Market News

Agricultural Chamber: The new smart card facilitates administration

The new Smart Card on the Agricultural Chamber contains a lot of information that will make administration easier and faster – Süle Katalin, spokesperson of the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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Retail sales increased in Great Britain

In April, retail sales grew more than expected in Great Britain. It is the highest increase of the past 15 months, according to the data released by the National Statistical...

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Some of the exhibitors

The website (offering personalised gift ideas to customers) was launched before last Christmas and so far more than 100,000 products have been uploaded to the website. Schoeller Allibert manufactures...

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Cheaper to sell online in the EU

VAT payment for selling goods online within the European Union will simplify by 2021. The latest report by MAZARS analyses the EU’s plan that would reduce the administrative burden and...

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Magazine: Big Data: facts and misconceptions

We hear a lot about the concept of Big Data and just like in the case of other topical issues, misconceptions are also spreading. It didn’t make the situation any...

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(HU) Mi az? Pontosabb a GPS-nél és az év retail szenzációja lehet?!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Quality wines on the shelves of the department stores

It has been a trend for years that we can buy high-quality wines at hypermarkets and discounts. Experts also spend more and more time walking between the wine shelves of...

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The barbecue season brings billions of HUF in turnover

The barbecue season is a billion HUF business. The demand also grows towards related food and non-food products – origo wrote after Világgazdaság. The annual turnover of grilled sausages, spices...

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The Lithuanians consume most alcohol in the world

The Lithuanians consume 18.2 liters of alcohol per year. Among the regions, the Europeans are leading the world with an average of 10.3 liters of alcohol consumption, according to the...

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NGM: More than 100 SMEs won EU funds to increase their competitiveness

A total of 148 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises won nearly 10 billion euros worth EU fundings to increase their competitiveness, to create new products, to develop new technologies and...

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A Hungarian male spends an average of 2500 HUF on cosmetics

Men in Hungary still believe in the trinity of shower gel, shampoo, and deodorant, but there is no big difference between the two sexes in terms of monthly spending –...

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The two major rural airports plan to deliver freight regularly

Freight traffic is significantly increasing at the Budapest Airport. Meanwhile, the two major airport operators are also working on the launch of regular freight services – Magyar Nemzet Online, wrote...

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No change in sales concentration

COOKING OIL sales exceeded HUF 30 billion in the February 2016-January 2017 period. Value sales grew by 6 percent but volume sales dropped 2 percent. There was no change in...

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The Hungarian retail trade grew by 3.4 percent in the first quarter of 2017

In the first quarter of 2017, the turnover of Hungarian retail trade grew by 3.4 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year on the food and chemical...

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In the autumn the milk may become more expensive

Price increase is expected within the dairy finished products in the fall due to the increase in buying prices – wrote. The producers are in a difficult period too,...

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Pork exports increased

Although the domestic pork exports rose sharply at the beginning of the year and imports only grew modestly, the competition continued to be sharp on the market between domestic and...

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Analysts raise their growth projections

Market analysts welcomed the 4.1 percent GDP growth rate of the first quarter and after the detailed data will be published they may adjust their forecasts upward for this year...

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The convergence of the Central-European wages has stopped

A Hungarian researcher of the European Trade Union Confederation has highlighted a sad data on the Central European wage situation – wrote. Galgóczi Béla’s study shows that while productivity...

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We spend about 50 billion HUF a month on tobacco products

The Hungarian population is spending nearly 50 billion HUF on tobacco products per month – the data provided by the National Tobacco Trade (ND) Nonprofit Zrt. told Világgazdaság. Between January...

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The rate of GDP growth in the EU and the euro area barely changed

The euro area economy grew as it was expected, while the European Union’s economy expanded somewhat more than in the first quarter of this year – according to a second...

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PwC’s CEO Survey: the Hungarian results

PwC Hungary – in partnership with the Hungarian Association of Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) – asked the opinion of Hungarian CEOs for the sixth time about domestic and international trends,...

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The Garden Toothbrush

African eggplant lives up to its name: as it grows it bears white, oval-shaped fruits that look just like eggs before they ripen and turn green. It is one of...

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Optimistic German consumers

In 2016 the German economy’s growth rate was 1.9 percent. As for grocery retail, in the last quarter of 2016 values sales were only 0.3 percentage points higher than in...

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KSH: GDP grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter, compared to the same period of last year – according to the first estimate of the Central...

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The rate of advertising tax will be 7.5 percent from July

The Parliament amended the law on advertising tax on Tuesday, according to which 7.5 percent will be the rate of the advertising tax in the second half of the year....

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Smaller sweets to come

Many major international companies, including Mars, Nestlé and Wrigley, are planning to sell their products in smaller quantities. The innovation designed for 2022 is explained by taking care of the...

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It is possible to estimate the loss of fruits only a couple of weeks later, according to FruitVeB

The damage caused by the frost and the bad weather can be estimated only a couple of weeks later – according to the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and...

Read more the third of the abolishing companies disappear with forced evictions

In the past four years, more than a third of the 253,378 companies have been abolished, 91,615 companies with forced evictions in business life – the report on Tuesday....

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The sowing has ended in Békés county

Sowing works were completed on more than 220 thousand hectares in Békés County. Based on the current expectations, a strong-medium yield is expected – the president of the Békés County...

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The euro zone trade surplus has reached a record

The euro zone trade surplus reached a record in March, according to the first estimate of the European Union’s statistical office. Eurostat’s report was published on Tuesday. In the third...

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