Market News

Product comparison sites have one or two years to screen their system

European Commission's e-commerce package of measures was published on 25 May. The Commission proposes new e-commerce rules to help consumers and companies reap full benefit of Single Market One element...

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Obesity due to insufficient nutrition is the most serious nutritional problem in the world

Obesity caused by insufficient nutrition is the most serious nutritional problem in the world – according to a new global report. According to the latest Global Nutrition Report 2016 the...

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Employment is on eight years height in Europe

The number of employees increased to nearly eight years height in the European Union and in the euro zone in this year's first quarter. According to the report of EU’s...

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Milka chocolate: 115 years

Milka celebrated its 115th birthday in May: Carl Russ Suchard had the brand name registered in 1901, combing the German words Milch and Kakao. It was 25 years ago that...

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Most people are searching for promotions on the internet

According to Nielsen’s latest Shopper Trends study, most Hungarian consumers don’t buy groceries online because they think they cost more. The second most important reason is ‘I like visiting shops’...

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Supermarket for poor people

Supermarkets opened for poor people in both Italy (Rimini) and Portugal (Lisbon). The local community realised the project in the two countries, with help from many small businesses and multinational...

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KSH: Agricultural prices barely rose in April

Agricultural producer prices were only 0.4 percent higher in April, compared to a year before as the result of the 4.2 percent price increase of plants and 6.2 percent price...

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FruitVeB: more melons on larger area

This year, farmers produce watermelons on 5,600 hectares. This is 5-6 percent higher than in 2015 – the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board (FruitVeB) told MTI...

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Soccer at the World Milk Day

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board organized this year's World Milk Day event on 3 June 2016 at the Telki GLOBALL Football Park Hotel. Breaking with the traditions, this...

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KSH: mobile data traffic increased by nearly one-third

Mobile data traffic increased by nearly one-third, by 31 percent in the first quarter in Hungary, compared to the previous year. 52 percent of the approximately 15.9 thousand terabytes of...

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Farm on the factory roof

A disused office in The Hague has been renewed as a sprawling rooftop greenhouse, with a fish farm operating on the floor below. Urban Farmers’ rooftop greenhouse is a hoping...

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The FAO and ILO against child labor in agriculture

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) offered help to agricultural experts to help with the problem of child labor. Young girl is transporting...

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The V4 Chambers of Agriculture urging new measures in milk and pork case

The chambers of agriculture of the V4 countries – Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – call for new measures to help the dairy and pig sectors – at their...

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A good mobile advertising is informative

Mobile ads are becoming more common Hungary. Currently, 79 per cent of the net users 2.9 million people meet with moble advertisings on their phones. They consider it the most...

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The national agricultural chamber member registration is complete

Virtually the national agricultural chamber member registration is complete, thanks to the IT development at the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) – the General Director of the Chamber told on Friday...

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Seven tonnes of vegetables with uncertain origin was found by the NAV

More than seven tons of vegetables with uncertain origin was found in a Romanian van by the NAV. According to the statement of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Ownership changes in the dairy market

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) gave a green light to Dr Riad Naboulsi’s exclusive control over dairy companies Wassim Sajt Kft., Bábel Sajt Kft. and Dráva Tej Kft. Companies already...

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Magazine: Shops unable to pay 100 percent higher rates shouldn’t open on Sundays?

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) opines that it was a good decision to pay 50 percent higher rates to Sunday workers – things are now just like they used to...

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Time to rake in the moneys

What has happened since the beginning of the year? The oil prices plunged and then bounced back, stock markets plunged and bounced back. Noble metals and mines: as we have...

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(HU) Nincs változás a dobogón: Tesco, Coop, CBA

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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FM: this year's harvest prospects are favorable

Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) called this year's crop prospects favorable at a professional event in Cegléd – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) informed...

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Hungarian food exports to China reaches 100 million USD this year

Szijjártó Péter concluded a number of agreements in Ningpo, East China, which aims to increase exports to China over 100 million HUF. MTI Photo: KKM Szijjártó Péter Minister of Foreign...

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Syngenta: now farmers need to pay attention to the arable crops

Wheat, corn and sunflowers are all in promising developmental stages. It is projected that colza will also be promising this year. But the farmers really need to pay attention now,...

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Breads were baked surrounded by cockroaches in a bakery in the Capital

The professionals of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) found cockroaches at a bakery in Budapest. After checking the bakery, more than 480 kilograms of food products were withdrawn...

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Smartphone app runs store

In a small Swedish town called Viker there is a grocery store where no employee works: it is run by a smartphone app. Customers are required to register for the...

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Increased market share for drugstores

Last year almost HUF 38 billion worth of laundry detergents were sold by Hungarian shops. Value sales grew 4 percent but volume sales reduced by 2 percent. Laundry detergent is...

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(HU) Selyemút az üzleti sikerekhez Interjú Tóth Sándorral a China Smart Expo marketing igazgatójával

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FM: the Hungarian milk is competitive

The Hungarian milk is competitive, the problems are due to the oversupply in the world market, not only in Hungary but also in several countries – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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KSH: falling consumer prices stagnating food prices

In May, consumer prices were on average 0.2 percent lower than a year before, while compared to April rose by an average of 0.3 percent – the Central Statistical Office...

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Export surplus continued to increase in April

The euro-denominated value of exports increased by 5.1 percent, while imports fell 1.9 percent in April, compared with a year before, the trade surplus increased by 527 million euros to...

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