Market News

These will be suspicious for NAV

The online cashiers will reveal a number of behavior, which we does not even think to give rise to suspicion at the tax authorities. Not only the specific traffic datas...

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A classic icy delicacy from Vienna

What can be more pleasant on a hot summer day than a cup of coffee with milk, served ice cold? MARESI Vienna iced coffee with cream perfectly meets these expectations:...

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Stable place in the top 20 and two-digit growth

Ice cream value sales were up 19 percent in February 2012-January 2013 if compared with the base period; in volume sales the Nielsen Retail Index registered plus 11 percent. The...

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Ice cream on a stick conquers, mainly because of its price

The summer of 2012 was very hot, so ice cream sales were soaring. Dr Ildikó Murányi, business development manager with Nestlé & Mövenpick Ice Cream told our magazine that private...

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GlobalShop, the intruductory day – our collegue's report

Seventeen countries' POPAI-district have been represented in the famous Tokio room of Sax Hotel, in order to discuss the current events of the organization, the various local challanges and express...

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95 products of 41 producers bear the HÍR trademark

300 traditional agricultural products and food products of 7 regions of Hungary can be found in the Traditions-Tastes-Regions (HÍR) collection including various spices, plants and animals, beverages, fruits and vegetables....

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Budai Gyula: unlimited opportunities for the beef sector

The beef sector has unlimited market potential practically if the sector produces high-quality products – Budai Gyula, Minister of State at the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for Parliamentary...

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The crisis has given impetus to the webstores

Customers turned towards webstores after the crisis in 2008. Currently the number of webstores with Hungarian websites are around 5-6 thousand – Madar Norbert, consulting advisor of eNET Kft. said...

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The authorities banned unfair bakeries

The staff of the Directorate-General of NAV and the staff of the Food Chain Safety Board of the County Government Offices carried out investigations in bakeries that are in the...

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British researchers created a disease resistance pig

Scientists who created Dolly the sheep clone bring GM food a step closer by producing a pig that is immune to disease – The Daily Telegraph wrote. The piglet, known...

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Diminishing profit margin characterises the pasta market

Volume sales didn’t decrease significantly on the domestic pasta market, but manufacturers’ experience is that sales have moved in the direction of cheaper varieties made with fewer or no eggs,...

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Airport ground-handling: EP adds staff safeguards to competition boost plan

Plans to open up ground-handling services at major EU airports to more competition by increasing the minimum number of service providers were backed by Parliament in a vote on Tuesday....

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Spring barley and sunflower sowing has started

Agricultural works started with full capacity in Vas county. The sowing of barley and sunflower has also begun – Lukács Zoltán, General for Agriculture inspector of theVas County Government Office...

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The construction industy worry of the new cash registers

The group of construction material traders can become the biggest loosers of the online caahier system connected to the NAV. According to experts, only the sales without invoice or the...

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KSH: slowdown in the rise of agricultural producer prices

The rise of agricultural producer prices slowed down slightly in February – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) reported on Friday. The agricultural producer prices rose yb 17.0 percent in February...

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Retail sales of oral care products are expanding

Consumers spent nearly 20 billion HUF for toothpaste, toothbrush and mouth water between March 2012 and February 2013. Hungarian consumers are open to the novelties: Most of them tried at...

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Mystery Shopping survey: Mammut is the best

According to the Mystery Shopping survey, Mammut is the best shopping center. The second best organized shopping center is Europark. The INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHECK cattied out a Mystery Shopping survey...

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Eight out of ten cash registers were manipulated

Therefore, in the future the AEE will indicate such illegal activities to the center of the Hungarian Tax and Customs Authority (NAV). Linczmayer Szilvia spokesperson of NAV told that all...

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The GVH has terminated the proceeding initiated in the melon case

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has terminated the competition supervision proceeding initiated in the melon case on April 10, because the authority believes that with the continuation of the proceeding,...

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The detailed rules for the implementation of the hungaricum law were adopted

The Government has approved the detailed rules for the implementation of the hungaricum law. Our national values ​​will be recorded by the Hungarian National Depository, while the high performances of...

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The Hungarian sellers still not smile enough

The Hungarian sellers’ performance in case of welcoming the customers and related sales is above the world average, but they smile rarely – shows a survey carried out in 57...

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The forgotten segment

The forgotten segment, or rather channel, is the world of traditional or farmers’ markets. I was invited by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI) to discover this uncharted territory with the...

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We go to specialist shops more often than the European average

There is great demand for fresh groceries all over the world and Hungary is no different. According to a Nielsen study, Hungarians buy bread and other bakery products most often:...

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FruitVeB: increasing production of one million tons, 100 thousand new jobs by 2020

The fruit and vegetable sector, is willing to increase its output with a total of approximately one million tons from the current 2.5 million tons between 2014-2020 and want to...

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Analysts expect a maximum of two and a half percent inflation, the OKSZ is confident that consumption will increase

On the basis of the significantly lower than expected March inflation data, analysts lowered their annual average inflation forecasts for 2013. They expect a maximum of 2.5 percent price increase,...

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VM: it is unfounded to talk about rising food prices, beacuase of the flood

According to the professional view of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) it is unfounded to state that this year's flood will cause food price increase. There is no doubt...

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Varga: more than ten manufacturers would produce online cash registers

More than ten companies, including Hungarian companies are also preparing to produce new online cash registers – Varga Árpád, the vice president NAV told. Varga Árpád is confident that the...

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A Dutch company exported 50 thousand tons of meat without certificate of origin

Another meat scandal on the horizon: 50 thousand tons of meat without a certificate of origin were exported to European countries – including Germany too and the Netherlands. It is...

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The reputation of Hungarian Wines can be increased with adequate marketing support

The reputation of Hungarian Wines can be increased further by using the renascent Eastern relations and with appropriate marketing support – Tóth Katalin, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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Brand evolution on a higher level (part 2)

Last time (Trade magazin 12/2012) we analysed people’s relationship with brands using the metaphor of basic human relations. The main question now is what kind of marketing activity we can...

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