
Peak performance in wholesale

On 8 November METRO Wholesale held its traditional annual partner conference for its key suppliers. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 As in previous years, the...

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Offensive food processor – Video of the day

What would it be like when AI and robotics collide with emotional intelligence? Maybe the sketch creator’s fears are also included in the “cabaret scene”....

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Sustainability presentation the Italian way – Picture of the day

Advertising (tool), the message of which is very clear: the pop-up showcase of Caffé Vergnano presented here in December also wittily conveys: the brand’s capsules are compostable....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Mindenhol vegán!

A húsmentes vagy teljes mértékben növényi alapú ételek egyre több kiszállítással is foglalkozó vendéglátóhely kínálatában megtalálhatóak, ezért a Nébih szakemberei novemberben házhoz szállított vegán készételeket vizsgáltak. A cikk a Trade...

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Vienna Airport achieved the second highest traffic in its history last year

Last year, Vienna Airport achieved the second highest traffic in its history with a 24.7 percent increase in passenger traffic compared to the previous year, handling 29.5 million passengers, Julian...

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I bring fire, I bring flame – Picture of the day

If we hadn’t seen so many American movies in which people warm their hands over a fire in large metal barrels, we wouldn’t really understand these funky barrel-shaped fire pits....

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Apple Sci-Fi – Video of the Day

This apple-picking machine could have escaped from 2044 at some point!...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Tourist agency: SZÉP card spending reached a peak

Spending on the SZÉP card peaked in 2023, the currency remains the engine of domestic tourism, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information, SZÉP...

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A sör és a digitális kioszk

Közép-Európa, tradíciók ápolása, fejlődés: könnyű kitalálni, Csehországban vagyunk (pedig a sört még nem is mondtuk!). Képünk a prágai Dva Kohouti söröző taproomjának (olyan, mint a söntés, csak asztalokkal, ülőhelyekkel) bejáratánál készült....

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Wizz Air restarts its flight between Budapest and Tel Aviv

Wizz Air will restart its flights between Budapest and Tel Aviv in March, the airline announced on Wednesday. In the announcement sent to MTI, it is explained that from March...

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A chef’s life, a pearl’s life… – Picture of

According to the posts of the American Proud to be a Chef group on Facebook, colleagues from overseas feel that their work is very hard....

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This is how to make a trailer for a gastronomic film series – Video of the day

We are attracted to spicy food (the gastro series Heat Eaters, presented on YouTube, is about such things), but that is not why we like this movie recommendation, but because...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Travel agencies are expecting another record year

The general meeting of the Association of Hungarian Travel Agencies (MUISZ) began in this year’s destination, Rász el-Haima, with nearly sixty participants. The invited guests could listen to a meaningful...

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UNO by Real Madrid

Étteremlánc is erősíti a Real Madrid márkát a jövőben, amelynek első üzlete Mexikóvárosban nyílt októberben. Az alapítók, a Real Madrid és a Grupo San Pablo spanyol ingatlancsoport, innovatív gyorséttermi koncepcióval kívánják...

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Successful, but not so successful

Mobile food sales continue to be a successful branch of gastronomy: the Food Truck Show (FTS) was invited to 40% more venues and events in 2023. This article is available...

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The Wookiest Vending Machine We’ve Ever Seen – Picture of the Day

Serious added value: a coin, a toy, a sugar! This is how homo ludens get fat…...

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If you need a minute of relaxation – Video of the day

Watching ice cream melt can be a daily Zen practice…...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Korán kezdik

Az ország 150 általános iskolájából közel 400 csapat indult el a Magyar Dietetikusok Országos Szövetségének Tudáspróbáján, ahol a hatodikos-hetedikes diákok az egészséges táplálkozásról szerzett ismereteikről adtak számot. A cikk a...

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See and eat Naples – Video of the day

The giant Neapolitan sandwich is made with stracciatella buffalo cheese, tarallo pretzel crumbs, marinated ham and lots and lots of sun-dried tomatoes. Simple, isn’t it? Click on the picture for...

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Whiskey at the top – Picture of the day

At the top and above: the base of the premium bourbon glass is shaped like Mount Everest. We don’t want to see more than that (maybe after the third glass...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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The most successful billionaire Hungarian enterprises

Fixed stars and new-wave claimants: how did a small garage company become a billion-dollar enterprise? The book Most Successful Hungarian Enterprises has been published, which deals with nearly 50 inspiring...

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Signs the McDonald’s way – Image of the day

One very intelligent and one very creative – the first in the patina of an old street in Salzburg, the second in the Canary Islands....

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Mixed fruit, but not preserves (and not brandy), what is it? – Video of the day

It is a traditional Indian way of making ice cream....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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At the end of the year, accommodation turnover was more than a fifth higher

In the last days of the new year, tourism grew strongly, so the turnover of accommodation was at a higher level than previously expected. At Christmas, the number of guest...

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