Market News

U.S. consumer confidence decreased

The U.S. consumer confidence index in July decreased to a level has not seen since February, mainly because of the concerns for the labor market. The index decreased to 50.4...

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Contrary trends in the Hungarian economy

According to the summary of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); two opposite processes took place in the Hungarian economy in the first five months of the year: while industrial production...

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Ice cream distributors do not expect much from this year

According to the traders; ice cream consumption is reducing: this year's hot days may broke a record, but on an average annual consumption, it is conceivable that less ice cream...

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The European Union dislikes the free pálinka distillation

Several European Union bodies objected against the rule mitigation of the pálinka distillation in Hungary – said Piros László, Vice-President of the National Pálinka Council (PNT). According to Piros, it...

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Fewer loans are channeled to firms

According to the datas of the European Central Bank; the size of loans granted to European firms decreased by 1.9 percent in June. With the exception of the banks and...

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The chips before big price increase

Chips are indispensable accessories of house parties, watching films. German specialists predict a high jump in the price of chips. The price of chips may increase, due to the drought...

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Russia once again accepts the American poultry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, after a seven-month ban on poultry exports, allow the poultry exports to Russia, which was previously the largest outlet of this American product. Russia originally...

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The downturn of retail continues

The retail sales volume – adjusted from the calendar effects – in the first five months of this year – also in May – both decreased by 4.7 percent, compared...

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The Company managers are fearing from newer recession

According to the survey of Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU); One-third of the surveyed 680 executives marked the newer recession as the main concern of the next half year. Fearing from...

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Secondary controls

The secondary conrols of food put undue administrative burden on the food distributors and it is doubtful whether its reaches its goal – say several food distributors to MTI. "It...

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The luxury brands are expanding

The luxury brands were the most active last year on the global retail market. According to the survey of CB Richard Ellis; the luxury brands expanded the most in the...

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Hungarian companies with Slovak head office may return to Hungary

With the extension of the 10 percent corporate tax, the domestic business environment will improve. Thus, it is not impossible that the Slovakian companies will choose Hungary – said Dávid...

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Improving business, deteriorating consumer expectations

In July, the seasonally adjusted value of GKI’s economic activity index remained unchanged The value of the GKI consumer confidence index increased sharply after the low point of April 2009...

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The climate protection would bring economic recovery

The EU's ambitious climate protection objectives may result in new jobs and green economic recovery. According to the climate report of the European Commission; the reduction of greenhouse gases would...

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Flour is getting more expensive

Due to the heat, flour and feed prices increased in the recent weeks, but bread prices are expected to remain the same, due to the unchanged energy and labor costs....

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Commercial chains to conqer Croatia

A dozen of international trade supply chain will open stores in Croatia in the near future, some brands overtook other European countries with their appearance. According to Croatian press reports;...

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Credit cards shine in their past light

Credit card owners, after the end of the crisis pay their debts more precisely and also spend more, which can already be seen in the profits of the world's largest...

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Euro area’s industrial orders show great optimism

The largest increase of the last ten years occured in Euro area’s industrial orders, this May. The Eurostat – the EU's statistical office – published its datas over the euro...

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Eco-innovation project for SMEs

The Small and Medium Enterprises can submit their applications until the 9th of September for the European Union's Eco-innovation competition – states the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The European...

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Lack of capital all around the world

The foreign capital investments, after the 15 percent decline of 2008, last year decreased by 40 percent worldwide – said Simai Mihály Professor of MTA’s Institute for World Economics. He...

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Smaller traffic – less fake

Due to the decline in international trade, less counterfeit goods were marketed in the European Union. According to the communication of Brussels, the volume of counterfeit goods declined by one...

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No pardon for poor food distributors

The legislation over secondary food inspection entered into force on the 21st of July, which aims to prevent the distribution of poor quality food into the domestic market – told...

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Cautious optimism in the commercial property market

According to the latest survey of Colliers International; For the first half of 2010, cautious optimism occured in the commercial property market. The rents have stabilized, the bargaining positions currently...

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The bakeries are hit by price increase of flour

If the Hungarian flour is too expensive, the bakers are buying cheaper foreign flour. They are considering to turn to the Economic Competition Authority, because it is suspicious, that almost...

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Consumer groups in the sight of GVH again

The businesses organizing consumer groups in their adverts misleading the consumers, showing the impression that they provide loan. The Competition Authority (GVH) prohibited two further companies from the communication of...

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China overtook the United States in energy consumption

According to the datas of the International Energy Agency (IEA); China consumes the most energy on Earth. China took the leadership, from the previous world leader the United States last...

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After the poor season start the heat brings the guests

The country's biggest tourism operators reported decline in the first five months of the year. But because of the increased heat, the number of guests also increased. The experts and...

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The electronics market started well in 2010 globally

According to the statement of GfK Hungária; A significant growth occured worldwide in the electronics market (consumer electronics, IT, photography and telecommunications), in the first quarter of 2010. The electronics...

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Advertising market shrank by a quarter in Central and Eastern Europe

Zenith Optimedia predicts a 3.5 percent growth in 2010 on the global advertising market. No longer to be deal with great breakdown, but some countries will be trouble. Unfortunately, for...

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Secondary import controls

From today food importers should provide detailed datas over prices, consume time limits, sources of supply. The secondary import controls aims to eliminate the low quality or dangerous items. Two...

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