Market News

Consumer rush did not occur in the United States

Despite the fact, that the huge chains were bombing the customers with actions, in December, the U.S. households spent less, than expected. Only a 0.2 percent increase occured, in household...

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Improvement in external debt, stagnant real wages

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. made with the cooperation of Erste Bank, Hungarian economy will stagnate in 2010, but the external balance will show assets. The...

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More and more managers are getting optimistic about the future

According to the Global CEO Survey of the PricewaterhouseCoopers; The CEOs left behind their fears, about the prolonged recession. The year earlier pessimism is replaced by trust in future growth....

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Consumer protection take care of pálinka

The National Pálinka Council and the National Consumer Protection Authority signed a cooperation agreement, in order to help quality pálinka consumption on Thursday in Budapest, in the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The annual turnover of cosmetics and household chemical products is 300 billion HUF

Last year, the retail turnover of the household products and cosmetics increased by 1 percent, compared to the previous year and is around 300 billion HUF. Nielsen market research company...

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More and more costumers buy abroad, due to VAT increase

Household consumption decreased, due to the increase of VAT rate from 20 percent to 25 percent it also “fattened” black economy, and weakened tourism – states the National Trade Association....

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A six-year record in the U.S. economy

According to the communication of the Ministry of Commerce; GDP grew by 5.7 percent, which is much higher result, than the 4.6 percent that the analysts expected. In the third...

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U.S. indices records

Manufacturing activity showed a revival in January. The Chicago purchasing manager index increased to 61.5 points from the 58.7 points of December reaching a level not seen for two years....

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We are looking for the actions of the shops more consciously

According to the results of GfK Hungária’s Shopping Monitor 2009/2010 study; Consumers are getting more conscious. Nowadays the actions and promotions have prority status. The biggest interests are for the...

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This year there will be no SPS: We miss EU agricultural supports

Hungary announced to the union’s competencies, that Hungary will not adopt the farm-based agricultural support system, the SPS this year. The news was told the MTI by Gráf József Agriculture...

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The 40th World Economic Forum opened in Davos

The 40th World Economic Forum opened on 27th of January in Davos, which is intended to focus on the creating of a saner world economy, a more responsible international banking...

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Winding ups and liquidations in all quantities

According to Creditreform Ltd.; the number of insolvency proceedings in 2009, exceeded 14,600 which is a 29 percent increase, compared to 2008. In the cases of winding ups, the growth...

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A growing number of consumer complaints

The Budapest Conciliation Board closed 1774 cases last year. This is nearly 400 more cases, than the 1398 cases of 2008 – said Baranovszky György the Chairman of the Board...

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The confidence restored

This year, businesses expect a positive change, since the K&H SME confidence index has risen to the value before the crisis, standing on -14 points. Last time the index value...

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EBRD expects a recession in Hungary for this year

Risks borne the recovery prospects of the Eastern European region – said the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). who, believes there is a cause for...

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U.S. consumers are still confident

Conference Board's consumer confidence index, increased to 55.9 points in January, from the 53.6 points of December. The recent positive data is a surprise. Analysts expected only 53.5 points. The...

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Near seven billion USD traffic between Hungary and China

Hungarian export value increased by 4 percent, between Hungary and China. The two countries are getting more open towards each other. According to Chinese trade statistics; last year the traffic...

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Germany can redeem 50 billion worth of fuel

According to the experts of the German Federal renewable energy organization; Germany may be able to significantly perform beyond EU's directives of share in 2020 in the case of renewable...

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The retail on slope

According to the Central Statistical Office; the retail sales volume adjusted from calendary effects, decreased by 5 percent, in the first 11 months of 2009. In November, it was 7.8...

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The GKI economic situation index improved further

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI economic situation index started the year with a slight rise. The number of those, who believe in increase of the production is the...

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Biofuel is manufactured from the quarter of the American grain

Food could be provided to hundreds of millions of starving people, from the grain that serves as biofuel in the United States. The bio-ethanol program also plays a role in...

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Germans purchase, despite bad sentiment

According to the survey of GfK; The consumer climate continues to deteriorate in Germany, but the buying mood is improving, thanks to discount prices. The bad mood of consumers is...

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If you already have luxury, show it

According to the attitude survey of Synovate, on international luxury goods, the number of those who not only buy, but show their luxury goods is the highest in Hong Kong....

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The main consumer trends in 2010, posted its top 10 list of the trends of the new year. The company's network consist of more than 500 observers follows the current consumer trends, all over the...

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Bad Christmas for British retail

The British retail sales in last December, increased less than expected, mainly due to price increases. According to the Statistical Office; sales rose by 0.3 percent last month. Experts expected...

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Sixty billion for the SMEs

At the beginning of the crisis, 111 billion HUF was transferred to the support of small and medium-sized enterprises – states the Minister of Economy. According to Varga István, 60...

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China may soon be the world's second largest economy

China's economy last year grew by 8.7 percent, exceeding initial expectations of the Beijing government. The news was reported by the director of the national statistical office. In the last...

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A revival has begun on the commercial real estate market

In the second half of last year, a revival has begun in the majority of the commercial property market, which will continue this year. "In the first half of 2009,...

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Central and Eastern European households – the situation improves slowly

The Central and Eastern European households were characterized by steady growth of income for many years. The recent decline in consumer confidence and purchasing habits can be observed, according to...

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The outdoor advertising market lost several billions

The outdoor advertising market decreased largely last year: Compared to 2008, 5-6 billion HUF less was spent on billboards, citylight posters and building nets by the companies. The turnover of...

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