News and articles

First Hungarian self-checkout system gets the green light

Laurel has been given the authorisation to market LAURA-SSC, the first self-checkout system developed by a Hungarian company. The new system runs the Laurel cash register software – which is...

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From the top online FMCG retail markets 4 will be European by 2023

According to IGD, calculating with a 20-percent annual growth, by 2023 the world’s top 10 online FMCG retail markets will produce a value of EUR 200 billion – and 4...

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Less optimistic Hungarian SMEs

According to K&H’s latest SME confidence index, small and medium-sized Hungarian businesses were 10 points less optimistic in the 3rd quarter of 2018 – the index was at 7 points....

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Cofidis: we are prepared for the Black Friday, but we do not build the castle of gifts

The Black Friday is strongly linked to Christmas: 83 percent of those, who participate in the action plan to buy Christmas gifts at that time. 40 percent of the total...

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Essity wins awards

Essity has won two awards at the European Cleaning and Hygiene Awards ceremony: Tork EasyCube® walked away with the prizes for ‘Technical Innovation of the Year’ and ‘Best Practice –...

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Geo-blocking has entered into force! What shall we pay attention to?

On 3 December the EU’s Geo-blocking Regulation entered into force: it addresses unjustified online sales discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal...

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Prices were up nearly 5 percent

In October 2018 consumer prices were 3.8 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with October 2017, food prices increased by 4.6 percent. Seasonal product prices (potatoes,...

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Augmented reality in retail

Kosárérté Magazin has analysed how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can be used in retail. According to Ákos Ződi, the owner of Szeged-based company CreatIT Solutions, in the...

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Rapid growth this year, slowing down next year

While most forecasts say growth is going to be at 4-4.5 percent this year, for next year experts foresee a 3-3.5 percent growth – with the exception of the Hungarian...

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Tesco extends the application period for its community-building application

Tesco extends the application period for its community-building application, the “You choose, We Help” program until 23 November 2018. For the program of Tesco, such charitable organizations and informal companies...

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New support for the organic farmers

There is no time for delay: “The Switch to Organic Farming, the Maintenance of Organic Farming” application has been published. The deadline for submission is very close: the electronic support...

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Nutricia won the Best Workplace award again

The Aon Best Jobs Awards were awarded for the 18th time this year. The Aon Best Jobs Awards award the best workplaces on the basis of Hungary’s largest employee survey....

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The Hungarian Food Bank organizes Christmas Fundraising between 23-25 November in more than 200 stores

The Hungarian Food Bank organizes organizes traditional Christmas Fundraising again in 2018. The food donations of the population are expected in more than 200 stores in nearly 120 settlements across...

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New Executive Director at Coca-Cola Magyarország

From November 1, Kerekes Péter is the Executive Director of Coca-Cola’s Hungarian subsidiary, the company told MTI on Tuesday. According to the information, the expert has more than 20 years...

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The winners of ‘The Website of the Year’ were announced

The most prestigious domestic event of the online marketing communication industry ‘The Website of the Year’ was held for the 17th time. A total of 200 entries were received by...

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Billion HUF traffic is expected on the toy market this Christmas

Half of the nearly 45 billion HUF toy/game market is realized during this Christmas season, when Hungarian families spend an average of 6800 HUF for store shopping and 8300 HUF...

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The MediaMark is expanding its storage capacity

MediaMarkt, which operates household and entertainment electronics stores, has signed a lease agreement with the BILK Logistics Plc. for 18,800 m2 of warehouse capacity. With the new warehouse, MediaMark has...

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Europe imports more eggs

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) informs that in addition to the current 18, five more Hungarian meat companies have been...

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Ördög Nóri, Opitz Barbi, Wolfie and the children living in the in Ronald Houses await the supporters in the McDonald’s restaurants

On Saturday, the 4-year-old Dorottya, the 11-year-old Zolika and the 14-year-old Katrin greeted the supporters Ronald Houses and Rooms in the McDonald’s restaurant at the Nyugati Square, with their families...

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Herbal teas help to prevent catching a cold and can be used to treat the symptoms

Many people catch a cold now that winter is approaching. If one goes down with a cold, the best way to overcome it is drinking diaphoretic herbal tea, e.g. tea...

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The Internet Family House Rule has been published

I do not even know what the kid is doing when pushing the buttons of the phone. I did not want to buy a phone to her yet, but everyone...

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An avalanche that helps people

This year more than 100 tons of produce was harvested by the participants of the Food Avalanche programme of Civil Iránytű Foundation and Syngenta. Syngenta’s vegetable seeds were planted on...

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Del Pierre Central Europe: financial support to Oncoradiology Centre

Del Pierre C. E. Kft. has teamed up with the Foundation for Curing Breast Cancer: from the price of every limited edition, Twist Pink 4×80g tuna in olive oil product...

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Former Laurel director returns

György Ortutay, who used to be Laurel Számítástechnikai Kft.’s managing director between 2006 and 2007, returned to the retail and wholesale software company as sales and marketing director. From 1...

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Two new wieners from Wiesbauer-Dunahús

Wiesbauer-Dunahús has put Premium Light and Premium Veal wieners on the market, targeting people who follow a healthy diet and gourmet consumers. The delicious new premium products are made from...

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There is a Health Island in every Penny Market store now

On 21 November Penny Market announced at a press conference that Health Corners had been created in all 216 stores. The discount store chain’s goal with these is to popularise...

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Sales above 100 billion for dm Magyarország

In the fiscal year ending in October 2018 sales by dm Magyarország exceeded HUF 100 billion, growing by more than 10 percent from the base period level – the company...

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FUZETEA – winter edition

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. is putting a new limited edition iced tea on the market: FUZETEA Winter Plum is available in 0.5- and 1.5-litre variants. The new FUZETEA product can...

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New Reál Alfa opens in the 11th district

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy was present at the opening of a new Reál Alfa supermarket in Budapest on 29 November. Approximately 15,000 different products are available in the new...

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Hungary’s most modern paper product factory was built

Minister of Finance Mihály Varga was there at the ceremonial opening of Vajda-Papír Kft.’s new hygiene and household paper product factory in Dunaföldvár on 9 November. From the project’s HUF...

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