Market News

The Hungarian Post has expanded its logistics capacity

In several settlements, the Hungarian Post (Magyar Posta) has expanded its package processing capacity with more than 21,000 square meters this year – the company told MTI. The Hungarian Post...

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European consumer complaint trends

Compared to the number of advertisements published in Europe, the number of complaints in connection with advertisements is low, but the 65,000 complaints give much work to the European Self-Regulatory...

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The domestic corporate sector has a stable future view

Based on the latest third quarter results of the K & H growth index, the stability of the largest domestic companies is clearly evident. In the following year, 2.3 percent...

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Nádudvari invests billions in development and launches new products

Hungarian-owned Nádudvari Food Kft.’s history started in 2007. The company’s sales were up HUF 1 billion in each of the last four years; this year’s sales revenue is expected to be...

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FM: The sheep population is growing

The sheep population is growing in Hungary year after year, and more and more people deal with sheep breeding – Czerván György Minister of State of the Minister of Agriculture...

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Nébih tested more than 1,000 products under the Szupermenta program

Nearly 20,000 laboratory tests were performed by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) on 1029 products over the last 3 years under the Szupermenta program. According to Nébih’s Friday...

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The highest yield per hectare of fodder crops is in Tolna county

The average yield of maize per tonne in Tolna County exceeded eight tonnes. Most of the yield is processed by domestic bioethanol factories. According to the data of the National...

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A cooperation agreement was signed between the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrád countries

A partnership agreement was signed in Budapest on Thursday between the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrád countries (V4) on agricultural research and scientific activities. Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture...

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The turnover of the German breweries decreased

In the first nine months of the year, the turnover of breweries in Germany declined by 3.1 percent with 2.3 million hectoliters, according to data released by Destatis on Monday....

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The slaughter of domestic pigs in the Zlín region was ordered due to the African swine fever

The slaughter of domestic pigs in the Czech Republic’s focal point for African swine fever in the part of the eastern Moravian Zlín region was ordered to prevent the spread...

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The consumer sentiment in the United States decreased

The consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated slightly in November – shows the usual monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The preliminary results were published on Friday. The...

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Euro area’s GDP grew by 0.6 percent in the third quarter

According to the expectations, the euro area and the European Union’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by 0.6 percent in the third quarter as reported by the European Union’s statistical...

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The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth this year and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth in Hungary this year, and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018. For 2019, 3.1 percent economic growth is expected. The European...

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MNB: the inflation indexes also declined in October

In October, while annual inflation declined by 0.3 percentage points to 2.2 percent – according to the analysis published by the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) on Thursday. Indirect tax-purified...

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How the Hungarians shopping and work around the house

A new survey reveals how we are preparing for the last months of the year and that we are getting more comfortable in both shopping and work around the house....

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FM: greening and environmental protection are a priority

The European Union faces new environmental challenges, so the new Common Agricultural Policy has a high priority on greening and environmental protection – the Ministry’s Communication quotes Nagy István, Parliamentary...

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HENT: the users of internet contents should be educated to be conscious consumers

The users of internet contents should be educated to be conscious consumers – Horváth Péter, Counselor of Counterfeiting Counsel (HENT) told M1 news channel on Thursday. He said: although it...

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The Hungarian Export Day series of events started

The Hungarian Export Day program was launched in Győr – Exim told MTI on Thursday. The roadshow organized by Exim aims to provide up to date information on the current...

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Corporate governance is a key issue for competitiveness

The role of corporate governance is decisive in competitiveness as corporate executives can do a lot for the efficient management of resources – Pleschinger Gyula, president of the Hungarian Economy...

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NGM: retail is expanding for 51 months

Retail sales have been rising steadily for 51 months – Pomázi Gyula, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), told M1 news channel on Tuesday, commenting...

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Hungarian buyers bought 68 billion forints worth of goods from direct sellers last year

Through direct salesmen, 68 billion forints worth of goods were sold in Hungary last year, according to the data of the Direct Sales Association (DSA). As a buyer or entrepreneur,...

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FM: The government is trying to produce better quality food

With its Food Chain Security Strategy , the government seeks to develop better quality food, develop consumer awareness and increase the efficiency of official activity, Nagy István, Minister of State...

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KSH: export rose by 5.5 percent in September

In September, the value of exports in euro increased by 5.5 and imports grew by 6.7 percent, compared to the same period of last year, according to a first estimate...

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In Zala County the average yield of maize exceeded 7 tonnes

Harvesting of maize in Zala County is completed, with an average yield of more than 7 tonnes in the area of 34 560 hectares – the county president of the...

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Zwack’s sales declined

In the first half of the year, Zwack Unicum Plc.’s gross turnover was 10,625 billion HUF, which is 3.6 percent lower than a year before, while the company’s 6,662 billion...

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FM: there are more than two hundred Hungaricums and outstanding values

The significant result of the act on Hungarian National Values and Hungaricums is that the number of values in the Hungaricum Collection has reached 67, and the number of outstanding...

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NGM Minister of State: A more flexible labor market is needed

Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), called the greatest challenge to make the labor market more flexible, including the transformation of public employment and...

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The National Wine Treasury Program was launched

The National Wine Treasury Program has begun, which will be a unique preservation process in the history of Hungarian winery – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in...

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The mood of German consumers improved better than expected

The economic sentiment index of the German ZEW Institute for Economic Research improved more than expected in September as it had deteriorated continuously in the previous three months. The economic...

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