News and articles

Kroger to get rid of plastic bags by 2025

US retail giant Kroger Co. has announced that they would stop using plastic bags in all of their 2,800 supermarkets by 2025. Kroger’s annual single-use plastic bag output is 6...

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Co-op expands rapidly

British supermarket chain Co-op opened 21 new stores in 2018 and asked for building permits for 34 new shops. Sales by Co-op jumped 7.8 percent this year, with the retailer’s...

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Flipkart buys artificial intelligence startup

Flipkart – the biggest online retailer in India – has acquired an artificial intelligence startup, called developed software that transforms speech into text, in 10 different languages spoken...

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Hypermodern Amazon store in Korea

Amazon has signed a cooperation agreement with the retail chain Hyundai Department Store, within the framework of which by 2020 they are going to build a store using futuristic technological...

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Carrefour optimises logistics operations in Poland

Carrefour’s Polish affiliate has announced that the company’s vehicles had driven 2 million kilometres less last year, after the introduction of a new transportation management system. Thanks to thy system...

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Lidl’s digital adventures in Europe

Finally has arrived to Spain. At the moment the service is only available in Madrid. In Italy Lidl has teamed up with culinary website Tasty, making cooking videos together,...

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7-Eleven opens fully automated store in South Korea

7-Eleven is opening its first fully-automated stores in South Korea. The store is designed as a 10-metre long express train, and consists of five vending machines with 200 products, which...

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X5 Group opens new distribution centre in Moscow

X5 Retail Group, the No.1 FMCG retail company in Russia, has announced the opening of their 13,500th store, which is actually a distribution centre where orders coming from the website...

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Walmart strengthens presence in the virtual world

Recently Walmart has filed two patents regarding virtual reality shopping. They describe a system in which users wear a VR headset and sensory gloves to get an in-store experience in...

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Funding applications can be submitted for modernising marketplaces in Pest County

From September municipalities can apply for funding to modernise marketplaces in Pest County. Within the framework of the HUF 2-billion government programme municipalities can get sums from HUF 10 million...

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Abattoir of the Hajdúnánás social cooperative opens

The abattoir of the Hajdúnánás Preserving and Building Social Cooperative was built from a budget of HUF 78 million, from which 40 percent was contributed by the municipality and 60...

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Campaigns popularising Hungarian food products

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) promotes Hungarian produce and groceries in many ways. As part of the ‘From Hungary to our homes’ programme a lifestyle page was created on...

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Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water doubles production capacity

Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water Kft. started using a new production hall and bottling line in Szentkirály on 19 September. Thanks to the EUR 7-million investment the company doubled its production capacity....

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UPS develops for SMEs

UPS has announced that they are introducing a flexible parcel delivery service all over Europe: in nearly every European country – in almost 52,000 postcodes – people will have more...

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New Fanta Instamixes

In mid-September three versions of Fanta: Instamix hit the shops – chocolate, coconut and raspberry-orange. The recipe is simple: consumers need to pour the Instamix into a 0.5-litre Fanta orange...

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Auchan helps large families to start the school year

Early September 2,500 children from large families received school supplies, as part of a joint programme by the Association of Large Families (NOE) and Auchan that ended on 2 September....

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Smart Shopping Basket helps to save money

More and more supermarkets are trading online too. However, the large selection of goods and differing prices make it difficult for shoppers to decide where to buy. The Smartkosár team...

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Orbit gives financial help to SOS Children’s Villages for the third time

Orbit supports SOS Children’s Villages for the third time. The objective of the Smiling Children campaign isn’t only popularising proper oral care, but giving children healthy confidence as well. Between...

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NaturAqua helps premature baby unit

NaturAqua and the National Association for Premature Babies (KORE) built a new bathroom in the perinatal intensive care unit of Szent János Hospital. From August mothers can use the new...

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Suggestions by MGYOSZ to improve the vocational education system

On 19 September 2018 the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) held a press conference, where they informed the public about their plans to modernise vocational education. The confederation’s...

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The price of pig decreased in one year

Compared to the beginning of the year, the price of pigs declined in comparison with the previous year in August this year – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of...

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Cattle can be transported to the United Arab Emirates again

The agricultural ministry of the United Arab Emirates has removed Hungary from the list of countries with bluetongue disease. As a result of this measure it will be possible to...

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Hungarian companies are still crediting their customers at a record level

The proportion of deferred payments in domestic commerce (B2B) decreased, however, while the duration for invoicing and the number of bad debts increased. According to the Atradius Credit Provider’s Barometer...

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MLBKT: PMI in September shows continued growth

The seasonally adjusted September value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 53.8 points, which indicates that respondents reported more favorable processes than in the previous month. The index is...

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The key to Hungarian culinary success is Hungarian raw material

The key to the success of renewable Hungarian gastronomy is the Hungarian raw material – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the at the Cooks and Producers’ Conference in...

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Insect farms to come

Those entrepreneurs who would set up insect farms in Hungary will be given every support from the Hungarian authorities – wrote. There is a possibility of establishing insect farms...

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Hungarian cash stock is significant

Hungarian cash stock is about 5,700 billion HUF. From a part of it, the population’s securities and equity purchases could be increased – Nagy Márton, the vice president of the...

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Aldi’s revenue in the United Kingdom and Ireland was over 10 billion pounds last year

In 2017 Aldi’s revenue in the United Kingdom and Ireland surpassed the 10 billion (nearly 3700 billion forints) revenue – Origo wrote. The German-backed retail chain announced major expansion plans...

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More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found in a minibus

More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found by the police in an Ukrainian minibus on Saturday in Vásárosnamény – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced on the...

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German retail turnover decreased

Instead of the expected growth in August, retail turnover in Germany was lower than in the previous month – the Destatis federal statistics agency published on Monday. In August, retail...

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