of human and machine power is the theme of most of the details of today’s film, clearly announcing the triumph of the former: it is more uplifting to...

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Santa also thinks about your Christmas party – Picture of the day

The most Christmassy “wine packaging” is not the least!...

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Középiskola felsőfokon

Szeptembertől Kis Zoltán MVI-alelnök lett a VIK Vendéglátó, Turisztikai, Szépészeti Baptista Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Gimnázium igazgatója – kollégánkat feladatairól, terveiről kérdeztük. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/12-01. lapszámában olvasható....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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MTÜ: traffic in rural spa towns is outstanding in winter

According to the November data of the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), this year the number of guest nights spent in spa towns exceeded the previous year by almost 10...

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Unicum Akusztik – Video of the day

Unicum Akusztik, the special musical project of the iconic brand, will debut this year in Advent. Unicum’s live session video filmed with the Bagossy Brothers Company presents a unique visual...

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Illustrated chef’s clothing: the professional and the funny – Picture of the day

During and after working hours…...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Fondü 1.0 – Picture of the day

The chocolate fondue mug from Swissmar (which, despite the name and the appearance of the object shown in our picture, is not Swiss and not a chocolate company) is simple,...

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300-year-old advice: post a picture of your food before eating! – Video of the day

Természetesen a mai divat karikírozásáról szól a film, és persze egy reklámfilmről van szó. De az ötlet kreatív!...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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The protagonist of the tale: whiskey – Video of the day

We recently showed you a fascinating whiskey advent calendar< /a>; maybe we searched too much for pictures and details, because an internet algorithm shared the video of the calendar with...

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