Market News

EU: the lack of digitization hinders precision farming

By 2020, the European Commission will cover the European Union with a high-speed broadband Internet network – wrote. The biggest obstacle to agricultural implementation is that elderly farmers do...

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The Gödöllő Service Center of the Agricultural Chamber was opened

The third service center of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), was handed over on Friday in Gödöllő. Győrffy Balázs, president of NAK, said in his speech that the chamber...

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The vote for the Fish of the Year begins

The balin, domolykó and kövicsík fishes have the chance to win the “Fish of the Year” competition in 2018. Photo: Sallai Zoltán The Hungarian Fish Society, in line with the...

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The number of jobseekers fell further in September

The number of registered jobseekers dropped by 4.8 percent in Hungary over a year, while the National Employment Service (NFSZ) recorded 268 400 jobseekers at the end of September, nearly...

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The national hail reduction system will be operated from May

The national hail reduction system will operate from May next year. With the system tens of billions of forints can be saved per year only in agriculture – Kis Miklós...

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Bulgaria will coordinate its EU agricultural policy with Hungary in the future

In the future, Hungary and Bulgaria will coordinate their position on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with the EU so that farmers can get the right resources – Fazekas Sándor...

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Fifty-five million forints of smuggled cigarettes were found in a van

Fifty-five million forint smuggled cigarettes were found by police in a van near Tiszavasvári – Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county police said. According to the information, police officers found the nearly 50,000 boxes...

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FM: campaign to encourage consumption and purchase of Hungarian apple has started

A nationwide promotional campaign encouraging the consumption and purchase of Hungarian apple was launched – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced on Thursday at...

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The Prime Minister’s Office supported the poultry holders with nearly 23 billion HUF

Within the framework of the Rural Development Program, the Prime Minister’s Office supported the modernization of 207 poultry farms with 22.6 billion forints. The Prime Minister’s Office reported that there...

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Thirteen percent increase in earnings over a year

In August, gross average earnings were 13.2 percent higher than a year before, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Thursday. The rate of growth was slightly different from the...

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Kopint-Tárki expects faster growth

The Kopint-Tárki Research Institute improved this year’s and next year’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast. In 2017, instead of the 3.7 percent (predicted in July), gross domestic product growth...

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Analysts say wage growth may remain

Wage growth may continue in the coming months, according to analysts interviewed by MTI who report that wages will rise by 13 percent on average this year. The Central Statistical...

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There is a need for production-related subsidies, according to the agrarian chambers of the Visegrád countries

The enlarged meeting of the Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrad Four countries focused on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). According to the organizations’ leaders, production-related subsidies are needed, which...

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These nations buy the most Hungarikums at Ferihegy Airport from the Heinemann Duty Free

Pick Salami, Unicum and spice paprika grists – just a few of the hungarians that foreigners buy in the Heinemann Duty Free shop at the Budapest Airport SkyCourt. Of course,...

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A closer collaboration to help farmers

Several organizations in the agricultural sector have joined forces to help the farmers – the president of the National Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) announced on Wednesday at a press...

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Nébih’s laboratory in Debrecen was renewed

The National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nébih), laboratory in Debrecen was renewed. The molecular biology department of Nébih was renewed from about 110 million forints – the Minister of State...

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We spend 330 billion forints annually on vegetables and fruits

Domestic households purchase 165 kilogrammes of vegetables and 89 kilogrammes fruits a year, worth over 330 billion forints. <img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-935303″ src=”” alt=”” width=”720″ height=”479″ /> Half of this...

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GfK: The structure of the domestic online FMCG traffic approaches the structure of daily consumer goods turnover

According to GfK Commercial Analyzes’ study on this year’s first semester, households have rarely purchased larger amount of daily consumer goods between January and June 2017. In the first half...

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The Government is initiating the development of an irrigation development strategy

The Hungarian government considers it necessary to create an irrigation development strategy. According to the Government Decree published in the latest issue of the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny), the Government...

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Anti-Counterfeiting Board: Two-thirds of Hungarians would punish counterfeiters more rigorously

Two thirds of the Hungarians would punish the counterfeiters more rigorously and increasingly sees the risks of counterfeit products – Németh Mónika, secretary of the National Anti-Counterfeiting Board told M1...

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The price of sunflower is declining

More than last year, almost 211 thousand tons of sunflowers were harvested in Békés County – wrote. This quantity can be considered as average, but the content of the...

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The EU supported the fight against climate change with 20 billion euros last year in the developing countries

The European Union supported the combat against climate change with about 20 billion euros (6,200 billion forints) in the developing countries last year – the Council of EU Member States’...

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KSH: household consumption grew in each main groups in the first half of 2017

In the first half of the year, household consumption grew in all main groups, compared to the same period of 2016, reaching 4.5 percent in real terms and 7 percent...

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The government provides 300 billion HUF to the food industry

In order to strengthen the food industry, the government has approved the 20-point food safety action plan and provides 300 billion forints for the development of the sector – Laszlovszky...

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The EU would easen the opportunities for food donation

The European Union would facilitate rules on food donation, thereby reinforcing action against the emergence of food waste, the EU commission announced. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture...

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The foreign trade surplus of the euro area has declined

In August, the foreign trade surplus of the euro area declined and was lower than expected, according to Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In August, the trade surplus of...

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(HU) Szupersztár edzőzseni a BrandFestivalon

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The farmers in Zala county expect 7 million tons of average yield for maize

Seven tons per hectare average yield of maize is expected in Zala County, where nearly 10 percent of the crop is harvested – the county president of the National Agricultural...

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National protein feed program starts

A national protein feed program is being launched to replace feed from genetically modified soybean imports – the Minister of Agriculture announced on Monday in Budapest at a press conference....

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