Market News

KKM: Hungary to receive 20.56 billion euros cohesion fundings between 2014 and 2020

In the current EU budget period, between 2014 and 2020, the total cohesion fundings for Hungary is 20.56 billion euros (approximately 6,385 billion HUF) – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

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Kopint-Tárki: economic growth will be around an annual 3.5 percent this year

The experts of the Kopint-Tárki Business Climate Research Institute say that the Hungarian economy will expand by about 3.5 percent this year and 2.7 percent next year. The Institute’s projection...

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Fruit and vegetable consumption promotional program started in Northern Hungary

The EU program promotes the consumption of fruit and vegetables, which offers cooking and nutrition advices in Poland and in two regions of Hungary in Northern Hungary and in the...

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Pankucsi: new methods against VAT frauds, aeven after the cash register replacement

The government may take further measures to fight against VAT frauds. According to the Deputy Minister of State for tax, the exploitation of electronic options can help a lot. Pankucsi...

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A compass to white wines

The Ministry of Agriculture has published the White Wine excellences publication for the second time, which presents Hungary’s white wines in an exclusive form. Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture highlighted...

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Increasing amount of smuggled foods in Russia

Following the import ban, the amount of food products smuggled from the EU via Belarus to Russia has increased – the Austrian ORF TV channel reports. According to the Russian...

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Lower grape yields, lower prices at the Szekszárd wine region

Experts expect lower quality and less grape harvest at the Szekszárd wine region than in previous years, where the harvest of Gamay has been started recent days. According to winemakers...

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Closer to Africa

nnovation for Africa is a programme organised by the Foundation for Africa and INNOVATIO Management Kft., the goal of which is to lay the groundwork for mutually beneficial and sustainable...

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Hungary’s first trading house in Africa opens in Ghana

At the end of July Hungary’s first trading house on the African continent opened in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH) already has...

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The GKI has improved this year's growth forecast

The GKI Economic Research Co. has improved this year's economic growth forecast. According to its most recent forecast the GDP in 2014 will increase by 3 percent, and the next...

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Union did not support the Hungarian applicants to withdraw the fruit and vegetable surplus

The Hungarian applicants will not receive EU support to withdraw their fruit and vegetable surplus from the markets, because the 125 million euros support amount ran out, so the proposal...

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Constantly expanding lendings to the SMEs

The loans are continuously grow at the K&H since the beginning of the year, while growth remains unstable on the overall market. The Growth Loan Program and the long term...

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So far, 150 tonnes of vegetables have grown in 37 settlements in the scope of the Food Avalanche action

The local governments that joined to the Food Avalanche Programme have collected 150 tonnes of vegetables in in 37 settlements so far. The collection continues, the crops will be transported...

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The MVH in Csongrád county moves to an another location

The new address of the Csongrád county Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) will be Fő fasor 16-20, szeged from 29 September 2014. According to the information received from the...

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A twenty-eight-million HUF contraband cigarette shipment was seized by the NAV

A policeman noticed a 28 million HUF worth contraband cigarette shipment in the outskirts of Nagyhódos – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police press officer told MTI on Saturday. He saw cars’...

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Stronger Hungarian presence in the Balkans

From the Balkan states Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia are already members of the European Union and Serbia has started accession talks. In 2012 Hungary’s agricultural export to the Balkan countries...

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Rattling bones

The summer of 2014 brought major changes in the world’s financial markets and from scenarios envisaged earlier the negative ones seem to have started to be realised. The European Union...

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Livestock breeders can expect job creation support as well

Until 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture in provides a total of 212 billion HUF – 180 billion HUF from national sources – plus support to create jobs in the livestock...

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Credit card payment: soon at the vending machines

The Ingenico Group, the global market leader for easy and secure payment solutions, presented its payment solution designed for vending machines the iSelf product group on 12 September 2014 at...

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The missing eggs of Donetsk can be replaced from Hungary

The Myronivsky Hliboproduct Ukraine’s largest, poultry plant stopped to operate its plants in the Donetsk region, because of the continuous combat operations in August. Incidentally, this is the region, where...

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The construction of the Hungarian pavilion at the Expo Milano 2015 begins

The contract of the land and foundation works of the Hungarian Pavilion at the Milan World Expo Milano 2015 was signed on Wednesday in Milan, so the construction of the...

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Hungarian trading house opens in Skopje too

On 21 July the Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH) opened its 12th trading house in the Macedonian capital, Skopje. At the opening ceremony state secretary for external economic relations...

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KSH: the yields of cereal crops increased by 6.1 percent

7.2 million tonnes of cereal grain was grown in 2014, 6.1 percent more than in the previous year, on a 3.1 percent larger area – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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FruitVeB has proposals to increase the average apple consumption

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) has several proposals to increase apple sales. According to Mártonffy Béla, president of the organization in the short term the amount of...

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Gloss and care – not only for the ladies

In the lip care category Creative World Kft. put two new Himalaya Herbals products on the market n the middle of last year – we learned from commercial director Zoltán...

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Changing weight of store types

The six-month market of general cleaners is between HUF 5 and 6 billion. In the examined period value sales rose 4 percent but volume sales reduced by 2 percent from...

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Savings Bank: the GDP growth may be 3.5 percent this year and 2.9 percent in 2015

The analysts of the Savings Bank increased the expected GDP growth for this year to 3.5 percent, from the previously estimated 3.1 percent. The analsts expect a 2.9 percent growth...

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Apple consumption promotional campaign has been launched

This year a record harvest is expected of apples. The sales have became more difficult, due to the Russian embargo, so the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) helps the promotion of...

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GKI: Procurement? Innovatively?

The essence of the phenomenon that is called European paradox is that excellent academic results born in the union, but very few novelties are created, that will be marketed as...

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