Market News

Consumer protection: less problems at webshops

According to the experiences of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH), the number of webshops without any consumer protection problems are increasing: the objection rate has improved from 85 to...

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KSH: the gross average wage in 2012 was 223 thousand HUF

The average gross earnings of full-time employees was 223 thousand HUF in 2012. On national level gross wages were 4.6 percent higher than in the previous year. The average net...

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Count Kálnoky: not Romania, but Western Europe is guilty in the horse meat scandal

The Transylvanian Count Kálnoky Tibor believes that Romania is unjustly attacked de to the European horse meat scandal, the sinners are France and Western Europe – The Daily Telegraph writes....

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That's the way NAV handles penalties

Alongside news about the project interviews with experts and businesses can also be read. The website’s editor in chief Mónika Szabó told that those working in the sector can ask...

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Waiting for a technical solution

News website, launched on 14 January, gives read- ers updated and reliable information about the establishing of online connection between cash registers and the National Tax and Cus- toms...

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Nébih: no alfatoxin in milk has been found

In order to eliminate alfatoxin efficiently, the Nationl Foodchain Safety Authority (Nébih) is taking a closer look at domestic corps and raw milk. So far, no alfatoxin in these prpducts...

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The tax exemption on pálinka brewing is under examination by the European Union’s Court of Justice

The Government assures Hungarians those rights that citizens of other EU countries are also entitled to. The European Commission disputes the regulation providing tax-free status for distilling home-made pálinka; in...

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The HITA creates a qualified database of suppliers

The National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) creates a qualified database of suppliers, first in the country. The database will be created by own development – Kokas Tamás, the deputy head...

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The Association of local currencies has been formed

The Association of local currencies has been formed – Varga István president of the association told MTI on Wednesday in Budapest. He told  that the association was established by the...

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The GKI examined the breaking points of the Hungarian economy

The latest publication of the GKI Economic Research Co. examined the breaking points of the Hungarian economy. The publication was presented to the press on Wednesday. The Esélyek (Opportunities) analysis...

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Horsemeat scandal – Problems in Austria, too

Controllers from the food inspection authorities found horsemeat in sausages such as “Kärntner Hauswürstl” and “Lavanttaler Bauernwurst” after they received an anonymous hint, said health advisor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) yesterday...

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Fazekas: the bill, which would destroy the large plants does not even exists

There is no operational management law in the Rural Development Ministry, which would ruin the large plants or make their operation difficult. There is no blueprint in the ministry, which...

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Gyulay Zsolt: the expanding range of products will make the tobacco shops profitable

The expanding range of products will have a positive effect for the national tobacco shops – Gyulay Zsolt, CEO of the National Tobacco Sales Nonprofit Ltd. told MTI on Tuesday....

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This may ruin the large plants

The upcoming operational management law may ruin the large plants that are giving a large part of the domestic agricultural production. According to the Magyar Nemzet, the draft would oblige...

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Autumn sowings hatched properly

Thanks to the precipitation of the recent months, autumn sowings hatched properly, and are not damaged in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county – Kiss Róbert, Director of Agriculture of the county government office...

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The NAV seized one ton of pig fat

The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) seized one ton of pig fat in Hegyeshalom. The consignor and the consignee of the shipment were both Hungarian firms, but the driver...

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The Chinese population spent more than 500 billion yuan during the Lunar New Year holiday in China

Spendings of the Chinese population during the Chinese Lunar New Year broke a record, although compared to the previous year it has showed a slowdown in growth – the official...

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Kopint-Tárki: the manufacturing industry closed its worst 12 months last year

The confidence index of the Hungarian manufacturing industry closed its worst 12 months last year since. It is the worst recorded data since the system change. The situation has not...

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The regulation fixing the technical parameters has been published

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) published the regulation of the technical requirements on the distribution, use, and servicing of cash registers and taximeters. The regulation was published in the...

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The EU would tighten the traceability of goods

While there are stringent requirements for raw products, we do not know the origin of processed goods. The EU would change this situation, and not only among food products, but...

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ZEW: a significant improvement in economic expectations in Germany

Economic expectations in Germany are surpassing all expectations in February. After the presentation of the data the euro has strengthened and European share prices have increased. According to the datas...

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Even more success for Hungary

While the budget for the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has decreased by some 11%, Hungary will be receiving 12.3 billion euros in agriculture funding within the next financial...

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The price of basic foodstuffs may significantly rise in Ukraine

The price of several basic foodstuffs may significantly rise in Ukraine soon. The competent ministry drafted a proposal under which the state regulation on the price of various meat, egg,...

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The National Assembly has decided: tobacco shops can sell alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and newspapers

The national tobacco shops can sell spirits and energy drinks, coffee, mineral water, soft drinks, and newspapers – the Parliament decided on Monday. The national tobacco shops can sell spirits...

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Product range expansion is needed at the tobacco shops

Lázár János justified the product range expansion in the national tobacco shops with long-term functionality issues. Lázár János, Minister of State said this in relation to MTI on Monday, that...

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There is a chance to resurrect combined transportation

The Hungarian Association of Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ), believes that the intermodal (combined) transport can be made competitive without state aid. According to the MLSZKSZ, 5 percent of the road...

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Slovak retail: the percentage of domestic products can be read on the door

In Slovakia, the retail chains were required to inform the purchasers of the origin of products: the tables containing theses informations must be placed on the entrance of the store....

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Romanian consumer protection authorities fined distributors of Székely products in Csíkszereda

The representatives of the Brasov Consumer Protection Inspectorate visited the Fair of Traditional and Local Products in Csíkszereda accompanied by TV crews. The inspectors identified several irregularities. According to the...

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Spirits made of washer fluids were seized

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) seized spririts made of presumably washer fluid, from a person in Hejőkeresztúr. The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Slowdown in food price increase

As expected, agricultural producer prices continued to increase in December, after the peak of October. According to datas from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) in December producer prices rose by...

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