Market News

Unprecedented scale in shopping tourism near the border

Slovakian buyers are storming stores of Hungary; unprecedented scale occurred in shopping tourism near the border, because the forint / euro exchange rate was at a historical peak, even 320...

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NFH: there are many infringing sales presentations

The staff of the consumer protection authority were found out that the organizers of the presentations did not carry out their commercial activities in accordance with the law in 63...

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The winemakers of the Somló wine region urges for unity

The winemakers of the Somló wine region urges for the unity of the winemakers of the Somló wine region in Devecser on Monday. The hill judge of the mountain village...

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Community agricultural and wine marketing to be transformed

According to a government decision; the Community agricultural and wine marketing functions will be carried out by the Hungarian National Tourist Office, instead of the Agricultural Marketing Centre. “The contributions...

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The pig market started the year with a drop in prices

The end of the year brought price reductions for the European pork market, and this trend will continue this week – shows the analysis of Pick Szeged Zrt. The price...

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A new “brand” for Fejér county

The program called Fejér Product Program was launched last May, and has been increasingly successful ever since. The main purpose of the program is to attract manufacturers and growers of...

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Direct marketing is facing new challenges

Direct Marketing Association has 10 new numbers in 2011, with 5 more companies added, the service package of the association has been expanded, and the 2012 DM Sensor sector research...

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GfK: consumer sentiment continued to deteriorate

According to the research of the GfK market institute; consumer sentiment is worsening in Hungary. GfK’s complex consumer confidence index (FBI), decreased by 13 points to 117.5 points  in December...

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Industrial production continues to increase

According to the preliminary datas; the volume of industrial production rose by 3.5 percent in November 2011, compared to the same period of last year – reported the Central Statistical...

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In November, euro area’s retail declined

After the revised 0.1 percent monthly increase of October, euro area’s retail declined by 0.8 percent in November, contrary to the expected 0.4 percent forecasts – said the European Union's...

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COFIDIS: two million new loans last year, half of the population has credit debts

Almost three-quarters of the Hungarians, had a loan at once, and every second Hungarian has credit debts. The most common type of credit is housing loans. 38 percent of the...

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The product descriptions of the Hungarian wines are already in Brussels

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) has submitted the wine product descriptions of national approval decisions to the European Commission, after Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor signed them – the...

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These could be the stars of the food industry in 2012

The food industry also has its fashion waves, like the dress industry. What will be the food fashion in 2012 and why? – asks The Huffington Post's article attempts...

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The Italians throw food out even during the crisis

Saving was the slogan during the holiday season in Italy, except for the food thrown out: 1.3 billion worth of food landed in trash in Italy. A total of 440...

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Retail sales decreased in Germany

According to the datas of the Federal Statistical Office, contrary to the expectations, the retail sales fell in November in Germany. On monthly basis, on the basis of the calendary...

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Agricultural exports increased significantly

The value  of agricultural and food exports in the January-September period of last year was 4.988 billion euros, while the import value was 3.132 billion euros – informs the Agricultural...

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Online retail produced a turnover of 155 billion HUF last year

In the Hungarian retail sales only the dealers participating in the Internet trade could realize a significant increase in traffic in 2011 – shows the survey of the GKIeNET –...

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KSH: 42 thousand more people worked in September-November 2011 than a year before

The number of employees in September-November 2011 was 3 million 870 thousand, 42 thousand more than in the same period of last year – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Slovak shopping tourism accelerates

With the continuous weakening of the forint the shopping tourism restarted to Hungary. Each day thousands of Slovaks piurchases in the Hungarian stores. The Info radio reported that in the...

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The price of orange juice may increase further

The further strengthening of orange juice is expected on the commodity stock exchange, after the exchange rate rached its two months peak. The panic is mainly due to the experienced...

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Coface: The number of insolvency proceedings may increase dramatically

According to Coface Hungary: Year 2012 can be worse than last year for the Hungarian companies. While in 2011 the companies had to face only the economic crisis and its...

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Will food production be a “privilege”?

A new food safety bill provoked fierce disputes in New Zealand in which – some experts say – the local food production “will no longer be a human right but...

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Red sludge did not cause damages in the Somlo wine region

Some wine farmer's claims are fake that the red sludge caused damages to the Somlo wine region. The cientific studies prove that the disaster had no impact on the vineyards...

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More fertilizer was sold in the first three quarters of last year

Farmers in the first three quarters of last year, purchased 13 percent more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers than in the same period of 2010 – informs the most...

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Euro area purchasing managers index exceeded the expectations

The purchasing manager  index increased to 48.8 points in December, after the 47.5 points of November, exceeding the analysts' expectations of 48.3 points – told the Markit research institute to...

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Magazine: More people bought wieners in supermarkets and discount stores this year

Despite the stable base of buyers, in the first seven months of 2011 wiener volume sales dropped 4 percent, due to fewer buying occasions – reveals GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan....

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Hungary is safer now

The new disaster management system which was introduced on January 1 will make Hungary a safer country, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Monday, addressing a ceremonial staff meeting of...

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Consumer loans: the number of new loans sharply reduces

Only the weakening of the forint keeps the consumer loan portfolio of the households on level. The amount of new loans decreased by more than one-fifth in the year lasting...

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Fischer Béla: a new sugar factory is illusion but the capabilities of Kaposvár can be improved

It is an illusion that Hungary could have avoided the drastic rise in sugar prices in the spring if the twelve existing sugar factories at the time of the system...

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