Market News

auction site on the market with free uploads

The seller doesn’t need to pay anything, there are no listing,-or commission payment costs – the operating manager of Eden-Design pointed out. According to operating manager Richárd Balogh, the portal ...

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Defining what is considered to be a Hungarian product is a shaky area

Not even the recently introduced Food Codex defines properly what is considered to be a Hungarian product and whether items made of Hungarian ingedients fall into this category or not...

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Children's taste is less sensitive to sweets, so they eat more chocolate

Whilst the sense organs are fully functional from birth onwards, perception is a matter of practice. Sensory tests at TTZ Bremerhaven have shown that other benchmarks apply for children than...

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A crisis-resistant marketing tradeshow

PROMOTION is a tradeshow organized by HUNGEXPO Ltd., introducing and promoting new, crisis-resistant and efficient marketing and communicational technologies and strategies. In spite of all doubts, recession may have a...

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Everyone in Europe consumes too much

If people switched more of their consumption from animal to plant-based food there would be a smaller impact on the environment.  A paper in the International Journal of Epidemiology by...

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Wine-producers afraid of changing rules of contribution fee

Wine-producers strongly disagree with the new plans affecting wine-laws, bringing about changes in the field of circulation-contribution fee.  The main goal of the contribution is to gather money for local...

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A growing interest in social shops, a new store in Miskolc

A new social shop has just opened in Miskolc, the nineteenth in the country already, where products come directly from the growers. Prices are lower than usual in these so...

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Hungarian Agraracademy last weekend

Representatives of Hungarian agriculture and food industry gathered for a two-day long program last week in Pápa.  According to József Gráf agricultural and rural development minister, 2010 is going to...

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Exxon Mobil overtakes Wal-Mart to top Fortune 500

Exxon Mobil Corp. unseated Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in the 2009 Fortune 500 list, shrugging off the oil price bubble and weathering what the magazine called the worst year ever for...

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Nearly one billion euro sales on the Romanian beer-market

The four multinational companies of the Romanian beer-market are closing a year with a nearly one billion euro sales – as announced in the Friday issue of Ziarul Financiar. Eighty...

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Domestic FMCG market turndown in Q4 in 2008 and in the first two months of 2009

Daily consumer-products value has rosen faster than inflation, yet in October when worldwide economic crisis had been announced, the market fell back with 3.7 percent – a survey called Commercial...

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Garantiqua raising guarantee limit to 90 percent

Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Ltd. has raised its guarantee limit from 80% to 90% for companies whose loans do not exceed their annual payroll costs, and the EU has accepted the company's...

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Lack of poultry-products on the Hungarian market

Deficiency may take shape in the next months when it comes to certain chicken products on the domestic market as inland demand for certain poultry meats is getting more and...

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Prices falling in Spain, too

Prices have been confirmed to have fallen in Spain for the first time in March, down by -0.1% in the annual IPC released by the INE, National Statistics Institute.  The...

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At least eight organic farmers a month are quitting their scemes

At least two organic farmers a week are leaving the movement as consumer demand for premium food stagnates and costs rise – according to The Guardian1s article, this tendency continues....

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Senior citizens and young people are not likely to change their shopping habits

With the latest news showing that most Americans are continuing to hold back on spending, it looks as if Gen Y and senior citizens may be the exceptions, according to...

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Food-to-Go shoppers say quality is more important than price

Shoppers who buy food and beverages to go are more concerned about quality and freshness than price – according to a new consumer trends report released by United Kingdom-based IGD....

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Agricultural Chamber says a good crop is to be expected

Due to the sudden warm spring, nearly all hosts involved in agriculture have fallen behind with their work to do, including plant-protection – the Hungarian Agricultural Chamber has pointed out....

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Online marketing blooming in Hungary

2008 saw a 7 percent increase in the amount of money spent on advertisements, with online marketing gaining a 10 percent part of the entire market – Hungarian Commercial Association...

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Free counsel-series on environment protection product-fee

The amendment about the environment protection product-fee came into force on 1st January, still there are numerous questions about it to be answered within the compass of a free counsel-serie...

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Food prices increased again

In March 2009 consumer prices increased by 0.5% compared to the previous month and rose by 2.9% compared to March 2008, according to fresh data by KSH, Hungarian Statistical Office....

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Food Codex violating competition-rules according to Hungarian Competition Authority

Food Codex has only been signed on Thursday, yet the Hungarian Competition Authority is examining the agreement as certain details may be viewed as a restraint of competition.  Hungarian Competition...

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Tunafish being popular in spite of increased prices

Even though tunafish-prices have increased in the past few months, there is az increased interest in buying tuna as well. Alliance Tuna International, Inc. from the Philippenes have announced a...

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Balaton-wines received most awards again

Wines from the Balaton-area have received most awards at one of the strictest international wine-competitions Vinitaly inVerona, Italy.  Seven out of thirty Hungarian competitors have received Gran Menzione-award, and four...

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87% of shoppers are making changes in reaction to the recession

87% of UK households are making changes in reaction to the recession – according to new research by Shoppercentric, an independent agency specialising in shopper behaviour research With more than...

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New EU-rule scaring Hungarian wine-experts and manufacturers

European Union is about to launch a new regulation which may mean serious danger to Hungarian winery, allowing manufacturers to produce rosé by mixing red- and white wine – Hír...

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Slovakian customers doing all major shoppings in Hungary

More and more stores in Győr allow customers to pay in euro, whereas Slovakian supermarkets near the border are missing their old customers and see a 40 percent decrease in...

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Fifty percent of Central-Europeans are pessimistic

Almost 50% of Poles, Czechs and Slovaks fear that the world crisis will affect their families’ future, according to the March-results of a poll released by CBOS.  Forty-eight percent of...

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Wine distillation support from EU source

Those producers who has a fix delivery contract with commercial distilleries can receive wine distillation support. According to the statement of  the Agriculture and Rural Development Office, an applicant is...

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Consumer-expectations deteroriating according to GKI

Consumers are even more pessimistic in now than they were months ago – according to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with the European Union.  Since...

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