Market News

US companies dominate the Top 100 rankings of Handelsblatt

US companies dominate the world's one hundred most valuable companies ranking list, compiled and published by the German financial newspaper Handelsblatt traditionally at the end of the year. In this...

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German GfK consumer sentiment index improved in January

The GfK economic research institute’s German consumer sentiment index for January increased compared to the previous month. According to GfK, the consumer sentiment index for January increased by 9.4 points...

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Constitutional protest was issued against the draft law restricting smoking in Romania

33 senators issued a constitutional protest against the draft law that would ban smoking in enclosed public areas in Romania – the Mediafax news agency published. Though earlier Klaus Iohannis...

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Association of Hungarian Brewers: new members

The Association of Hungarian Brewers modified its articles of association in the second half of October, so that small and medium-sized Hungarian breweries can also become members. Heineken, Borsodi and...

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Magazine: It started this year and continues next year

After 32 grants this year another 40 funding opportunities will be announced next year by the Prime Minister’s Office, within the framework of the HUF 1,300-billion new Rural Development Programme...

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The OKSZ expects an increase in retail sales this year

According to the data released so far it is clear that a retail trade closed a favorable year last year, and the upward trend will continue in 2016 as well...

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Horticulture closed an up and down year

Sour cherry rotting on the trees, less apples, new horticultural subsidies and the downsides of the public employment program characterized year 2015 for horticulture. The sector closed an up and...

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Sausages and champagne were the two most popular products during New Year's Eve

Sausages and champagne remained the two most popular products during New Year's Eve in Hungary –the supermarket chains informed MTI. In the stores of Tesco, a significant part of the...

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Nébih: quality champagnes on the domestic shelves comply with the regulations

The quality champagnes on the shelves of the domestic stores complied with the regulations – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced the results of its investigation. The professionals...

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Production prices in September: +1.2 percent

According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in September 2015 agricultural production prices increased by 1.2 percent from the level of September 2014. The price of vegetable products increased 8.5...

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Cooperation between NAK and the government

Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér and NAK president Balázs Győrffy signed a cooperation agreement in the domains of public employment and water resources management. The two parties will focus more...

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NGM: an additional 30-40 billion HUF EU support is expected by the end of this year

The Ministry of National Economy announced before that the evaluation of the first round ended in August. During the first round nearly 400 projects won by 57.7 billion HUF support....

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Contraband cigarettes and tobacco were seized in Nyíregyháza

Contraband cigarettes, cut tobacco and drugs were seized at a property in Nyíregyháza – the press officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county customs and excise...

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Cooperation agreement with the Moving Marketplace

NAK and the Moving Marketplace programme have signed a cooperation agreement, as part of which they will help to improve the selling opportunities of small farmers and family farms. The...

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NAK perplexed by WHO’s meat classification

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) was perplexed by the results of the International Agency for the Research on Cancer’s (IARC – a WHO agency) study, which classifies red meat...

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ISF world congress in Budapest

Budapest will be hosting the International Seed Federation’s (ISF) world congress in 2017. About 2,000 participants are expected to be present from all over the world. The programme of the...

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Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely join forces

The municipalities of Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely, the University of Szeged (SZTE), the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the county office of NAK signed an agreement of cooperation...

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Growing tobacco market in Germany

Sales in the German tobacco sector may grow as much as 810 million cigarettes, thanks to the hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving to the country. Most of these people...

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Magazine: Fishermen, fishermen, what is in your net?

Hungary’s aquaculture has been acknowledged worldwide for decades, especially fish farming in lakes. If the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 period is implemented successfully, fishing may become one...

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OKSZ: the usual Christmas shopping schedule to change

The usual Christmas shopping schedule will change. According to the new rules, the shops and department stores should close their doors until noon 24 December, Thursday – the National Retail...

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From now the origin of pork can be verified with QR codes

Within the high-quality pork (KMS) certificate system, the origin of pork can be verified with QR codes scanned with smartphone – the chairman of the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization...

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Fifteen percent more grapes grown this year

About 15 percent more grapes grown this year than last year. The winemakers are making a total of about 3 million hectoliters of new wine from this amount – Frittmann...

Read more cereals have become speculative products

Because of the previous high prices, the cereals – especially maize – have become speculative products – according to the online agricultural marketplace. Nearly 70 percent of the world's...

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Corn yield: the European Commission cuts back this year's forecast

The European Commission modified its forecast on corn for this year. The EC reduced its forecast for this year's yield by almost one million tonnes to 56.6 million tonnes. Last...

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No delays at post offices and couriers during the Christmas shopping fever

Luggages sent on 22 December can arrive for Christmas – a courier service assured the Origo Internet portal. During the Black Friday delays occurred sometimes, but those were only individual...

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Counterfeit toys caused more than 400 billion HUF losses to the EU

The counterfeit toys caused almost 1.5 billion euros (more than 400 billion HUF) annual revenue loss in the Member States of the European Union. It is about 12 percent of...

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The EU has extended the economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union moved on Friday to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six more months for its annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Ukraine, even as European...

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More than a hundred thousand kilograms of donations were gathered this year in the Santa Claus Factory

This year, more than a hundred thousand kilograms of donations were gathered in the Santa Claus Factory, which closed its doors for the weekend, but due to the high level...

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The Nébih found pesticide residue above the limit in Turkish mandarins

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found pesticide residue above the limit in mandarins with Turkish origin, therefore launched proceedings – the Nébih informed MTI on Monday. According to...

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Bigger budget for Hungaricum products

At the moment the annual budget for supporting Hungaricum products is HUF 500 million. The Ministry of Agriculture would like to increase this sum in the years to come –...

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