Market News

Zalabaromfi is accused with cruelty of animals

The Csillagszem Animal-defensive Foundation denounced the company, because – according to them – Zalabaromfi left high and dry 355,000 turkeis, who will die of hunger.  Well known that the Zalabaromfi...

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CSAOSZ is protesting against the environment control green tax law

The Hungarian Packiging and Interplant Transport Association (CSAOSZ) has been agreeing with many instalments of the order, but definitely rejects more suggested idea of ministry.  According to the CSAOSZ, the...

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Best companies awarded

This year in SMEs category won Interware Zrt., between the big companies Axiál Kft. made excellent work. It was the 11. time that the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity...

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Finnish Consumers Want More Fair Trade Products

According to a new survey, nearly half of all consumers in Finland want more Fair Trade products to be offered at outlets. The survey, conducted by TNS Gallup for Kesko...

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Hungarian consumer trust increased – in spite of the financial crisis we spent money

Between July-September Hungarian waited bad times, but the propensity to shop grow by almost 15%.  The complex consumer trust index (CTI) by GfK and Corvinus University didn't change between July-September...

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4th Day of the European Commerce

The central event of 5th November and the programs country side are organised by VOSZ, a member of EuroCommerce, and some lobby groups.  The Day of the European Commerce is...

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Hungarians buy margarin for yearly HUF 20 billion

The market grow in value by 12, but decresed in volume by 2% between October 2007 – September 2008 – according to Nielsen research datas.  The price pro kilo increased...

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Food prices rose by 8.1%

In September 2008 consumer prices have not changed compared to the previous month and rose by 5.7% compared to September 2007.  In the first nine months of 2008 the average...

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British spent less money but more time in shops

Latest figures from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) show that UK retail sales values fell 1.5% on a like-for-like basis last month, from September 2007, when they had risen 3.0%....

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80% of the common round-headed garden lettuces polluted in Germany

The German Consumer Protection Authority (BVL) found bigger measure of pesticide than permitted in the common round-headed garden lettuce, the apple, in the champignon mushroom and the cabbage. In case...

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The OKSZ urges abatement of the administrative debits

On clamp of the approaching Christmas season the National Commerce Association called some sad mercantile trends and the necessary crotches to the decision makers' notice in announcement. According to datas...

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Agricultural producer prices grow under inflation rate

In August 2008 the producer price level of agricultural products was 2.7% higher than in August 2007.  More specifically, the price level of crops and horticultural products decreased by 4.6%,...

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Sold in „SZÖVET” Unit

The association for farmers near to the river Tisza made a succesful summer action, now they have their own trade mark and plan to sell their vegetables and fruits on...

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Against the wind but we go

The external conditions of the economic development have been considerably deteriorating, the domestic political situation is uncertain, while the economic situation is modestly improving. The forecast prepared by GKI Economic...

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Export and import decreased in August

According to datas of Hungarian Statistic Office in August 2008, according to first estimates, exports amounted to HUF 1,265 billion (EUR 5,378 million), while the value of imports reached HUF...

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People like cold milk desserts

According to Nielsen research the category is the 15. most popular food category. It has HUF 26 billion sales between October 2007 – September 2008. In volume it is 5%...

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FMCG top sales managers have HUF 8 million salary pro year

Hewit Human Tanácsadó Kft. asked 2,000 specialists from the sector in 2008. The top sales manager earn HUF 8 million, the variable part of their salary is 5-30%. The senior...

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(HU) Vége a gyors bővülésnek


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(HU) Veszteséget hoz idén a kukorica


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We have to queue more as average in Europe

In Hungary normally 8 people stand infront of us in the line, it is 3-4 in Europe. In our country people have to wait minimum 5 minuts to arrange, the...

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Awards for the most attractive shop fronts on Budapest boulevard

The jurey found the store window of Calliope fashion, the Kiwi Sun and Katti Zoób's salon the most spectacular.  At the first Boulevard store window compatition the specialist spyed 800...

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Consumers like brands sponsoring good causes

According to Cone Communication's research 4/5 of the people prefers to buy brands which protecting good causes, but the most important is the price and the quality. The 'good cause'...

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The domestic enterprises leave too much on their subjective value judgement

The most Hungarian companies associate based on personal connections or previous experience – is lying in latest assaying of the Coface Hungary . Coface is producing more than one thousand...

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The OKSZ would simplify the environment control green tax

The smallholders are tallying that the file and account commitment is without reason too sophisticated, and they hold , that in 2009 figure of the green tax will be growing...

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The trade confidence index came to halt

According to the survey conducted by GKI Economic research Co. ( with the support of the European Union, the trend of business expectations remained unchanged.  In September, the confidence index...

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