Market News

Hungarian company to build hotel complex at a Serbia Cave

Hungarian company is also interested in the hotel complex that will be built at the eastern Serbian Resavska cave – informed the competent office of Despotovac district. The Resavskai Cave...

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This year's cherry crop has poor quality

The harvested cherry is larger, but has a lower quality. The harvest in Nagykörű, which known as the cherry garden of the country is near completion. As far as sales...

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Business sentiment in Germany is on its two year peak

In Germany, the index, indicating the business sentiment, increased to its two year peak in June. According to the communication of the Ifo Economic Research Institute, released on Tuesday in...

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We are still not closer to the EU average after seven years

According to preliminary datas of the European Union's statistical office in Hungary last year, the per capita GDP was the 63 percentn of the EU average. his also means that...

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The qualification requirements were abolished in several commercial professions

One of the last step of the Bajnai government was the abolition of qualification requirements, at a part of the commercial professions. According to the trade unions; these steps downgrade...

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The Agrobank and the Compensation Fund can help the flooded farmers

The agriculture sector could be the biggest loser of this year’s flooding – said Font Sándor the chairman of the agriculture committee of the National Assembly in Duna TV’s morning...

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European origin protection for the Gyulai and Csabai sausages

The European Commission declared Gyulai and Csabai sausages as protected products – announced on Monday in Brussels. Both products were listed under 2-2 names (Csabai sausage and Csabai thick sausage,...

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Széchenyi Card: the 50 million HUF ceiling to come

The government, because of the success of the Széchenyi Card program would once again raise the ceiling of the available credit to 50 million HUF. In the last one and...

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Hungary’s petfood export is fourth in the EU

Hungary’s petfood export is fourth in the EU Member States and the seventh larger in the world. According to the datas of the Hungarian Petfood Union; 75 billion HUF worth...

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Europe worries about unemployment

The labor market situation is still the most pressing issue for the European nations. In the survey of GfK Association, the population of 8 out of the 11 countries, worry...

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China loses ten billions of USD on objectionable products

The Chinese exporters because of “technical obstacles”, and complaints suffered a loss of a total 57 billion USD last year – states the survey of China's Quality Control High Authority....

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GKI’s prosperity index rose further in June

The more than a year-long rise of the value increase of GKI’s prosperity index (seasonally adjusted) continued. After the nadir of April 2009 GKI’s consumer confidence index also Started a...

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The majority of the webstores had a good turnover last year

According to the survey of WebShop-Experts Ltd.; a reduce occured in the turnover at the 18 percent of the surveyed webstores, compared to the previous year. So the turnovers in...

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Watermelon season delays

Compared to the previous year, watermelon season will slip by three weeks, beginning on the 10th of July this year – said the president of the Hungarian Watermelon Association. Simonka...

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Holland laboratory tested the Hungarian tomato and strawberry

Holland laboratory found the remains of banned chemicals in tomatoes and strawberries bought in Hungarian shops. The Agricultural Office did not found such chemicals in those products. The Levegő Munkacsoport...

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Food labels – the lobby won again

The European Parliament voted for the mandatory nutrition labeling on foods, marketed within the community, but rejected the”traffic light” type of sign system requested by the NGOs. On the basis...

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E-commerce is the future

The next market research issue, the Online Gold Rush of Jones Lang LaSalle Retail 2020 has been published. The interactive Retail 2020 site predicts the next 10 years of the...

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Brands and celebrities

Consumers are only willing to pay premium prices if a brand has real added value. A well-chosen celebrity can participate in the brand building process and in implementing the marketing...

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Demand for market information increased

Companies’ decision-makers in the field of marketing and sales showed interest for more market information and research data in the past one and a half years. Market analysing information needed...

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Innovation, mobility, consumption

The increasing role of mobile technology, from production to sale, brings benefits and satisfaction to manufacturers, retailers and consumers. A growing number of mobile phones will be able to read...

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Coupons in catering

For a long time, Hungarian bar and restaurant owners could not imagine how coupon usage could be adapted to the attitude of the average Hungarian restaurant goer. In the age...

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Grill products have become less hypermarket-centred

Despite the 3-percent decrease in grill sausage value sales by hypermarkets, 59 percent of sales was still realised in this retail channel. Volume sales plummeted by 17 percent and value...

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Invisible investigators

Krisztina Szabad, the managing director of Archicom introduced their ‘Webeye’ system to the readers of Trade magazine: – A vehicle tracking device is part of the system. It is a...

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Level of unemployment still growing

In the first quarter of 2010, KSH measured an 11.8-percent unemployment rate (2.1 percentage points higher than twelve months earlier), with 3,719,000 people being employed and 498,000 unemployed in the...

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We are less fervent grillers than we used to be

The current economic situation does not favour the organisation of open-air grill parties and this inevitably affected grill product sales. Zoltán Szántó, PICK Szeged Zrt.’s product manager says: – Because...

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For trusted products trusted methods are required

In the case of most products sold in stores, both seller and buyer know what happened to base materials until the product reached the table of the consumer. International standards...

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A strong Forint helped meat import

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that in the first quarter beef prices continued to...

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We buy grill products several times a year

In 2009, 5 percent of Hungarian households bought some kind of grill sausage and 7 percent put grill spices in their baskets – reveals GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan. On average, we...

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Export and the industry are already expanding

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, industrial and foreign trade data indicated a moderate economic growth in early 2010. In several sectors – building and...

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Spice mixes are a better choice for brand building

Many product groups capitalised on the fact that consumers are economising by not eating out. More cooking done at home should affect spice sales positively, but data by Nielsen indicate...

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