Market News

The ifo index indicates optimistic global economy sentiment

The German ifo Economic Research Institute’s world's economic sentiment index has improved in the first quarter of 2012 after two consecutive quarterly decline. The indicator for the first quarter of...

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Magazine: Traditional marketplaces hold on

According to a study conducted by GfK Hungária and Agrár Európa Kft., fruits and vegetables are practically bought by all Hungarian households, who spend HUF 226 billion on them a...

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The Food Avalanche Local Government Program was re-launched

The Food Avalanche Local Government Program was re-launched: they await the programs and applications of those non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and local government until February 27 which want to participate...

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Last year's frost damage will be paid soon

The total value of the completed and ongoing agri-credits was 803.77 billion HUF at the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) Zrt. on the 31st of December 2011 – informed the financial...

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GKI: Real estate market: no upturn yet

In October of 2011 the GKI Budapest Real Estate Market Index plummeted (-11 points). In January of 2012 this index shows slight increase compared to the previous quarter (+1,5 points)....

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New leader at PwC Hungary

From 1st July 2012, PwC Hungary has a new leader, Nick Kós. The 44 year-old Irish-Hungarian expert started his carreer at PwC in Ireland in 1990, then moved to Hungary...

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Hungarian sheep and goat can be exported to Russia

All obstacles were eliminated from the path of the Hungarian sheep and goat exports to Russia – said Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister over his discussions in Moscow to the...

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Beer’s market position strengthened once again

The volume weighted average price of beer was HUF 311/litre in September-October 2009 and September-October 2010, while in the same period of 2011 the Nielsen Retail Index registered HUF 310....

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Parliament secures more bargaining power for dairy farmers

New legislation to boost dairy farmers' bargaining power to get fair prices for their raw milk and help them prepare for the end of milk quotas in 2015 was approved...

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Positive surprise: Hungarian economy increased by 1.7 percent last year

Despite the deterioration of external market, the Hungarian economy was able to provide positive performance in  the last quarter of2011 on the basis of the preliminary datas of the Central...

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D & B: the number of companies dealing with retail trade increased

Last year, the number of  companies dealing with retail trade increased by four percent in Hungary, compared to 2010. The number of registered businesses which use retail as main activity...

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Magazine: Different levels of concentration across the region

Nielsen’s ShopperTrends research concluded that the level of concentration in food retail is different in the countries of our region. This is also reflected in the differing importance of fruit/vegetable-buying...

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The future of Hungary is within the European Union

On the first day of the spring parliamentary session Prime Minister Viktor Orbán urged the National Assembly to adopt the European Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic...

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Parliament saves food programme for the EU's most deprived citizens

The “Food for the needy” programme will continue to supply food to the EU's most deprived citizens for two more years, thanks to a rescue plan agreed with the Council...

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French wine and spirits exports over ten billion euros

The export of French wines and spirits last year broke the historical record, exceeding 10 billion euros for the first time. The increase was 10 percent compared to last year...

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GKI: The change started

According to the forecast of GKI the successful accomplishment of negotiations with the IMF and the EU will be enough only for mitigating the contraction of GDP. The recovery of...

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In January, fuel, alcoholic beverages and food led the price increases

In January, consumer prices were 5.5 percent higher than a year ago. In the growth, certain tax measures and forint's exchange rate played the most significant role. The price of...

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Huge forces were mobilized across Europe against food adulteration

Serious forces were moved by the European authorities in recent months, to eliminate criminal organizations distributing counterfeit food products. The Hungarian authorities were also involved in the process. The list...

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Apricot and cherry flower buds frozen, still no expensive fruits

According to preliminary surveys, the dramatic cold over minus twenty degrees froze the earliest kind of apricot and cherry flower buds. However, if the majority of orchards in Europe get...

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The growth of industrial production declined at the end of 2011

The volume of industrial production, compared the same period of last year increased by 2.1 percent in December 2011. The low base also played a role in the moderate growth....

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Excise tax on tobacco products to increase again

The excise tax on cigarettes will increase to HUF 11,500 per 1,000 pieces, or 30% of its retail price, from February 1 and to HUF 11,900, or 31% of the...

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MFB: the total value of loans in agriculture over 800 billion HUF

The total value of the completed and ongoing agri-credits was 803.77 billion HUF at the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) Zrt. on the 31st of  December 2011 – informed the financial...

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Optimism in the German economy

Contrary to the expected -12 points, the Mannheim-based ZEW research institute’s prosperity index of February jumped to +5.4 points, entering into a positive range, the first time since May 2011...

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Magazine: Non-alcoholic, single-flavour pralines in small packaging units

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, the annual praline market values at more than HUF 17 billion. Non-alcoholic pralines had an 85-percent value and volume share from praline retail sales...

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Hipercom: Valentine's Day special offers in Hungarian stores

Shortly before Valentine's Day, special offer flyers have flooded the market and mailboxes to offer the best purchases for customers. The database of Hipercom Monitoring has taken a closer look...

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More than half a million Hungarians buy pralines for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is, of course a special season for chocolate producers, especially after the weal revenue of January: nearly half a million Hungarian households are purchasing chocolate for this special...

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Another wave of layoffs is on the agenda?

According to the survey of GKI made in January, the number of undertakings reckoning with increasing sales revenues exceeds those expecting decreasing ones. In terms of the number of employees...

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Kantar Media: The hypermarkets increased, FMCG manufacturers reduced their spendings on adverts

Over the past year, the remaining illusion has shattered in the term increasing of the  advertising market – shows the study of Kantar Media. The datas showed a minimal growth,...

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Magazine: Pork prices upped considerably

Data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) indicates that in the first half of 2011 the number of pigs reduced by more than 2 percent (if compared with the same...

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The frost may have destroyed this year's grape harvest

If the record cold lasts longer, a significant proportion of vines may curdle causing a minimum of 20 billion HUF damage to the Hungarian winemakers – forecasts Varga Winery. The...

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