Market News

MAGOSZ: 40 percent of the corn crop was destroyed in the heat

According to the estimates of the Hungarian Farmers Unions and Farmers Cooperative Association (MAGOSZ), almost 40 percent of the expected corn crop has been destroyed across the country this year,...

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Hipercom: The best basket choice of July

Hipercom Hungária Ltd. has listed the best basket choices of the month for June, too, based on various channels. The data of the research are taken from Hipercom Monitoring database,...

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Ideological war in Bolivia, against Coca-Cola and McDonald's

The South American country of Bolivia has announced that by the end of the year, bans Coca-Cola from the country. The Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca explained that “the 21st...

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NGM: no specific proposal arrived to reduce the VAT on basic foods

No specific proposal has arrived yet to the National Economy Ministry (NGM) on the reduction of theVAT on basic foodstuffs – the NGM informed MTI on Monday. The Hungarian regulations...

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Opten: the number of liquidations is on peak

In July, liquidation proceedings were initated against 2251 companies. In the last three months the monthly average of liquidation proceedings was 2,328 which was 20 percent higher than a year...

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The European harvest started with the Csabagyöngye grape of the South Balaton

Significant quantities of the Hungaricum grape is only produced in this region of Hungary on the plantations of the Balaton Agrár Zrt. From the grapes only the Badacsony-based Varga Winery...

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NMHH: 2.118 million broadband internet subscriptions in June in Hungary

In June, 2.118 million broadband internet subscriptions were registered in Hungary, 11 thousand more than in May – shows the flash report of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH),...

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Less grain has grown in Russia

The SovEcon revised its forecast on this year’s grain crop downward with several millions of tons, due to the drought in the Volga region. The market research institute estimates that...

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Apricot season started and ended early

This year’s apricot season started early and ended early as well. The housewives were hoping that apricot will only be cheaper, but they soon disappeared from the market. In the...

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FAO: world's rice production is reducing

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), revised the forecast of the world’s rice production downward, however, production will still exceed the demand, and therefore a possible risk of the...

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Domestic corn crop can be three million tons less this year

This year’s corn crop can be up to three million tons less, due to the drought. Animal farmers can be also affected badly by the dramatic price increase of the...

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Retail sales in June increased in the euro zone decreased in the EU

The volume of retail sales increased in the euro zone and decreased in the EU 27, compared with the previous month – announced Eurostat on Friday. In June, compared to...

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Fifteen tons of goods were seized during the control of the wholesale market

During the control of the wholesale market in Budapest, about 15 tons of fruits and vegetables were seized by the inspectors – said Helik Ferenc, head veterinarian of the Pest...

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Magazine: Trends, whys and answers – part 3

In the last two decades market researchers started focusing on the psychology of consumers. Qualitative market researchers try to find the answer to questions such as ‘How do emotions influence...

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Tobacco manufacturers emphasize the dangers of tax increases

The July planned increase in excise duty announced by the government shocks the participants of the Hungarian tobacco industry – said the tobacco manufacturers. Sánta János, the President of the...

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The Corvinus University will train pálinka masters

The training of the pálinka masters will soon begin in Hungary on a university level: The training of the Food Science, Faculty of the Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB), awaits...

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Czech retail sales falling back

The Czech Statistical Office released more accurate data on external trade for the fourth quarter of 2011 and in relation to that the media published reflections of the analytical public...

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The poultry, pork and beef industry waiting for support

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) and the Poultry Product Council (BTT) proposes the increase of national fundings, ensuring favorable-rate loans and a significant VAT decrease...

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K&H SME confidence index: domestic enterprises expect moderate results

On the basis of the latest datas of the K&H SME confidence index, the surveyed five hundred CEOs presuppose an average of a 4.3 percent revenue growth and a 2.5...

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A Farmers’ market opens in the Square of Rózsák in Budapest

Primary and small producers are selling Hungarian vegetables, fruits and foods from Saturday in the 7th district of  Budapest – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI on Thursday....

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Euro zone’s and EU producer price index declined in June

Producer prices declined in the euro zone and in the European Union in June – Eurostat announced on Thursday. In June, in the 17-member euro zone producer prices dereased by...

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Magazine: Market researchers’ presentations at Metro’s Customer Academy

Trade Marketing Cub’s ‘First-hand information from market researchers’ event was held on 19 April at Metro’s Customer Academy, where one of the TMC’s founders Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed participants. From Nielsen...

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Russian vodka production broke a ten-year record

Russian distilleries broke a ten years old production record in June. As the St. Petersburg Times wrote, the Russian vodka producers produced 96.1 million liters of spirits, 47 percent more...

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Beef meat is better when the cattle drinks wine

Several cattle became “drunkards” in France: they can drink a daily two bottles of great quality wine, because their flesh became better from it. The idea came from Jean-Charles Tastavy...

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Humanitarian Aid for Syria

In the spirit of our commitment to resolve the serious humanitarian crisis in Syria, Hungary is providing Euro 25000 in support towards the UNICEF mental health and rehabilitation programmes for...

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Hungarian Association of Bakers: the price of flour increased, the price of bread is expected to grow

The price of flour increased by 18 to 20 HUF per kilogram from the 1st of August, compared to the prices of the period before the harvest, therefore, the price...

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Magazine: Weakening middle category among spices and condiments

Spices and condiments are basic accessories of summer barbeques. Rita Bazsó, Univer Product Zrt.’s product category manager told our magazine that the condiment market is not as strong in the...

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KSH: foreign trade volume increased again in May

In May – after the decline of the last two months – the volume of exports increased by 4.4, the volume of imports by 2.8 percent compared to the base...

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Ipsos: Constant crisis feeling all around the world

According to the national survey of Ipsos, carried out in 24 countries it turns out that an average of 37 percent of the respondents connsidered their countries’ economic performance good....

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Tobacco breaking season has started

The farmers expect a 1.6 to 1.7 tons per hectare average yield. It is little less than last year's 1.8 tons from the 4,800 hectares of crop land – Bényei...

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