Market News

Hungarian-Russian negotiations on food security in Budapest

Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), and Alexei Alekszejenko, deputy leader of the the Russian Federation’s Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosszelhoznadzor) were discussing...

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The Hungarian television advertising market is expecting a single-digit growth this year

The Chairman of the Hungarian Electronic Broadcasters Association (MEME) predicted a “correct, but single-digit” growth for the Hungarian television advertising market this year. Kovács Krisztián stated that they do not...

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The fisheries management operational program aims to increase fish consumption

The Hungarian Fisheries Management Operational Program is soon to be completed. The program aims to double the current domestic fish consumption of about 5 kilogrammes per capita – Viski József,...

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Rising cocoa prices on the world market

Cocoa prices rebounded strongly despite another set of data signalling a drop in demand for beans – this time from Asia, where the grind fell even further than in Europe...

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Hungarian trading houses were opened in Namibia and Zambia

The Head of Communications of the Hungarian National Trading House Plc. (MNKH) informed MTI on Friday that the government opened two Hungarian trading houses on Thursday in accordance with the...

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GMO corn seed was found in a consignment in Kecskemét

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) contaminated maize seed was found in a shipment, ordered by a Kecskemét-based company. The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) seized the shipment worth 10 million...

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Magazine: Tens of billions in promotional revenue – but how much comes from extra sales?

In Hungary from the sales of certain high-turnover categories more than 50 percent is realised in promotion. Do promotions generate extra sales or do manufacturers destroy value with the many...

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The owners of small shops will benefit from Sunday store closure

The mandatory Sunday rest day will provide new jobs in trade. The regulation brought a positive turn to small shops – the Napi Gazdaság wrote in its Wednesday edition. Pichler...

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The majority of the domestic consumers are open for online food shopping

One in six Hungarian consumers have purchased food products available in online retail, which were shipped to home. Apart from them, more than half of the Hungarian consumers are prepared...

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More pigs than before

Thanks to the swine strategy, the domestic pig population started to grow. The goal is to double the number of animals by the end of the decade – the Minister...

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The government do not averse to change the law on tobacco shops

The government is ready to initiate changes to the tobacco shop law, if it is found that there is a causal link between the dark folies on the tobacco shop...

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The domestic game meat processing capacity should be increased

The domestic game meat processing capacity should be increased, because a part of the exported Hungarian venison is exported abroad unprocessed, however they could be sold as ready meat too...

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Some pesticides are killing pollinating insects with much more intensity than pests

Some pesticides are killing pollinating insects with much more intensity than pests – according to the European Academies Science Advisory Council, (EASAC). The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) also represented...

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Less apple crop is expected in Szabolcs county

In the country's largest apple-growing region, Szabolcs county many people did not carry out the necessary technological operations, so apple crop may reduce. Takács Ferenc, President of the North-East Hungarian...

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The Romanian Prime Minister threatens the department store chains with a special tax

Victor Ponta Romanian Prime Minister threatened the department store chains in Romania with a special tax, if it is proved that they try to take advantage of the reduction of...

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Improving exchange rates in foreign trade, but domestic capital is still in waiting

According to a forecast by GKI Economic Research, despite that the Hungarian GDP grew rather rapidly at 3.5 percent last year, a slowing down commenced already in the 3rd quarter...

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Sunday store closure has been extended to World Heritage sites

The government is extending the ban on Sunday working in trade to World Heritage sites in its bill submitted to the National Assembly on Tuesday. Vámos György, the General Secretary...

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The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year in 2014

The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year last year, mainly due to favorable weather conditions; the volume of production totaled 2.97 million tons – Ledó Ferenc the president...

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The OKSZ proposes an amendment to the law, due to the foil on tobacco shop windows

The law does not require to put dark folies on the tobacco shop windows, but while looking from the outside into the shop tobacco products should not be seen –...

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Six hundred million HUF for fisheries management tasks

The Ministry will give six hundred million HUF for fisheries management-related tasks, and to support programs and procurement – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture announced on Monday in Tiszafüred. Fazekas...

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A legislation may limit the consumption of energy drinks

The government plans to develop a legislation to limit the consumption of energy drinks – Rétvári Bence, Minister of State of the Department of Human Resources, responded to an MP....

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The Nébih seized a large amount of pesticides

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized large amounts about 4.5 tonnes of pesticides during the spring controls. The fine is expected to be several millions of forints –...

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The Transylvanian Salt Region is the special guest of the Székely Festival

The erdélyi sóvidék (Transylvanian Salt Region) is the special guest of the Székely Festival. The gastro-cultural Festival will be held in the Millenáris Park from Friday to Sunday. Varga Mihály,...

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The EU would ban the thin plastic bags

The European Parliament (EP) adopted rules on Tuesday that would repress the use of polluting plastic bags made of thinner material than 50 microns. Under the new regulation, the Member...

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Healthy Checkouts in Lidl stores

Lidl was the first in Hungary to introduce Healthy Checkouts in their stores. Zoltán Nepp, Lidl Hungary’s purchasing director told our magazine that their goal with the initiative is to...

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Extended HENT membership

On 16 February 2015 Minister of Justice Dr László Trócsányi, president of the National Board Against Counterfeiting (HENT) appointed Zoltán Fekete, general secretary of the Hungarian Brand Association, member of...

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The VAT reduction should be reflected in consumer prices

The government is reducing the VAT of pork. It makes it possible that the consumer prices to be effectively reduced. It is important that traders should not swallow it –...

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Quarter of the SMEs would apply in EU tenders in the next three years

Six out of ten small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have heard about the new EU tendering cycle, every fourth businesses plans to apply in the Széchenyi 2020 program that will...

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Hungary aims to strengthen its international cooperation in wheat cultivation

Hungary decided to join to the Wheat Initiative in order to strenghten the coordinated research in wheat cultivation. The Wheat Initiative includes countries and research institutes that are dealing with...

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The trends of jobseeking

The lack of good professionals poses increasingly serious challenges for HR professionals as the demand increased from 2013, because several of the candidates are working abroad now. This trend is...

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