Market News

The confidence index of the Hungarian consumers is no longer the lowest in the world

The confidence index of the Hungarian consumers is no longer the lowest among the studied fifty-eight countries. In Hungary, the index in the in the fourth quarter was 37 points,...

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The dairy industry expect bankruptcies after a controversial year

If theVAT rate of dairy products will not be reduced below 10 percent in time, than the dairies expect mass bankruptcies – Mélykúti Tibor, Co-Chairman of the Milk Marketing Board...

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Fazekas Sándor: the target is to double the Hungarian pig population until 2017

The Ministry of Agriculture would like to ensure that the Hungarian pig population will be doubled until 2017. In order to reach this goal, the ministry’s pig program provides a...

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The Association of Local Currencies will be formed

The issuers of regional vouchers the so-called local currencies will establish a professional organization – confirmed Perkovátz Tamás, the issuer of the first Hungarian local currency of Sopron to  MTI...

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A revival on the retail property market in Europe

European retail property investment sales totaled 13.5 billion euros in the last quarter of 2012, compared to the average quarterly turnover of 9 billion euros of the recent years –...

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Increased control to keep smoking ban in the second week of February

Increased controls will be carried out again during the second week of February at entertainment and hospitality areas in compliance with the law on the protection of non-smokers – the...

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The share of local products increased to 10-12 percent in food distribution

The distribution of local food production has increased to about 10 to 12 percent, while the internal sales of Hungarian food products increased from 70 to 75 percent – Fazekas...

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Alcohol, coffee and newspapers in the tobacco shops

The National Tobacco Shops can sell alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, coffee, mineral water, as well as soft drinks and newspapers and may start as early as May. The government would...

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Hungary is on the 26th place on the innovation list

Hungary is the 26th on Bloomberg’s innovation list. The United States leads the list, followed by South Korea, Germany, Finland and Sweden. Im terms of R&D intensity (R&D spendings in...

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Euro area annual inflation down to 2.0%

Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 2.0% in January 2013, down from 2.2% in December 20123, according to a flash estimate4 from Eurostat, the statistical office of the...

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Regular fair of farm products started in Szeged

Farmers of Csongrád county offer their quality food products from Monday twice a week in the great hall in the Mars-square market in Szeged. the valuable products of the farmers...

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The value of mergers and acquisitions decreased in Hungary last year

The value of Hungarian corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) decreased by 69 percent last year to an estimated 550 million USD – Dezse Margaret, managing partner of Ernst and Young...

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15 million pizzas consumed in the U.S. during the Super Bowl

More than 15 million pizzas and more than one billion chicken wings will be consumed during the Super Bowl. An average ticket costs one and a half million HUF into...

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The trade balance may improve if exports starts to grow

Due to the decline in domestic demand, import growth is expected to remain below the growth of export. Export in favorable conditions can recover for the end of the year,...

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The domestic manufacturing industry starts the year well

In January, the output of the manufacturing industry has increased the most significantly in Hungary, in the Central and Eastern European region and in contrast with the euro zone the...

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The online advertising market has increased further

In the last quarter of 2012 the positive trend in the domestic online and mobile advertising market has continued. The advertising revenue of companies in the IAB NORI index achieved...

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The U.S. Ambassador gave recognition to the Hungarian Food Bank Association

Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis U.S. Ambassador awarded the Hungarian Food Bank Association with Active Citizenship diploma in Budapest on Thursday, recognizing the organization's food donations collection and distribution and the support...

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Seventy percent of the agricultural production is bought by the domestic food industry

Seventy percent of the agricultural production in Hungary is purchased by the Hungarian food industry – Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister said on Wednesday in Budapest, at a meeting organized...

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Solid price drop on the cereal market

The declining price trend in world grain trade continues. Good news arived from the Hungarian fields. According to the agrometeorologists, the ground’s water supplies are rapidly growing after a long...

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PwC: Family business survey

Two thirds of family firms around the world have grown their sales in 2011, and even more are confident that their ambitious growth targets for the next five years will...

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The Nébih has banned the distribution of foods and pesticides from the Far East

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) banned the distribution of 5000 kilograms of food from the Far East, as well as 72,000 liters of pesticides – the agency told...

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Atradius: Late payments and non-payments in the corporate sector increased worldwide

The survey of Atradius Collections, carried out in 29 countries, with the involvement of 6000 companies, shows that despite the dangerous trends, only 30 percent of the companies were using...

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DHL: Success lies in international possibilities

In an exacting economic environment, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have been presented with a challenge. A challenge to grow and increase the profitability of their businesses against a...

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The retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics increased by 2 percent in value and decreased by four percent in volume

Retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics in 2012 amounted to about 313 billion HUF in revenues, 2 percent more than the year before. In terms of volume, turnover fell...

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GfK: a further reduction in the number of magazines that draw attention to discounts

According to the datas of the GfK Hungária Leaflet Monitor, the number of magazines that draw attention to discounts continued to decline, in the largest extent among discount retailers. The...

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Retailplaza webstore – where speed and convenience are cheaper!

The Retailplaza, a store that is specialized for consumables has been opened. You can order quickly and easy from thewebstore, in addition the consumables are delivered home on a great...

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FEOSZ: media campaign on consumer rights

The National Federation of Consumer Associations (FEOSZ) launches an information campaign on consumer rights from the end of January – the organization stated. From 30 January 2013, FEOSZ with its...

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Horsemeat row: Offcuts in burgers came from Poland, says FSA

Food standards authorities in the Irish Republic are certain that horsemeat found in beefburgers came from Poland, the UK Food Standards Agency has said. FSA boss Catherine Brown told the...

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The Germans are willing to buy more

The German consumer willingness seems to be revived, after the weakness of Europe's largest economy will soon to be ended – N24.German news television reported. The consumer willingnes index increased...

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DHL Global Connectedness Index is out

The DHL Global Connectedness Index ranks 125 countries according to the depth and breadth of their integration into the world economy and also examines the relationship between global connectedness and...

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