Market News

The tobacconists consider to form a class action

Those tobacconists that were forced to move to an another location, due to a new regulation are considering to form a class action – Magyar Nemzet wrote. Those tobacco shops...

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NAV: tobacconists can not open their tobacco shops at gas stations and the malls from 31 May

From 31 May National Tobacco Shops cannot be opened at gas stations and in the shopping centers, which operates larger than 2,500 square meters of retail space – according to...

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The OKSZ requests unified judging from the government

Those who were not able to install their online cash registers in time, due to the fault of the dealer will receive the 50 thousand HUF state support on the...

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The NFH created a Consumer Protection Application

By using the application of the Consumer Protection Authority, the customers can find immediate informations about expired or harmful food products – the Consumer Protection Authority (NFH)told MTI on Thursday....

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Sales exceed 55 billion forints a year

Carbonated soft drinks’ retail value sales were down 2 percent in the February 2013-January 2014 period if compared with twelve months earlier, while the Nielsen Retail Index registered minus 5...

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Less egg, lower price

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s (AKI) market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that in Hungary volume sales of M and L sized eggs dropped 13 percent on weeks...

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The domestic cantaloupe melon season starts in early June

The domestic melon season starts with the cantaloupe melon. During the first week of June, it can be purchased in commercial quantities in the markets – cantaloupe melon president of...

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The Hungarian livestock breeding is stagnating

Despite the supports of the European Union and Hungary, the livestock breeding is stagnating, and certain sectors are shrinking – the chairman of the of the Hungarian Association of Animal...

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A record crop may be harvested this year in the country’s cherry garden

Thanks to the favorable weather, a better than average harvest – both in terms of quality and quantity – in Nagykörű, Szolnok county, that is also called the cherry garden...

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A hundred hectares of vines were damaged by hail in the Tokaj-Hegyalja region

The hail damaged a hundred hectares of vines on Tuesday afternoon in the Tokaj-Hegyalja region. The damages can cost several tens of million HUFs to the farmers – Csoma Ernő,...

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The 401-2,500m² retail channel is the most important

Processed meat is the highest-turnover category from the 90 food products audited by Nielsen. Between March 2013 and February 2014 sales reached the HUF 235 billion level. BOLOGNA: sales valued...

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KSH: retail sales continued to accelerate

In March, retail sales adjusted by the calendar effect increased by 8.5 percent compared to a year before. According to the seasonally adjusted and raw datas, the increase was 6.4...

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Online Cash Registers: 100 million HUF fines 10 closed stores due to omissions

Problems were found at more than one tenth of the tested stores when the staff of the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) carried out targeted checks in connection with...

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GfK: the consumption indicators of people over fifty are notable

The group of people over fifty is representing an imcreasing ratio within the ever-shrinking population, so their consumption habits are non-negligible. This age group is economically active, its financial position...

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VHT: The High Quality Pork (KMS) trade mark is the peak of quality assurance

In recent days and weeks you could meet the Best Quality Hungarian Pork label on many billboards and at tasting in stores. The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing...

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How women are depicted in TV commercials

We love caring, versatile and suitable for the age women in the commercials – NRC market researcher’s survey shows. The survey was conducted among 18 to 59 year-olds watching TV...

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The funding of the domestic innovative businesses to be expanded with South Korean sources

Today, the Chairman of the National Innovation Office and the President and CEO of the KDB Bank Európa Zrt. signed a memorandum of cooperation under which the two institutions express...

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Intrapreneurs innovate in the ranks of the company

Intrapreneurs are company employees who act as entrepreneurs in the organisation and manage their own projects, the goal of which is to come up with new ideas that can be...

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Laurel installed the cash registers into nearly one thousand tobacco shops

The Laurel has finished the task to connect cash registers to the server of NAV. The Laurel Group installed the cash registers into nearly one thousand tobacco shops. Laurel Group’s...

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Nébih: the filing deadline of the food chain supervision fee is the end of May

The filing deadline of the food chain supervision fee is 31 May – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday. According to the notice, the payment...

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Loyalty programmes for all target groups

TCC (The Continuity Company AG) organised its International Marketing Forum for the 13th time, where participants gathered from all over the world, including the representatives of 155 retail chains. The...

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Metsä Board – packaging, from the forest to recycling

One of the world’s biggest forest management companies, the Metsä Group’s packaging material manufacturer Metsä Board realised EUR 2 billion sales in 2013. They employ 3,100 people in 9 production...

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GKI: In May, economic expectations decreased to the level at the begin-ning of the year

After one and a half years of spectacular rise, the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects decreased slightly in May.According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI  both...

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Nielsen: food and household retail grew again

After two years of decline, the food and household retail sales increased again in Hungary; During the first quarter of this year, the stores sold 1.6 percent more goods than...

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280 billion HUF in revenue at the meat companies that are concerned in the Russian meat ban

In 2012, the total revenues of the 14 Hungarian meat companies that do not export their products to Russia since May 14 is 1 percent of the Hungarian gross domestic...

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The storm damage of autumn-sown cereals to be assessed

The damages in autumn-sown cereals caused by the stormy weather are being assessed in recent days – the President of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on...

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Mazars: the Hungarian wages are in the regional Top 3 with three children

According to the research of Mazars by considering the burden on labor Hungary’s competitive position remains unfavorable, but with three children, the Hungarian wages are in the regional Top 3....

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Hungary fulfills 90 percent of the world’s chamomile demand

Hungary produces about one ton of chamomile oil with a drug content of the strongest in the world, so 90 percent of the global demand is satisfied by Hungary. The...

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Nébih: four million HUF fine for turkey forgery

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found only small amount or insignificant quantities of turkey meat in eight kind of turkey products of a Hungarian food producer. The products...

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With cartonboard packaging for sustainability

Cartonboard is not only light and easy to print on but is a sustainable packaging material as well, since it keeps getting lighter but at the same time more reliable:...

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