Market News

KSH: Retail sales increased by 6 percent

The volume of retail sales turnover grew by 6.0 percent according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the increase was 5.4 percent in May compared to the same period...

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Fazekas: Turkish export is a good opportunity for Hungarian farmers

In particular, Turkey is a good market for cattle exports, but on the basis of recent meetings it is possible to build Hungarian slaughterhouses in Turkey in the form of...

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K&H: the confidence of Hungarian companies decreased slightly

The confidence of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has weakened slightly, the K&H SME confidence index reflecting the companies’ expectations for a year now is down by two...

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A Kosher slaughterhouse was handed over in Csengele

The slaughterhouse was inaugurated by the Israeli Chief Rabbi and the Minister of Agriculture. The plant will provide jobs to 260 people. The new facility will primarily produce for export...

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The growth in the economic performance of the euro area has slowed

The growth in the economic performance of the euro area slowed in June, according to a survey by the IHS Markit Economics Research Institute carried out among Enterprise Purchasing Managers....

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Germany has a positive attitude towards the Silk Road Initiative

Germany has a positive attitude towards China’s Silk Road Economic Zone initiative and can take part in its implementation – said German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday after meeting with...

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Cisco: data traffic can be tripled within a few years

Earth’s Internet data traffic can be tripled to 3.3 zetabytes, ie nearly 3,000 billion gigabytes by 2021, and the world wide web will have more than 4.5 billion users, so...

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Automation is key in becoming more efficient

WebEye Telematics Group collects data on vehicles, drivers, trailers and cargo and analyses them, so that freight forwarders can increase their efficiency. Károly Deszpot, managing director of WebEye Magyarország Kft....

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A disadvantage for foreign freight forwarders

In March the German parliament gave a green light to a law, according to which drivers aren’t allowed to stay in their truck for their 45-hour rest period. MEP Andor...

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Agrarian Chamber: The grilling market is developing dynamically in Hungary

The grilling market in Hungary is developing dynamically, and producers have also reacted to this trend, as semi-finished and ready-made products for grilling have appeared on the Hungarian market, Györffy...

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Agrarian Chamber: average yield is expected this year

This year, average yield is expected, but the yield will drop appreciably compared to last year, as farmers are unlikely to repeat last year’s highs – Győrffy Balázs, president of...

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The European Parliament argued for the production of longer-life products

Members of the European Parliament (MEP) at the plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday introduced arguments for introducing of longer-life products. The MEPs underlined that 77 percent of European consumers...

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MNB: households took more loans than repaid, companies were net credit repayers in May

Households took more loans than they repaid in May, but companies were net credit repayers and deposits in both sectors grew according to seasonally adjusted data, published on Tuesday by...

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Fruit-genebank is in danger

The pomological research station in Érd is in danger, because of the establishing of an industrial park. According the ombudsman, the research station must remain at its original place in...

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HENT: Mapping the Real Routes of Tr ade in Fake Goods

You may read the entire report if you click here:

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Magazine: Retail trends from a market researcher’s perspective

At the April meeting of the Trade Marketing Club the directors of Nielsen and GfK spoke to club members about the FMCG retail trends of 2016, analysing retailers, categories, brands...

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The Nébih has started the summer seasonal food chain check

Summer Seasonal Food Chain Check has begun: Between July 1 and August 31, the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) and the regional food chain supervisors specialists focus on food...

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A good season for sour cherry

The sour cherry harvest has begun at the largest Békés County grower. Pusztai József, Managing Director of the Hunapfel Kft. is expecting a good season. Pusztai József told MTI on...

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The FruitVeB is expecting an outstanding melon yield

The melon yield is expected to be very good, according to the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council. Domján Erika told M1 news channel on Saturday that...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the long-term water shortage period was announced

The Minister of Interior promulgated the long-term water shortage period on the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) on the territory of the whole country from the 1st...

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The Purchasing Manager Index has increased slightly

The seasonally adjusted purchasing manager index (PMI) in June was 57.2, according to which the respondents reported more favorable processes than the previous month – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and...

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Dried goji berries containing 18 pesticide residues on the shelves of Hungarian stores

Hungary also received dried goji berries containing 18 pesticide residues. Products originating in China have been brought to the domestic stores through the Czech Republic – the homepage of Nébih...

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A record volume of grain was exported by Ukraine in the past one year

Ukraine exported 43.8 million tons of grain between July 2016 and June 2017, the largest volume ever since the country became independent in 1991 – the press release of the...

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Nielsen: Stronger position for drugstores

PAPER DIAPERS: between March 2016 and February 2017 paper diaper sales were realised in the value of more than HUF 19 billion. Value sales augmented by 4 percent and volume...

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Billa’s expansion in the Czech Republic

The Austrian retailer’s sales grew by 6 percent to EUR 968 million in 2016. Last year Billa opened 10 new supermarkets in the country and now operates 213 stores. The...

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Everything depends on trust

Several dynamics can be observed in the intimate hygiene category, as in terms of value sales pantyliners perform better, while in volume sales menstruation products develop faster. In the summer months...

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Farmers’ market opens in Hűvösvölgy

On 10 June 2017 a farmers’ market ceremonially opened in Hűvösvölgy. Those who were there had the opportunity to taste and buy the delicious products of many farmers. //  ...

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Free online services

The INNO-4-AGRIFOOD platform provides businesses and innovations consultants with counselling, free smart devices and online training programmes in the agri-food sector. This service strengthens national and international cooperation, and contributes to...

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Iced tea: two-digit sales growth in the last two years

Every household buys some kind of cold drink in a one-year period. However, while 8-9 families from 10 purchase carbonated soft drink, bottled water or fruit juice, hardly 5 buy iced...

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First county-level agreement on agricultural vocational education signed in Tolna County

In the middle of June the first county-level agreement on agricultural vocational education was signed in Tolna County, by the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and NAK. The ministry has...

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