Market News

Industrial production increased by ten percent

In January-October 2010, industrial production grew by 10 percent, compared to the same period of 2009. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office; In October industrial production increased...

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Only 2 percent would buy uncertain origin food

In Hungary forged products cause an estimated 600-900 billion HUF damage per year – said Bendzsel Miklós, president of the Hungarian Patent Office Budapest on Tuesday at a background conversation....

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Russia halves its poultry imports

Next year Russia will halve its poultry imports – announced Viktor Zubkov, Deputy Prime Minister. The Russians are marching towards self-sufficiency. Russia halves its poultry imports quota to 350 thousand...

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Mankind will be strarving after 2050

Acccording to a study presented at the climate conference in Mexico, the population will increase such an extent until 2050, that the Earth will not be able to supply us...

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There is no uniform position over Sunday closure

There are two law proposals that want the shops to be closed on Sundays. One was submittede by the MPs of the KDNP, but adoption is still not sure. The...

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Hungary is last in employment rate

Hungary stood in the last place in the first half of the year in the European Union with the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds. The employment rate of  55.3...

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This year, at least 17 500 companies may bankrupt

During one month liquidation proceedings started against 1627, in the first 11 months of the year, liquidation proceedings started against 16 513 companies, so until the end of the year,...

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Credit card spendings slow down in Europe

According to the joint report of Visa Europe and Markit market research company; the population of the EU Member States spent 1.2 percent more in the third quarter of 2010,...

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Authorities find a series of fake and poisonous products continuously

In recent days, many dubious origin and quality toxic food products discovered by the authorities. The Agricultural Management Office found palm oil forged egg powder and fusarium-toxin flour in Heves...

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Austria turns to the European Commission because of the special tax

The Hungarian crisis tax prefers the Hungarian-owned companies, so it is contrary to the EU competition rules – wrote Die Presse in its Thursday's issue. The Austrian companies lobbied against...

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Green cleaning

Skweet also targets sport lovers: it cleans all types of sport bottle naturally, easily and effectively. The powder not only cleans bottles, but it contains only natural ingredients; it is...

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Sex drive (energy) drink

Sex drive is different from other energy drinks: it enhances blood flow to vital organs and it has been known to increase the libido in both men and women. It...

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Drink quiz

Britvic would like to sell more of their Juicy Drench drinks by installing smart vending machines in shops. These vending machines do not accept cash, rather they prompt participants to...

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Stagnating Hungarian FMCG market

After a survey of 2,000 households by GfK Hungária, we learned that we did not spend more on FMCG products this year than last year, what is more, we continued...

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Agricultural product prices were up by twenty percent

In August 2010 the production price level of agricultural products surged by 20.1 percent, compared to the level of August 2009 – vegetable product prices soared by 31.7 percent and...

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Chocolate Santa figures are the most popular – they make up for more than half of holiday season sales

Last year sweets retail sales surpassed the level of HUF 2 billion in the December holiday season, but sales of seasonal products were 11 percent lower than in the previous...

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Increase in retail sales: it did not happen yet

Volume sales by retail units in August were practically at the same level as last year. Sales fell by 3.3 percent in the first eight months of the year. KSH’s...

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Prices lowered in September

In September the monthly average consumer price decrease was 0.1 percent, but compared with the level of September 2009 prices increased by 3.8 percent. According to a quick report by...

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Retail sales are slowly climbing in the EU

According to Eurostat’s quick estimate, retail sales grew by 0.8 percent in the EU-27 and by 0.6 percent in the eurozone in August 2010, compared to the same period a...

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Food industry is still one of the losers

Domestic industrial sales prices were 0.3 percent higher in August 2010 than in the previous month. If compared with August 2009, they were 10.5 percent higher. Industrial export sales prices...

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Food export growth

In January-July 2010 the volume of export soared by 17 percent and that of import increased by 15 percent, if compared with the base period a year earlier. Foreign trade...

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Chocolate may become a luxury product

Because of the decline of the cocoa bean plantations and rising demandm, chocolate soon to be classified into the category of luxury goods. According to the Ghana-based Natural Conservation Research...

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Young people spend nearly five hours in front

In the past ten years the umber of young people who use the Internet daily multiplied by sixteen. 15-19 year olds spend a daily 4.9 hours in front of different...

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Eurozone’s retail sales increased again

After falling for two consecutive months, the euro-zone retail sales rose in October – states the European Union's statistical office, the Eurostat on Friday. The October retail sales increased by...

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Inflation wave hits Romania and Greece

In August 2010, in the EU-27 consumer prices were 2 percent higher on average, compared to prices in August 2009. The biggest increase was measured in Romania (7.7 percent) and...

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A lot depends on tax law and the budget

According to economic projections by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, the conditions for economic growth are somewhat worse than previously reckoned. The growth rate of external demand will be...

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Chicken sales on the rise

Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) monitors and regularly publishes the world’s poultry and meat product trends. Their latest report reveals that the volume of broiler chicken purchased weekly on weeks...

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Industrial production improved after last year’s poor performance

In August 2010 the volume of industrial production increased by 17.6 percent from August last year. Production level in the first eight months of the year was 10 percent higher...

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Online food stores are in trouble

Every fourth online food store eliminates its operation in Great Britain. Years ago, the Internet has revolutionized the business sector. Costumers did not have to go to the hypermarkets: the...

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Nearly all households buy some kind of hygiene or skin care product

According to GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan, 95 percent of households bought some kind of hygiene or skin care product in the first half of 2010. In the youngest age group (under...

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