Market News

Analysts: a slowing, but still a significant wage growth

The wage growth is slowing, but is still significant – analysts told MTI. This year, an about 3.5 percent real wage growth can occur, according to the Savings Bank, while...

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The payment of EU funds significantly accelerated in Hungary

87 percent (21.7 billion euros) of the EU support funds of the 2007-2013 cycle were distributed to the beneficiaries in Hungary by the end of 2014, which represents a 25...

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The trade union calls the winners of the tobacco tender for the equitable distribution of jobs

The Trade Union of Tobacco Industrial Workers (DDDSZ) calls on the tobacco consortium that won the tobacco tender to give a real opportunity to all employees who are working at...

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The purchase price of cherries is low

The purchase price of cherries is low in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Hajdú-Bihar counties, so the farmers can leave the fruit on the trees as well – a local primary producer informed...

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Harvest has begun in Békés county.

Winter barley is produced on 12.5 thousand hectares in Békés county. The experts forecast 4.5 tons per hectare average yields. The winter barley harvest has started in every district of...

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The MakerBot has opened its first European Innovation Centre

MakerBot’s first European Innovation Centre was opened near Milan, at the University of Cattenao (LIUC) on 10 June, at the innovation centre nearly 2 thousand students can use 20 pieces...

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HEINEKEN conquers Asia and Mexico

HEINEKEN, the world’s third biggest brewing company performed better than they had hoped, because sales in the Asian market increased by 11 percent. Heineken’s volume sales were up 2.2 percent...

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BGA will continue its lobbies

Though the parliament passed the amendment of the ad tax act, BGA will continue its lobbies to delete the notion of self-ads detrimental to brand building....

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Wine competition at a higher level

Tamás Tornai, the president of the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) told at a press conference that they wish to integrate many existing wine competitions into the Hungarian Wine...

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BGA is a sponsoring partner of the annual Unfair Commercial Practices Directive

For the third year now, BGA is a sponsoring partner of the annual Unfair Commercial Practices Directive conference this time focusing on cosmetics and social media....

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Ice cream sales: the concentration process came to a halt

With annual sales above HUF 22 billion, ice cream is in the top 20 of the 90 grocery categories audited by Nielsen. Retail value sales fell 2 percent and volume...

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Sixty-five large food companies will be left out of the development support

A total of 65 domestic large food companies in Hungary will not receive development support in the 2015-2020 budget cycle – agrá wrote, on the basis of KSH’s list. The...

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The ÉFOSZ calls for VAT cuts

The National Association of Food Industries welcomes the adoption of the Food Development Strategy – the ÉFOSZ published on its website. The organization considers the government-level recognition of the food...

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Nielsen: the majority of the retail promotions close with losses

Food, household chemical goods and cosmetics manufacturing companies close six out of ten retail discount actions with lossses and the balance is deteriorating further – the three-year analysis of the...

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Dispersed prices in the European Union

The difference between the price level of the cheapest and the most expensive country was nearly threefold in the EU last year. According to the survey of Eurostat, published on...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 3.6 percent in April

Average earnings increased by 3.6 percent in April, compared to the same period of the previous year. Without public workers, the increase was 2.6 percent – the Central Statistical Office...

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We hardly know our consumer rights

Despite the fact that the Hungarians are facing more problems during the purchasing of goods or services, and we also buy more often under the effect of misleading advertisings, we...

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HIPA: working capital inflow may increase further

In the next period, the working capital inflow may increase in Hungary further and the data of the first five months also indicate that there is an investor-friendly environment in...

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Counterfeiting threatens the economy of the EU

Intellectual property rights (IPR) related industries are increasingly threatened by organized crime, producing and selling counterfeit products – the notice of the National Board Against Counterfeiting (HENT) warns. The notice...

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Four Hungarian universities have developed food safety curriculum

A food safety curriculum was developed by four Hungarian universities. The participating universities were the Universities of Debrecen, Szeged, Eger and the Western Hungarian University – Jávor András, vice-rector of...

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Smuggled cigarettes were seized near Beregdaróc

Nine thousand boxes of cigarettes worth 7.5 million HUF were left behind by fleeing smugglers near Beregdaróc – the press officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told...

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Paris’s iconic department store la Samaritaine to be extended

The La Samaritaine, which is one of Paris’s iconic landmarks, is to be reborn following an ambitious makeover project. The famous department store, first opened in 1870, is situated between...

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After the (almost) seven lean years

The economy seems to be recovering from recession that started in 2008, but the question is: can the old model be used any longer? It is sure that the last...

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Beers that give more: the Association of Hungarian Brewers opens the new season

In May the Association of Hungarian Brewers launched its ‘Beers that give more’ programme. The objective is to educate consumers about beer and beer consumption. It will be at the...

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Where does the meat come from?

As of 1 April more precise data must be indicated on packaged fresh, cooled and frozen meat in the European Union. In most cases the place of origin has to...

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Aerospace & Defense Executive Joins Stanton Chase

Kristi Moe, a veteran aerospace and defense executive, has joined the Atlanta office of Stanton Chase, a global retained executive search firm, as a Director. The announcement was made by...

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The agricultural producer prices are driven down by global overproduction

According to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the twenty-two month-long downward trend in the agricultural price index continued in April 2015. According to the data of...

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The NFM stands by the central tobacco shop supplier

According to the Ministry of National Development (NFM), tobacco sales will be faster and more flexible with the cooperation of the central tobacco shop supplier from 1 November. The NFM...

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The NAV seized more than half a million bottles of spirits

More than half a million bottles of spirits were seized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) at a beverage wholesaler. The wholesaler was previously fined for 100 million...

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New professional award for young leaders

The Academy of Young Leaders (Fiatal Vezetők Akadémiája) announces the “Young Leader of the Year – 2015” award for the first time. The award would recognize the managers with exemplary...

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