Market News

Tobacco-products might become a state monopoly

Tobacco-product retail might turn to be a state monopoly from 2012, in case the Parliament says yes for the law to protect minors and re-regulate the rules of tobacco retail....

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People over 70 gives generous gifts

People over 50 will spend an average of 44,188 HUF this year on Christmas presents. People over 70 are those who spend the most on gifts, an average of 57,333...

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KSH: 29 thousand people more worked for businesses in the first ten months

In the first ten months of this year, 29 thousand (1.6 percent) more people worked in the business sector more than in the same period in 2010. In the national...

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Tettye spring water being sold in the Zsolnay quarter

The high-quality spring water bottled by the Tettye Forrásház Zrt. will be sold in the recently opened Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. The Tettye Forrásház announced in spring 2010 to begin the...

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China reduces import duties on more than 700 products next year

In order to boost the domestic consumption and to subserve economic restructuring Beijing reduces import duties on more than 700 products from the 1st of January – announced the Ministry...

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Wine short stories on the bottles

The Italian Feltrinelli bookstore chain allied with Northern Italian wine producers. The writing on the drink can be read on the side of the bottle. The cooperation lasts for 6...

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EU's food charity program's funding will not be cut

The EU decided not to cut funding for a program that has helped feed the continent’s poorest citizens for the last 25 years. As the economic downturn drags on, more...

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Purchase Hungarian products! is a Hungarian website promoting the purchase of Hungarian products. Purchasing local product has turned out to be a conscious and trendy customer attitude in the past few years,...

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Hungarian Grey cattle meat under protection

The European Commission has registered the “Hungarian Grey cattle meat” into the register of protected and designations of origin geographical indications – told the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) to...

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The price of pork may exceed 400 HUF

The price of live pigs could stop, but it has not yet built in in the transfer prices, so continuous price increase of meat and meat products is expected in...

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Hungary's GDP per capita is under the two-thirds of the EU average

The per capita GDP in 2010, was 64.7 percent of the EU average in Hungary – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In Hungary, the per capita GDP calculated on...

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Forty-seven tons of cargo was withdrawn by inspectors

During the first phase of the winter food chain control – which took place between November 21 and December 4 – food security professionals withdrew a total of 46.7 tonnes...

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Christmas shopping in Italy: more for less money

Italians are buying gifts to each other this Christmas in the spirit of saving – states the survey of the Confesercenti trade association. Every Italian buys 6-10 gifts for the...

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The Poultry Product Board complained Four Paws at the Competition Authority

Notifications were made by the Poultry Product Board to the Competition Authority (GVH), against the Budapest-based Four Paws (NM) Foundation, because the Four Paws with its discreditingcampaign misleads the consumers...

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KSH: increase in grain prices moderated in October

The agricultural producer price level in October was 13.4 percent higher than a year ago. The producer price the plant products increased by 12 percent, the producer price of live...

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The VM launches a sheep and cattle-breeders support program

2013 will be the peak year of the sheep sector, when The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) will pay the amounts available next year. The farmers will receive a 5,000...

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Campaign promoting fish consumption will start next year

The Aranyponty Zrt. launches a marketing action entitled Fish Friday to more widely promote fish consumption – said Lévai Ferenc,  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Aranyponty Zrt. on Tuesday...

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Champagne is catching up again

Az év első 11 hónapjának forgalmi számai, a hazai pezsgőpiac újbóli fellendülését mutatják. Mind a Nielsen piackutató cég által mért forgalom, mind a Törley Kft. forgalmi statisztikái alapján megfordult a...

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13 percent of the small businesses have webshop

According to the survey of Budapest Bank; 90 percent of the respondents have purchased online, while only 13 percent of the small businesses have a webshop, although it would significantly...

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Christmas event for the disadvantaged children

The International Children's Emergency Service (NGYSZ) awaits the disadvantaged children  who are living in poor material circumstances with sweets, festive packs and Christmas program on Friday in the Millennium Court...

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Business climate improves in Germany

According to the Tuesday published datas of the ZEW economic research institute, in December, a slight improvement occured in the business sentiment in Germany. The next half-year forward-looking expectations index...

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Manpower: fifth of the employers planning redundancies

In Hungary,  22 percent of the employers are planning redundancies in the first quarter 2012 and only 8 percent reported recruitments. The Manpower Employment Outlook indicator's 14 percentage points value...

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KSH: fuel and food prices have driven up inflation in November

Consumer prices in November rose by 0.7 percent from the previous month and are 4.3 percent above the level of a year earlier. Primarily the fuel and food prices affected...

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Agricultural crediting may be expanded

Agricultural crediting may be expanded this year, because the crisis affected the agricultural companies less, a relatively stable demand remained for their products, and the support scheme has not changed...

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VM: Hungarian beef exports can be launched to Algeria

According to the information of the Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development (VM), Hungarian beef exports can be launched to Algeria. Kardeván Endre agreed with his Algerian counterpart, Rachid Bougueddour Chief...

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Sugar cane will arrive to the sugar factory in Kaposvár from Mozambique

Within a few weeks, nearly 22 thousand tons of refined sugar cane from Mozambique arrives to the Kaposvár plant of the Magyar Cukor Zrt. to be processed – reports Somogyi...

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Free Shipping Day on Thursday

The Free Shipping Day will be held in Hungary for the second time, on the 15th of  December 2011. On this day, the participating webstores agree to ship the orders...

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CSAOSZ: The latest law amendment of the product fee affecting the packaging industry badly

The Parliament adopted the law amendment of environmental product fee tax on the 21st of  November 2011. The increase of fee rates means a 10 billion HUF additional burden for...

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Transparency is the condition of the dialog

According to the opinion of stakeholders and on the basis of the analysis of corporate websites; transparency is the strongest area of responsible operation. Stakeholders considered the performance of domestic...

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Hungarian Bioethanol Association: the government declared war on bioethanol

The Parliament adopted next year's tax laws along with the 4662/87 amendment. The excise tax on bio-ethanol will increase by 70 HUF per liter which is together with the VAT...

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