Market News

Magazine: Fruit juices rich in fruits and vitamins

Coca-Cola Hungary’s experience is that the fruit juice market continued to grow this year. Commercial excellence leader Gábor Ivády told that in the summer fruit juices with a lower fruit content...

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Cofidis: the amount intended for Christmas presents can grow by a quarter this year

As in the previous year, 78 percent of the population is buying gifts for Christmas, but the amount intended for Christmas presents can rise from last year’s 31 500 forints...

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NFM: e-commerce is in the focus of the consumer protection tests

Consumer protection controls focus on e-commerce this year so the families can safely buy online – the National Development Ministry (NFM) announced on Thursday. According to the ministry, the number...

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KSH: the number of employees was 41 thousand more than a year before

During the three-month period from August to October, the average number of employees was 4 million 445 thousand, 41 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate for people...

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The European Commission has presented the main principles on the common EU agricultural policy

On Wednesday, the European Commission presented its proposals on the main principles of the common EU policy on agriculture, focusing, among other things, on giving Member States wider powers on...

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A Foundation in Szekszárd employing disabled people creates a food manufacturing facility

The Kék Madár (Blue Bird) Foundation establishes a food manufacturing and visitor center. The profits will be devoted to help the disadvantaged people. The Foundation, which is operating a smaller...

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Consumer confidence stagnated in Germany

Instead of the expected minimal improvement, German consumer confidence has stagnated, according to a survey published by GfK on Tuesday. The consumer mood index of the Nuremberg-based Market Research Institute...

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Retail sales declined in Japan

Contrary to expectations, retail sales declined in October in Japan, which doubts the hope that consumers will start to spend their money after the weak third quarter. Compared to September,...

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London analysts expect growth above 3 percent for the Hungarian economy next year

According to London’s financial analysts, the Hungarian economy will grow over its own long-term trend average over the next few years, and the growth rate is expected to exceed 3...

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KSH: Investments increased by 18.3 percent

In the third quarter of this year, the volume of investments grew by 18.3 percent, compared to the previous year’s low base, following the 26.8 percent rise in the previous...

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The Food Bank has collected more than 200 tons of durable food products

During the weekend campaign, the Hungarian Food Bank Association collected about 236 tons of durable food with the help of 5000 volunteers in about 120 settlements across the country. According...

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The first export trains started from Budapest to China

On Monday, the first two export trains set off to China. Mosóczi László, deputy minister of state of the Ministry of National Development (NFM), called attention to the transit role...

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Nébih stands for glyphosate

Hungary supports the extension of EU authorization of the pesticide active substance glyphosate for professional reasons – according to the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) – wrote. Nébih...

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A charity advent fair to be held in the Millenáris Park

Fairs, crafts and stage programs are waiting for the audience on Sunday at the II. Advent Charity Fair of the Association of Young Families (FICSAK) in the Millenáris Park. This...

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The European Waste Reduction Week is expected to be extended

The European Week of Waste is becoming more and more successful, so after the end of the process, registration will not end, new commitments can be made until next year’s...

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More and more quality beer products are available

The beer industry is growing stronger with agriculture. The consumerrs can choose among more and more quality beer products. The favorable legal environment and the dynamically expanding economy create good...

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OKSZ: The proportion of online purchases in the Advent weeks may be higher than expected

The share of online purchases may be higher in Advent weeks than expected – the secretary-general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) told M1 news channel on Sunday. Vámos György...

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GKI’s business cycle index is close to its peak again

GKI’s business cycle index again approached its September historic peak in November. Business expectations slightly improved, and consumer expectations fell within the margin of error – the GKI Economic Research...

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A new market hall to be built in Mohács with half billion HUF investment

A new market hall is being built from five hundred and fifty million forints tender funds in Mohács, replacing the former Jókai street market – Szekó József Mayor told MTI....

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K&H: investment mood of SMEs is on a multi-year peak

The willingness of businesses to invest is on a three-and-a-half-year peak. Currently 62 percent of the CEOs are planning some kind of development. This ratio is even better in case...

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GKI Digital: the logistics sector is struggling with labor shortages

Logistics sector in Hungary faces labor shortages, the lack of couriers makes it difficult to deliver online orders – GKI Digital’s industrial report was sent to MTI on Wednesday. GKI...

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Hungary aims to become China’s main exporter in the region

Hungary’s realistic goal is to become China’s largest export partner in Central Europe and to play a leading role in China’s investment in Central Europe – the Minister of Foreign...

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NAK’s County officials were elected

The county delegating assembly of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) was held between November 23-25, 2017, where county officials were elected. The county delegations met on November 23-25, 2017,...

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The conditions for selling spirits to be tightened in Russia

The Russian government plans to submit a bill to the Parliament, which will require to separate alcoholic beverage sections within the shops in the future. The draft created by the...

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The Black Friday in the US broke record

Buyers spent a record amount of money in the United States during the so-called Black Friday, which marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. The Adobe Analytics Economics Research...

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Berlin’s Christmas fairs to open with exceptional security measures

Berlin’s Christmas fairs will open with exceptional security measures, due to the terrorist attack happened a year ago. In the German capital there are 24 larger open-air Christmas markets, most...

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OKSZ: Hungarians will spend 100 billion HUF for this Christmas

This year, the Hungarians will spend 100 billion HUF for Christmas presents, according to the estimates of the Hungarian Trade Association (OKSZ), which includes internet spending and shop purchases. Vámos...

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The television increases the market share of OTC products the most

Atmedia, as the market leader TV sales house is committed to strengthening and building the television advertising industry. In 2016, together with GfK, the company implemented a new analysis on...

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We are looking for experiences for Christmas instead of socks and hairdryers

What will we give and what do we want to receive? How and with whom do we spend Christmas? What do we really want to do during the holidays? The...

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FM: wine exports increased

In the first eight months of the year, the value of wine exports increased by 20 percent and its volume increased by 31.5 percent, compared to the same period of...

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