Market News

Pálinka consumption is safe: only a few irregularities

Objections incurred in connection with the pálinkas in only 7 percent of the products at the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). Therefore this hungaricum is safe...

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The manufacturers have paid more than 44 billion HUF of Neta until now

The manufacturers have paid more than 44 billion HUF of public health product tax (Neta) since its introduction – Világgazdaság Online wrote. According to the datas of the Customs and...

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MLBKT: BMI is over a three year average

In February, the seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers' Index was 54.3 points, higher than the February 53.4 points average of the past three years, but 3.5 percentage points lower than exceptionally...

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Legal proceedings started in the Czech methyl alcohol poisoning case

The accusees of the Czech methyl alcohol poisoning case, can expect even a life-long imprisonment. The lawsuits began on Monday in Zlín, Moravia. In the much anticipated lawsuit, a total...

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GKI: Appearance and reality

In spite of the optimism prevalent among Hungarian economic actors not seen for a decade, the improvement in the economy is only temporary. Although economic policy influenced by the elections...

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Agricultural production prices dropped 13.2 percent in December

In December 2013 agricultural production prices dropped 13.2 percent from the level of December 2012. The price of vegetable products became 20.1 percent lower, but the price of livestock/products of...

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December’s retail volume sales were up 1.8 percent

In December 2013 retail volume sales are estimated to have expanded by 1.8 percent from the level of December 2012. In grocery and grocery-type retail volume sales were up 0.4...

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Hungarian yoghurt loses market

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that last year the average live weight production price of broiler chicken was HUF...

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Newspaper vendors lost one third of their revenues, due to the system of tobacco stores

According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), retail spendings have increased, but recovery still cannot be felt. Newspaper vendors lost one third of their revenues, due to...

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Grace period for those who are using billing programs

Those entrepreneurs who opted to use billing programs and acted pursuant to their billing obligations, will be given a grace period – Pankucsi Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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VM: more than half a million children can regularly eat fruit in schools

In the scope of the School Fruit Scheme, 538 thousand children receive at least two kinds of fruits at least two times a week – the Ministry of Rural Development...

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Slovaks purchase more in Hungary, due to the weak forint

Shopping tourism is booming again in the settlements near the Slovakian border. Experience has shown that Slovaks are purchasing even the most basic food products in Győr and in Komárom....

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The European Court of Justice will decide soon about free pálinka distilling

The European Court of Justice may decide even in March or April about free pálinka distilling. While the European Court of Justice examines the domestic regulations, the finance officers are...

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Cigarette smoking has decreased in France, thanks to the spread of electronic cigarettes

Cigarette smoking has decreased in France, thanks to the spread of electronic cigarettes and also less was sold of cessation medicinal products in 2013 – the Observatory Institute of Drugs...

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Magazin: Changes in the financial sector

Data from Cé ( reveals that Hungarian companies opened almost 660,000 bank accounts in the last five years. More than 93 percent of these are with the twelve biggest banks...

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The Foundation of the Hungarian – Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Budapest

On 26 February 2014, took place the first meeting of the Board of Directors and Founding Members of the Hungarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RoCham). The meeting followed the...

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Increasing retail revenues from food, household chemicals and cosmetics

The revenue of food retail in Hungary rose by 0.4 percent in the food household chemicals and cosmetics categories in the fourth quarter, compared to the comparable period of 2012....

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News flash: The new support deadline for the cash register victims is 30 April

The government extended the support deadline for those entrepreneurs, who were not able to acquire a cash register, due to frauds or due to withdrawn cash register types. The extension...

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A significant increase in the support of the grape and wine industry

The support of the grape and wine industry increases significantly. While in 2012/2013 it was 6.5 billion HUF, in the next five years it will amount to 29 million euros,...

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Privacy Policy Commando at the e-commerce companies

The Direct and Interactive Marketing Association (DIMSZ) held a Privacy Policy Commando in the scope of the Dear Customer Programme. The targets of the raid were those web interfaces that...

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Russia can withdraw the import ban on Hungarian pork in mid-March

Russia is expected to withdraw the import ban on Hungarian live pigs, pork and pork products in mid-March – Kardeván Endre told MTI on Wednesday. The Minister of State of...

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Vámos György would extend the deadline

The deadline for the 50 thousand HUF support of cash registers expires tomorrow. Tens of thousands of retailers can suffer, since only about 50 thousand pieces of online cash machines...

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The two-third of the service centers is planning an expansion

The two-third of the service centers operating in Hungary is planning an expansion. Most of the companies believe that the skilled workforce is the country's greatest strength – EY’s National...

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Positive lifestyle changes reduce diabetes risk

Multiple lifestyle factors such as obesity and alcohol consumption increase a person’s risk of diabetes. But new research suggests that a person’s odds of developing the disease may decrease for...

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KSH: consumption continued to recover in December

The sales of retail networks as well as the mail order and internet sales were 2.3 percent higher in December last year, than a year earlier – the Central Statistics...

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GfK: one in four Hungarians have loans

One in four Hungarians have loans, but only 11 percent of the Hungarian population had bank savings last year – GfK Market Researcher Institute’s survey found out. According to GfK’s...

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Eight hundred thousand species of plants are kept in the global granary

In the Global granary, that is the largest such institution and can be found in Svalbard, more than eight hundred thousand species of plant seeds are stored. More than twenty...

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The conversion of large cash registers is in a good progress

The pace of progress is good, the cash registers are uploaded continuously to the server of NAV, but the complete transition may last until mid-2014. In case of PC systems;...

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Hungary against GM soy

Hungary will take measures in order to supress genetically modified (GM) soy and to decrease import dependence on the soybean market – Feldman Zsolt said at a professional meeting in...

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Bread without crust was developed in Germany

The bread is made of the mixture of rye and wheat. The soft-edged bread provides a great help for the elder, or for those who are suffering from feeding and...

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