Market News

Nearly half a billion aluminum cans are not recycled

In Hungary, 800-900 million aluminum cans of beer and soft drinks are marketed every year, but only about half of this amount 450 million cans are recycled – wrote....

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MKB Bank: agriculture financing should be tailored to the needs of customers

At the end of last year, the loan portfolio of Hungarian agriculture was about 560 billion HUF on the basis of the data collection of the Ministry of Agriculture. Including...

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K&H: the investments of large companies will continue to decline this year

The investments of large companies will continue to decline this year, as the downturn in the sector’s willingness to develop continues according to K&H’s survey – the bank told MTI...

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Nébih: animal breeders can receive state aid to prevent bluetongue disease

Animal breeders can receive state aid to vaccinate their stock to prevent from bluetongue disease. Where the disease has already appeared, vaccination is mandatory, to prevent the other animals from...

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Tax audits are becoming more effective thanks to the ekáer

The tax inspectors are increasingly effective against illegal trade, thanks to electronic goods traffic control system (ekáer), which is a “heavy weapon” of the tax administration, but many entrepreneurs are...

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(HU) Orbit Gyermekmosoly Kampány

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Raw milk’s price rising again

In January 2017 agricultural production prices were down 2.6 percent in comparison with January 2016. This drop was the result of the price of vegetable products decreasing by 8.9 percent...

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How do we try to spend less?

Nielsen asked Hungarian consumers how they try to spend less: 55 percent said they switch to cheaper groceries (back in 2013 this ratio was 70 percent). 52 percent said they...

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Nearly 700 million forints for research on the quality of irrigation water

The Centre for Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), the National Public Health Centre (OKK), HAS’s Centre for Agricultural Research and Smaragd GSH Kft. were granted HUF 693.13-million...

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Hungarian grey cattle to be bred organically

The Association of Hungarian Grey Cattle Breeders (MSzTE), the Hungarian Organic Culture Association and Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. signed a strategic agreement. The three parties’ goal is to breed grey...

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Twelve billion forint dairy sector development project in Debrecen

Alföldi Tej Kft. invests HUF 12 billion to create 181 new jobs in Debrecen; the municipality finances the project with HUF 120 million. Managing director Tibor Mélykuti told that the...

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Healthy and practical products from VFI

Glatz Hungary Kft. is an Austrian-owned company that specialises in cereal and food trade. It is them who represent KRONEN products – a corn germ cooking oil, and lemon- and...

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A sharp increase in demand for many products at Easter last year

Demand significantly increased towards ham, eggs, chocolate and alcoholic beverages at Easter last year – according to the Central Statistical Office’s summary. The larger stores this year expect a significant...

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Analysts: inflation rate this year may be around the purpose of the MNB

Inflation decreased to 2.7 percent in March, lower than the expectations of the analysts, after the 2.9 percent in February. In the rest of the year, inflation will temporarily exceed...

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From sea to the plate – tracking fish

Important progress has been made in the international documentation system, initiated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through which illegally caught fish could not be taken on the...

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GfK: the proprtion of those who buy in foreign websjops is increasing

Six out of ten prefer the domestic sites. According to the survey of the GfK Digital Connected Consumer (DCC) in 2016, nine of ten Internet users have purchased online. Considering...

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Export Academy for the tenth time

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) launches its complex export development training, the MNKH Export Academy for the tenth time between 12 and 27 April. The training program of the...

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Romanian beer consumption stagnated last year

Romanian beer consumption stagnated last year. Romanians drank an average of 80 liters of beer per capita in 2016 – the Romanian Brewers’ Association announced. According to data provided by...

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The Brits associate chocolate eggs with Easter

The three-quarters of the Brits associate chocolate eggs with Easter. The largest British polling firm, the YouGov interviewed 2670 adults in the UK this week what do they think most...

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The decline in agricultural producer prices slowed in February

The decline – that lasted for seven month – in agricultural producer prices slowed in February. The average price level was 2.0 percent lower than a year before, after the...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center encourages the consumption of high-quality pork

The consumers can taste high-quality pork between 11 and 29 April 2017 in two large retail chains, as well as in two rural butcher shop networks. The primary objective of...

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A collaboration is needed for the market access of good quality Hungarian products

The stakeholders should work together in order to reach the widest possible market access of excellent quality Hungarian products – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Hegymagas,...

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GKI: how companies protect themselves against cost increases due to mandatory wage increases?

The corporate survey of the GKI Economic Research Co. in February interviewed the companies how they avoid cost increases caused by the minimum wage increase.   In terms of an...

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Certification slowdown causes problems in seed exports

Field seed certification and document issuance slowed significantly in the recent period. This threatens the 40 billion HUF worth Hungarian exports of seed – wrote. As a result of...

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Fazekas Sándor: awareness actions to promote Furmint

This year is the Year of the Furmint. The governmnet would like to draw attention to this unique Hungarian value – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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The turnover of chauffeur services increases during the holidays

In Hungary, 4 out of 10 people have driven drunk already. 7 out of 100 people regularly sit behind the wheel after a glass of alcohol. Unfortunately, few people know...

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K&H: annual expectations of the SMEs deteriorated

The confidence of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become worse. K&H’s confidence index indicating the expectations for the coming year worsened from the year beginning’s 11 points...

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The GVH’s activities helped consumers to save 136 billion HUF

The activities of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) helped consumers to save 136 billion HUF between 2010 and 2016 – the agency told on Wednesday. According to the information, the...

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Nine thousand packs of cigarettes were found by the finance guards near Ásotthalom

Finance guards found nine thousand packs of cigarettes in a car and in a car carrying trailer at the border crossing of Ásotthalom – the National Tax and Customs Office...

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A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf

A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf, Burgenland, so the range was expanded with 15 new shops, cafes and restaurants – the mall’s owner and operator...

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