Market News

GKI: Further improving consumer expectations, business expectations unaltered

In the first quarter of 2014 last year’s soaring of the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects slowed down. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with...

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‘Tobacco shop – with a view?’

Rolling tobacco and lower-category cigarillo continue to gain ground in the market. This trend results in significant profit margin loss in tobacco product retail. If we examine price ratios per...

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Nielsen: the consumer confidence index was not this high since 2010

The Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index has reached a record level in the last period in Hungary. During the first quarter survey of this year the Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index rose...

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Improved results during the spring seasonal checks

During the spring seasonal checks, the food chain surveillance authority was focusing on products appropriate to the culinary traditions. During the spring seasonal checks, the food chain surveillance authority (Nébih)...

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22 to 25 thousand tons of honey is produced every year in Hungary

In Hungary, an average of 22 to 25 thousand tons of honey is produced each year – Mészáros József, managing director of the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) told MTI...

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Magazine: Private label products: changing strategies, growing market

According to the 2013 edition of Euromonitor’s Global Consumer Trends survey, 89 percent of consumers regularly put private label products in their basket. In the last 12 months 56 percent...

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Last year, the stores in Pozsony gave half of the retail sales in Slovakia

Last year, the stores in Pozsony gave 47 percent of the retail sales in Slovakia – the analysis of the Poštová Banka shows, which was sent to MTI on Wednesday....

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The NAV seized more than 37 thousand packs of cigarettes near Tiszabecs

More than 37 thousand packs of Ukrainian cigarettes were seized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) in the region of Tiszabecs – was writen on the organization's Facebook...

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4th GfK Day: e-consumers in focus

On 20 February GfK Day was organised for the fourth time, this time giving an insight into the most typical e-consumption habits, with the participation of more than 60 Hungarian...

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Investing in the medicinal herb sector

The Ministry of Rural Development signed a strategic agreement with the representatives of the medicinal herb sector. In Hungary about 5,000 people collect 110-120 medicinal herb varieties. 25 companies grow...

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2.5 billion forints for farmhouse development

Nearly 1,000 applications were sent in for funding from the farmhouse development programme and from these 778 were eligible for support. 529 plans won various sums: HUF 1.5 billon was...

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Action plan to popularise organic farming

The Minister of Rural Development approved the action plan to develop organic farming in Hungary on government level. By 2020 the new plan wishes to increase the size of land...

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GfK: mainly women and young people are visiting the malls

On the basis of GfK’s analysis the visitors of the domestic shopping centers can be characterized well, considering the fact that most of them return. The guests of the plazas...

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The system of the shelf money remains in larger retail stores

The system of the shelf money remains in larger retail stores but it will be called differently – the National Food Chain Safety Office announced. In addition the ratio of...

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The mounting of the Hungarian-developed online cash registers has started in Budaörs

The mounting of the Hungarian-developed CashCube online cash register family has started in the new Budaörs-based production hall of the Tekinvest Holding Kft. and the LA Pénztárgép Kft.. Temesfői Zsolt,...

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The food banks are saving the food surplus for thirty years in Europe

“I'm hungry” was the title of the newspaper article, which appeared in the French La Croix newspaper on 13 March 1984. The article discussed the sad fact that the number...

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Biogas plant to be built in Balassagyarmat

The Sinergy Kft. builds a biogas plant in Balassagyarmat in the scope of a nearly one and a half billion HUF investment. The biogas plant will ensure the cheap heating...

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GKI: Optimism in the real estate market

GKI conducts real estate surveys twice a year in order to assess plans, intentions and prospects of market players (realtors, developers, operators, households and companies) for the next one year....

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NGM : The 30 April deadline will not be extended

So far tens of thousands of traders have not installed the online cash registers, even though the final deadline expires on Wednesday. The National Retail Federation would like to achive...

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So far, nearly 85 thousand online cash registers were installed

So far, the traders have installed nearly 85 thousand online cash registers – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI. According to the current rules, the customers of the...

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The Hungarian computer market’s annual revenue was close to 100 billion HUF

Last year, the computer sales overall rose by a third, compared to 2012. The turnover was close to 100 billion HUF – the, one of the largest computer distributor...

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Japanese bought everything before the VAT increase

Japanese retail sales in March grew at a rate has not seen in 17 years, because the customers stormed the store befaore the 1 April increase of the VAT. Japanese...

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Pizza ice cream, Coke jam and romantic rice (Part 4)

Research institute Innova Market Insight gave a presentation at Anuga about major trends: 1. Increasingly critical consumer – simple communication becomes important in order to avoid misunderstandings, and manufacturers try...

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Trends in packaging design

A survey conducted by prestigious packaging design website collected what they think the major trends in packaging design would be in 2014. Some of them might be debated, but...

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OKSZ: many traders cannot install their online cash registers until 30 April

The deadline for those traders, who claimed state support to change their cash registers will be expired next Wednesday on 30 April. Despite the close deadline, the number of those...

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OMSZ: more drought summers and wetter winters to come

In Hungary, we can expect more droughts in the summer and wetter winters in the future and the intensity of extreme weather events could be higher – Radics Kornélia the...

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MLSZKSZ: 67 billion HUF development in the logistics industry over seven years

The Hungarian Association of Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ) in connection with its new seven-year EU budget cycle, declared its new guidelines of the use of resources in Hungary, which focuses...

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More simply below a hundred million

In the future applications for funding below a value of HUF 100 million will be accessible more simply through the system of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). NAK president...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 6.7 percent in February

According to the calendar adjusted datas retail sales were 6.7 percent higher in February 2014, than in February 2013 – he Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday, on the...

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The mall stop can interfere with the EU regulations

The European Commission initated an infringement proceeding against Hungary last week, due to the mall stop – can be read on the wbsite of the European Commission. Last Wednesday the...

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