Market News

KSH: grain prices are increasing for months

In October, agricultural producer prices rose by 24.4 percent above the level of a year earlier, after the producer prices of plant products increased by 33.1, while animal product prices...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP stagnation is the most likely for next year

The Kopint-Tárki expects a 1.3 percent GDP reduction for this year in waiting, for next year forecasts stagnation, with downside risks. The Kopint-Tárki in its previous October forecast expected  1.2...

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The beer industry can not avoid the price increase

The Hungarian beer market can not avoid the price increase, because of increased costs and tax burdens – said Dele Ajayi, CEO of Heineken Hungária in the Wednesday's edition of...

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The Government would save the meat companies with the involvement of local governments

The Government is considering a solution that can be EU compliant and can save the ailing meat companies of Gyula, Kaposvár and Pápa – the Népszabadság was informed  from several...

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Magazine: Champagne and sparkling wine: how many corks will be popped this year?

So far the champagne and sparkling wine market has contracted a few percent this year. György Kovács, managing director of the market leader Törley Kft. is hopeful that consumers will...

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Christmas shopping concept has changed over the years

In recent years, the Christmas shopping concept has changed. However, there are eternal truths. In recent years, the Christmas shopping concept has changed. However, there are eternal truths. – It...

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Purple turtleneck sweater and whistling porcupine under the tree

The study of the Olcsó price comparison site revealed that almost a quarter of the respondents rarely or never receive a gift that they really want. In the second phase...

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VM: people should buy sealed liquors from only trusted places

People should buy sealed liquors from only trusted places – asks the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for food chain surveillance and agri management,...

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The Nectar of Szatmár – people with disabilities produce quality soybean oil in Szatmár

A high quality and healthy product was launched with the participation of Rubint Réka, made ​​by people with disabilities in one of the most disadvantaged region of the country; Szatmár....

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Attention! Psychiatric pills for behaviour problems?

Should your child or any child you happen to know be treated by psychiatric pills for certain behaviour problems, or if you happen to hear of any kind of wrong...

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KSH: inflation was 5.2 percent in November

Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent in November from the previous month and were 5.2 percent higher, compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on...

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Tobacco shops can sell lotto and lottery tickets as well

The Tobacco shops that will be opened next summer can also sell lotto and lottery tickets, after the parliament modified the law with 258 yes and 48 no votes on...

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Companies wait and see within the uncertain labor market position

Hungarian employers expect uncertain labor market position for the first quarter of next year. More than three quarters of them are not planning to change the number of the staff,...

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Flight attendants refuse to smile

The Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants Union, which is demanding a five per cent salary increase from Hong Kong's flagship carrier, said the “work-to-rule” measures could also throw flight schedules...

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Positive economic sentiment in Germany

The sentiment index of German ZEW economic research institute became positive in December – the Mannheim-based Institute announced on Tuesday. The German ZEW sentiment index became plus 6.9 points in...

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KSH: in spite of the unfavorable weather the value of agricultural output remained on level

The agricultural output in 2012, was 0.7 percent higher, compared to the previous year, as a result of the 11 percent decline in volume and the 13 percent increase in...

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Nearly 3.5 billion HUF was spent by the consumers last year for Christmas packages containing personal care and cosmetics

Retail sales of cosmetics and personal care products increased greatly during last pre-Christmas season last year. In fact, consumers spent 13 percent more on them during the last four months...

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Comprehensive European study: the majority of webshops do not meet consumer protection rules

75 percent of the online shops, does not meet the European Union's consumer protection standards – the European Commission states. The European Commission announced the results of its comprehensive study...

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NAV Receives four and a half billion forints to install the cash registers

According to the government's decision, 4.5 billion HUF resources should be provided to the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) to the installation of cash registers that are connected to...

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OECD: Hungarian economy is over the low point

According to the indicator of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) showing the changes of the Hungarian real economy’s business cycle, the Hungarian economy is over the nadir....

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210 million online buyers in China

More and more people buy on the Internet in China. The East Asian country will become the world's largest e-retailer, and in the middle of the decade it may become...

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Abuse at the psychiatry

Should you, or anybody you know suffer any kind of abuse throughout a psychiatric treatment, or if you happen to hear of any kind of wrong treatment, please let us...

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GKI: Decreasing consumption and investments

Following the 1.5 per cent decline in 2012 the Hungarian economy will only stagnate in 2013, which will be the second weakest result in the region after Slovenia. As a...

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OKSZ: in spite of spending more, we buy less gifts due to the inflation

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects higher Christmas retail spending than last year, while the volume of the purchased goods may be less. The reason is this year’s high inflation....

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Wine has become the most important export product within the Hungarian agriculture and food sector

China became Hungary’s third largest wine export market outside the European Union. Hungarian wines were sold in China in 2011 in a value of almost 1.9 million euros, and the...

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The Pólus Center renewed from more than one billion HUF

The largest owner, the CBRE Global Investors renewed the 1996 built Pólus Center from more than one billion HUF – Gijs Klomp said, the company's director of acquisitions announced at...

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Czerván: there will not be significant food price increase

In recent months, food prices increased in Hungary by an average of about 6 percent. It is no need to fear from price increases, although the government keeps the issue...

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Secure online shopping for Christmas

According to the recent survey of the G Data Antivirus manufacturer up to 2.5 million Hungarians can buy via the Internet for Christmas this year, including more than half a...

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Superbrands Gala: a gallery

The fifth edition of the Superbrands Hungary Programme came to an end with the Superbrands Gala. The ceremony created with the purpose of rewarding exceptional brands’ performances within the Superbrands...

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Self-restriction in food advertising for children: also confirmed in Hungary

Eight major companies in Hungary created the platform of companies that will comply to the voluntary self-restriction of the EU pledge in the presence of Szalai Annamária, President of the...

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