Market News

GfK: online shoppers expect free delivery

According to GfK’s Digital Connected Consumer survey, today Hungarians are completely aware of the advantages of online shopping: 87 percent of respondents in the survey have already purchased something online,...

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Another 1 billion forints for raising wages

Early June Tesco announced another HUF 1-billion wage increase in Hungary. About 70 percent of Tesco employees – the majority of store and warehouse staff – will earn more than before. Since...

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Hungary’s first Ziaja for You shop opens

On 30 May the first Ziaja for You store ceremonially opened in Budapest mall Campona. Superio Kft. has been the Hungarian representative of the Polish brand Ziaja for 8 years. More than 400...

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Where do Hungarian shoppers gather information about beauty products before buying?

As buying habits are changing, brick and mortar stores are gradually strengthening their online presence. At the same time online shops are opening physical stores. Hungarian shoppers rely on the following sources...

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Food Bank collection point at the Budapest Wholesale Market

Budapest Wholesale Market has joined forces with the Hungarian Food Bank Association: from 21 June 2017 growers selling their produce at the market can give unsold produce to the association’s...

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Green is this year’s hottest colour in the iced tea market

Hungary’s iced tea market expanded in terms of both value and volume last year. Although sales dropped in the first months of 2017 in comparison with December 2016, they were still...

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Thirteen new stores have joined the SPAR franchise

There are already 129 shops in the SPAR franchise, which give work to almost 1,500 people and generate HUF 30-­billion sales – announced SPAR Hungary in a press release on 31...

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No bread will be broken

Early summer certain rules changed in the Hungarian Food Book, for instance the proportion of more expensive ingredients increases in breads. The big question is, will breads cost more for consumers?...

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Chinese investments

According to a study by Baker McKenzie, the value of Chinese acquisitions and greenfield investments doubled in Europe and North America in 2016. The Chinese invested USD 94.2 billion in Europe and North...

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Unilever acquires another company

Unilever has made public the acquisition of luxury cosmetics manufacturer Hourglass. Alan Jope, the president of Unilever’s personal care business told: they are very happy to have such a prestige...

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Tesco is back in the game

Tesco is becoming a key player in the UK again. This May they reported a 2.3-percent sales growth in Britain – the biggest increase in 7 years. The company’s spokesperson...

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Rapidly expanding German market

According to forecasts, by 2021 the German food market will be worth EUR 259 billion as the sector is expanding by 10.5 percent a year. IGD’s analysis has revealed that...

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Waste oil collected in Romania

Carrefour Romania has started collecting waste oil from customers, in order to reduce the chain’s ecological footprint. Shoppers can take back 1-4kg of filtered waste oil in transparent bottles. In...

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Online retailer to open brick and mortar stores

While retail chains are starting their online shops, e-commerce giant Amazon has bought its first brick and mortar grocery store network: the company acquired Whole Foods – which consists of...

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Hungarian Treasury: more than 440 billion HUF subsidies were paid to the farmers

On the basis of the single payment applications submitted by the farmers last year, 200 billion HUF was paid and the amount together with the advances was more than 440...

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The European Commission has extended its measures to assist fruit and vegetable producers

The European Commission has extended its extraordinary support for European fruit and vegetable producers who suffer due to the disadvantageous economic sanctions against Russia and has decided to secure another...

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Excise tax on tobacco products has increased

The excise tax on tobacco products has increased: the minimum tax rate for cigarettes increased from 28,800 HUF to 29,200 HUF per thousand, while the minimum tax rate for cigars...

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Harvest season started sooner because of the heat

Due to the warm weather in late May, the harvest season began earlier this year, with the harvesting of autumn barley and rape – Czerván György, Minister of State of...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus has decreased

In April, exports in euros were 1.9 percent lower than a year before, while imports dropped by 0.6 percent year-on-year, following a sharp rise of 19.0 and 21.3 percent in...

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Félmilliárd forintból újítják fel a komlói vásárcsarnokot és piacteret

Félmilliárd forintból újítják fel a komlói vásárcsarnokot és piacteret, amelynek eredményeképpen több és színvonalasabb elárusítóhely jön létre – közölte a mecseki város önkormányzata az MTI-vel. A Terület- és településfejlesztési operatív...

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The amount of subsidies paid to agricultural farmers has increased by more than ten percent

Compared with last year, the amount of subsidies paid to farmers increased by more than ten percent in 2017 – according to the Veszprém county government commissioner. Takács Szabolcs said...

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A vártnál jobban bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom Németországban

A vártnál nagyobb mértékben bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom Németországban májusban, a német szövetségi statisztikai hivatal (Destatis) pénteken közzétett kimutatása szerint a kiskereskedelmi forgalom árhatások kiszűrésével 4,8 százalékkal növekedett tavaly májushoz...

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Harvest has begun

With the harvesting of the of autumn barley and rape this year’s harvest season in the country has begun. Experts expect crop yields lower than last year’s record levels for...

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The melon harvest starts at the weekend

The melon producers of Medgyesegyháza, Békés County begin start to harvest the melon at the weekend. The farmers questioned by MTI are expecting a good season. Cseh György a 13-hectare...

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The Nébih found marking deficiencies on the packagings of soy drinks

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) found only marking problems during the test of 15 imported soy drinks. According to Nébih’s Thursday announcement, the protein and GMO, vitamin and...

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GKI: internal migration is significant

According to the survey of the GKI Economic Research Co., there is a considerable internal migration in the country, and people migrate to where the quality of life is better...

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Chamber of Agriculture: So far, members have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF to NAK

So far, the members of the National Agricultural Economics Office (NAK) have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF – on the basis of the annual...

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The turnover of the electronic sector is before a rapid growth in the emerging areas

The ZVEI, an industry representative organization of the sector in Germany is expecting a rapid growth on the world market of electronics and electrical products, mainly in Asia and, in...

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Csúcson a német fogyasztók hangulata

Júniusban közel tizenhat éves csúcsra emelkedett a GfK piackutató intézet fogyasztói hangulatindexe Németországban. Júniusban 10,6 pontra, 2001 októbere óta a legmagasabb szintre emelkedett a GfK német fogyasztói hangulatindexe az előző...

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