Market News

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reaffirmed the safety of aspartame

The International Sweeteners Association ( ISA) welcomes the opinion of the EFSA which again confirmed that the consumption of aspartame is safe. EFSA's scientific experts thoroughly re- examined all available...

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Fish consumption increased by one fifth

As the result of the ministry’s marketing campaign, fish consumption has increased considerably this year with about 20 percent in Hungary – Fazekas Sándor Minister for Rural Development told on...

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Cash registers are needed in 1000 tobacco shops as well

The Minister for National Development wrote a tender out for the concession of 992 tobacco shops on 18 December. These concessions were freed because the owner has not started sales...

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October trade surplus surpassed the analysts' expectations

Merchandise exports increased by 4.7, while imports increased by 2.7 percent in euros in October 2013, compared to October 2012 – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Monday. The...

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Conscious buyers do not go to the store when hungry

According to a statistic, carried out a few years ago, in Hungary, the population spent an average of 160 thousand HUF on food per year of which a significant portion...

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E-tolls: post payment option

The National Toll Payment Service Provider (NÚSZ) Ltd. introduces a toll payment option after usage for stable business enterprises – Head of Communications of NÚSZ informed MTI on Friday. The...

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The October inflation rate was 0.9 percent

In October 2013 consumer prices were 0.9 percent higher than one year ago. In comparison with September 2013 consumer prices rose 0.3 percent on average. Groceries cost 0.1 percent more...

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Brand evolution on a higher level (part 5)

Last time we discussed the ConX indicator, which not only examines how consumers remember messages but also the intensity of their experiences and the impressions they create. Why do we...

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The National Food Chain Safety Strategy doesn’t only protect the consumer

After a long preparation period the Ministry of Rural Development and the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) concluded work on the National Food Chain Safety Strategy. The framework programme...

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Index: that is how the cash register exchange was delayed

The Index site has created a summary analysis about why and how the cash register exchange was conducted this year. According to the analysis, the current deadline cannot be completed,...

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Hungary remains GMO-free

Hungary will continue to be free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the zero tolerance will be maintained in this regard, since – Budai Gyula, Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Local food products are becoming more and more popular

The local food products are more and more popular. Their proportion within consumption increased to 8-12 percent from the previous 6-8 percent to in the the consumption – Tóth Katalin...

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The whole of Europe is studying the Hungarian cash registers

Hungarians are carrying out Europe's most radical cash register exchange, but the series of delay is not caused by the size of the task, but rather by the opposite lobbying....

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Szintézis: Cash registers still in december!

This week, a total of 5 thousand Novatek cash-registers have arrived under the number A016, so next week the registers will be sent to their owners. Of course, those who...

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Be careful with the fish! The unwritten rules of buying fish

Fish is part of the Christmas menu at most of the families. Here are some tips you definitely want to consider! The majority of the frozen fish in the stores...

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Workania: two-thirds of the workers are paid below the national average

Two-thirds of the workers earn a gross 190 thousand HUF a month, 18 percent less, than the national gross average of 225 thousand HUF –’s latest survey reveals. The...

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A market hall is under construction in the market of Gyula

A market hall is under construction in the market of Gyula with a 48 million HUF development. The municipality has applied successfully for the Ministry of Rural Development’s, farm development...

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We prepare for convenient Christmas via online stores

As Christmas approaches, we do not want to spend our time in queues: in addition to the malls we storm the webstores for Christmas presents. According to the datas of...

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Hungarian agricultural exports to Germany may break a record

The Hungarian agricultural exports to Germany and Hungary’s agri-trade surplus may rise to heights never seen before. According to the statistics of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI), agricultural exports...

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Pharmacists do not have medication against online cash registers

The pharmacists chamber was protesting in vain, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) did not gave exemption under the use of online cash registers. About 350-400 pharmacies out of the...

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Manufacturing industry expansion continues

On the basis of the recent Business Flash Report of the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and Material Management Association (MLBKT) the manufacturing companies continue to evaluate the market favorable, and most...

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Retail sales declined in the EU and in the euro zone on a monthly basis

Retail sales declined in the European Union by 0.4 percent and in the Euro Zone by 0.2 percent in October, compared with the previous month. Compared with October 2012, retail...

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Chestnut counterfeiters were found

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) ordered the immediate withdrawals of 14 products of two large chestnut producers on Thursday. The laboratory tests found that 11 items contained rice...

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Analysts: retail datas are reflecting improving consumer confidence

According the analyst of the Savings Bank, the fresh retail datas show improving consumer confidence. The analysts of the NGM has a similar view, while the analyst of the ING...

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KSH: the volume of retail sales increased by 2.5 percent in October

According to the flash estimate of KSH, the calendar-adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 2.5 percent in October this year, compared to the same period of 2012 -the Central...

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Magazine: More than a thousand items in Christmas gift packs

In November-December 2012 consumers spent nearly HUF 3.5 billion on about 2 million gift packs. In terms of value 3 percent less was spent than in the same period of...

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The milk and milk products consumption of the Hungarian adult population from the perspective of science and the consumers

We were taught in our childhood that milk is life, strength and health, because it is rich in vitamins and mineral sources, is also the most important source of calcium...

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The Tokaji Aszú and the Tokaj-hegyalja wine region received Hungarikum awards

The Tokaji Aszú and the Tokaj-hegyalja Historic wine region received Hungarikum awards on Tuesday – Prácser Miklós, Mountain Village President of the Tokaj wine region and Szakál Zoltán, leader of...

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The NAK and the Magosz initiated law amendments in favor of the small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises

The law amendments were submitted by Győrffy Balázs, the president of NAK, Jakab István, the president of the MAGOSZ and Budai Gyula, Parliamentary Minister of State and federal director of...

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Household chemicals and cosmetics: 260 billion HUF turnover in January-October

Retail sold more than 260 billion HUF worth household chemicals and cosmetics in the January-October period this year, 2 percent more than in the same period of 2012. In terms...

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