Market News

Money or jobs?

According to the datas of Randstad Workmonitor, while more than half of the Spaniards or the Greeks would sacrifice a portion of their salary, only the third of the Hungarians...

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E-commerce: New digital platform

MyBank is the EBA Clearing solution that permits Internet payments to be made using one's current account in a simple and totally safe manner. This new payment instrument goes to...

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Excise tax on cigarettes may increase next year

On the basis of the 2013 budget proposal, excise tax on cigarettes may increase further next year. Although the draft of the budget calculates with 913.1 billion HUF revenue from...

Read more many vacancies in the commercial sector

The companies are mostly seeking for engineers, IT professionals, accountants in the past six months, but there were many vacancies in the fields of customer services and commerce – the...

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GDP and consumption: Hungary is far below the EU average

Hungary’s per capita GDP in term of purchasing power parity is worse than in the Czech Republic or in Slovakia, and compared to Poland, the indicator is only a bit...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index stagnated in June

Following the plunge in May GKI-Erste economic sentiment index (adjusted for seasonal factors) was close to stagnation in June. According to the survey prepared by GKI with the sponsorship of...

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There is no strong animal husbandry without stong agriculture

There is no strong animal husbandry without stong agriculture. In this spirit, 2.6 billion HUF additional financing will be provided in next year's budget, in order to strengthen the pork...

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Hungary will finish the modernization of hen cages for time

Hungary finishes the modernization of hen cages until the July 31 deadline – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) informed MTI. 14 EU member states including Hungary could not meet...

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World trade is declining for the second month

According to the datas of the Dutch CPB Economy Analysis Center, world trade declined in volume for the second consecutive month in April, due to the slowdown of global activity....

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New shopping mall opened in Siófok

The Sió Pláza entertainment and shopping center opened on Thursday in Siófok. The mall was built with a 5 billion HUF investment, implemented by the Sió Ingatlan Invest Kft., which...

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Fish stocking: Catfish spawns will be stocked in place of pikeperches into the Tisza-lake

The artificial pikeperch stocking of the Tisza-tavi Sporthorgász Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. failed due to the unfavorable weather this year, but from catfish they will stock double volume to the reservoir....

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The Hungarian beer market increases again

The decline of the domestic beer market lasting since 2006 seems to be reversed: last year sales grew by 3.8 percent. The Association of Hungarian Brewers explains the good results...

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The EU does not like the Hungarian taxation of pálinka

The European Commission on Thursday called on Hungary to terminate the partial excise tax exemption of pálinka, ban the traditional hen cages as soon as possible and strongly requested to...

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HITA: Hungary is the most attractive investment destination in the region

According to rankings, published in the 2012 May issue of the Site Selection magazine, Hungary is the most attractive investment destination in the Eastern European region. According to the North...

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EURO 2012 – So far, 200 thousand liters of beer was sold in the fan zone in Kiev

The football fans drank 200 thousand liters of beer in the fan zone of Kiev, since the beginning of the Ukrainian-Polish Football European Championship. Eight kilometers of sausages were sold...

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The ratio of domestic food products decreased in the Slovak stores

The ratio of domestic food products decreased to a record low level, to 46 percent, compared to last year's 50 percent in the Slovak stores –the Slovak Chamber of Food...

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Pálinka safe is planned to be established in Szabolcs

The establishment of a museum pálinka safe is planned in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where the region's most successful distillates will be preserved for posterity. The development of the safe was offered...

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Heat – Increasing mineral water, beer and ice-cream sales

Mineral water, beer and ice-cream retail sales are increasing during the heat. Fodor Attila, director of communications at CBA told MTI on Wednesday, that from Friday, the sales of summer...

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NÉBIH will be more stringent in the future

The Parliament adopted the modification and its implementation of the Law on the prohibition of unfair distribution behavior, which will be in the national jurisdiction of the National Food Chain...

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EP’s Agricultural Committee was opposed to the ban on foie gras

The European Parliament's Agriculture and Rural Development Committee accepted the 2012-2015 EU animal welfare strategy report, but rejected the proposal to ban foie gras – announced Glattfelder Béla MEP (Fidesz)...

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Combine harvesters started up in the heat

The the winter barley harvest has been started in the country's hottest regions in Bács-Kiskun and Baranya counties. Accoring to the informations of the village farmers, the yield is ranges...

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Magazine: Children of the millennium are the customers of the future

The Y generation – those born around the turn of the millennium – will soon dominate the world and retailers had better win this generation now – this was the...

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Mall developments continue rapidly

The global shopping mall developments continue with a rapid pace. The expansion of the middle class and the merchants leads to unprecedented constructions and the opening of new centers, especially...

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The number of pigs would be doubled from 666 billion HUF in seven years

According to the pork industry strategy of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) a total of 666 billion HUF additional development resources would be needed beside the current funding level...

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VM: discriminatory pricing will be terminated

According to the law amendment of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) discriminatory pricing will be terminated  in case of milk, carcass meat, poultry, vegetables and fruit products. The law...

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KSH: gross average wage was 219,400 HUF in the first four months of 2012

The average wages in the private sector grew by 6.4 percent, and decreased by 2.3 percent in the budgetary field, which caused by the increase of public employment. In the...

Read more Internet sales may grow despite the crisis

Although retail sales in the EU Member States declined by 1.9 percent last year, due to the crisis, e-commerce grew by almost 10 percent in 2011 and a further increase...

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Watermelon crop can be similar to last year's

Despite the stormy weather of the recent days, this year's watermelon yield can be similar to last year's – told Mártonffy Béla, Chairman of the the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable...

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Cherry harvest has begun in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County: purchase price is high

The cherry season has begun in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, with the highest purchase prices of the recent years – told Wachal Kálmán, leader of the Agricultural Board of the regional government...

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New officials at MMSZ

The Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) held its inaugural meeting in early June. One of the most important task was the election of the Vice-Presidents. Due to organizational changes the Vice-President...

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