Market News

Supermarkets shamed over F-word books

Tesco and Asda were condemned for selling a string of books and CDs with the F-word in their titles. The items were available on their websites, where they were easily...

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Retail Sales grow in January

According to a fresh survey the British retail sales rose in January for the first time since last May, but the increase was driven by food sales and heavy price...

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Hungaricums on the web

Yesterday Premium Hungaricum Society introduce its new on-line store and commercial establishment for the public in frame of a conference.  The aim of the society, founded in 2004, is to...

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Spanish food & beverage sales grow in 2008

The sector lost 5,000 jobs in the fourth quarter, out of a total 480,000 jobs. However jobs had been created during the first three quarters of the year.  Sales of...

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Hollywood helps toymakers to survive

After a sad Christmas season world biggest toy makers forecast a better 2009, companies see several growth possibility thanks to the now comming Hollywood films as X-Men, Transformers 2, and...

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Trade balance showed a surplus of 33 million euros

According to KSH, national statistic office in December 2008, exports amounted to HUF 1,163 billion (EUR 4,371 million), while the value of imports reached HUF 1,186 billion (EUR 4,447 million)....

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Seven CEE countries on Coface's negative rating list

In all, 22 countries were either downgraded, placed on negative watch or had their positive watch withdrawn.  For the year 2008, Coface registered an increase of 47% in its global...

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Farmers protests grip Europe as prices slump

After peaking at the end of 2007 on the back of a global commodities boom, wholesale milk prices dropped by 50 percent on average last year, Hungarian farmers have HUF...

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Decreasing inflation, weak forint

The forecast prepared by GKI Economic Research Co. in co-operation with Erste Bank shows that both the depth and duration of the global recession are for the time being completely...

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HUF 130-140 billion EU subvention could lost

We have to pass the new SPS law, as soon as possible, otherwise the Hungarian stock-farming will cut back between 2010-2012 – said Barna Forgács, president of Hungarian Chamber of...

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People drink less fruit juice in the crisis

Last years the total fruit juice sales decreased by 4%, specialist said this year the fall could be 5-7%.  Sió-Eckes, owned by German Eckes-Granini group, sold 71 million liter fruit...

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Big harvest, decreasing demand for malt

After several years of impressive growth the worldwide consumption of beer could remain flat this year as the economic downturn hurts demand.  Between 2005 and 2008, worldwide beer production rose...

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The role of the personal consulting is growing at the vitamin market

According to GfK's Healthcare and Consumer Tracking researches altough Hungarians think to take vitamins is an important way to healthcare, but they bought less pills in the last two years....

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98-Cent Produce Packs brought new shoppers for Fresh & Easy

Tesco’s US subsidiary Fresh & Easy has reported that its produce sales have increased by more than 11% with its new 98-Cent line since January when it was introduced.  The...

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Volume of exports and imports for new member states continued to expand dinamacally

In November 2008, the export and import volumes decreased by 8 and 12 percent, respectively, however in January-November both the exports and imports increased by 5 percent as compared to...

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In spite of excellent agricultural land, there is no closing up in CEE

The CEE food industry is sitting in a vicious circle, for weak needs the answer is weak offer – said an UNIDO research, published by business daily Világgazdaság.  UNIDO is...

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Financial prospects for 2009

Financial prospects for 2009 are certainly worse than we had believed before October, when the danger of national bankruptcy was imminent. There is however, so much uncertainty that we should...

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Turkeys in decline

World trends in the market of meat and poultry are monitored by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the market price information system of KSH and AKI (PÁIR)...

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Younger generations discovering frozen vegetables

Frozen vegetables save us time but also leave room for creativity. In addition to basic products, an increasingly wide range of mixes are also available today. The only limiting factor...

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Growth unstoppable in Romania

According to an Eurostat estimate, retail sales showed an average drop of 0.8 percent in the EU-27 countries in October 2008, compared to 2007. Retail sales showed outstanding growth (9.4...

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Livening in market of refrigerated vegetables following last year’s recession

According to ConsumerScan data from GfK Hungária, sales of refrigerated vegetables and potatoes were down in 2007, but 2008 figures are expected to be up. The market of refrigerated vegetables...

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Expectations reaching lowest point ever

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., both business and consumer expectations continued to drop in December, but the rate of decline slowed down. Retailers did not expect...

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Washing powder and gel producing price rise in excess of 20 percent

Retail sales of washing agents stagnated at around HUF 37 billion in the November 2007-October 2008 period. Washing agents are the largest among the 60 categories of household chemical products...

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Balance of foreign trade rocking

The volume of export was down by 7 percent, while import was down by 6 percent in October 2008., compared to the same month in 2007. Export in the January-October...

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Countline chocolate popular

Countline chocolate is producing growth even in times of recession, owing to its favourable price. Most innovations are aimed at reducing calorie content and making products healthier. The increase in...

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Spa-hotels most popular

The number of nights spent by guests in commercial places of accommodation was down by 1 percent in the January-November 2008 period, compared to 2007. Revenues were down by 0.5...

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Washing powder and gel producing price rise in excess of 20 percent

Retail sales of washing agents stagnated at around HUF 37 billion in the November 2007-October 2008 period. Washing agents are the largest among the 60 categories of household chemical products...

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Agricultural prices falling permanently

The average price of agricultural products was down by 22.3 percent in November 2008, compared to 2007. The price of plant products was down by 39.6 percent, while that of...

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The future might belong to specialised washing agents

According to Nielsen data, the quantity of washing agents sold last year dropped somewhat. However, this is not bad news for manufacturers who launched a campaign two years ago, promoting...

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Retail sales continue to decline

The volume of retail sales was down by 1.9 percent in the first ten months of 2008, compared to the same period in 2007. A drop of 0.1 percent compared...

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