News and articles

Superfood for every day – but how

We’ve heard a lot about so-called superfoods in recent years – some say it’s just a term coined by skillful marketers, while others see it as the secret to a...

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Wrinkle filling with the best of nature

Diadermine’s latest innovation, the Lift + BOTOLOGY, has arrived in Hungary. The brand’s first product line with 92% natural ingredients helps to rejuvenate the skin with a wrinkle-filling effect. Our...

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The well moratorium was extended with three years

Until the end of 2023, the Government has extended the deadline for the fine-free survival of illegal wells, which expires on 31 December 2020. The National Chamber of Agriculture recommends...

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French stayed stylish in the pandemic

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

Read more hard times coming up for those with a cash register

From 2021, credit card payment will be mandatory where there is an online cash register. So far, we’ve spent more using cash than with a credit card. According to the...

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New rules for ordering from webshops from 1 July 2021

The European Commission is proposing a half-year postponement of the introduction of the e-commerce VAT amendment package. Based on this, the new regulation will only come into force on 1...

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Defining a decent minimum wage is crucial

A decent living in the European Union, in which minimum wages play a key role, is essential for the recovery from the coronavirus epidemic and the creation of a fair...

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Fighting against the crisis with new stores

On May 28, the 28th Plusmarket store was opened, by the 100% Hungarian-owned Dél-100 Kft. The store focuses on a clean, wide and deep selection of professional products, a strong...

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The EU is preparing for new steps against new tobacco products

The Council of the European Union on Tuesday approved conclusions setting out policy guidelines and priorities for further reforms in two key areas of EU tax policy, the future development...

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(HU) Finom újdonságok reggelire az ALDI-ban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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(HU) Ha eltúloztad az élelmiszerhalmozást márciusban, most jót is tehetsz!

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Investment support for the horticultural sector will increase the security of fruit and vegetable supply

The 80 billion HUF tender announced by the Ministry of Agriculture for livestock and horticultural farms also contributes to the security of the fruit and vegetable supply – Feldman Zsolt,...

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The Ministry of Agriculture expects a good strawberry harvest

Fresh and tasty Hungarian strawberries are the best choice for families to consume fruit. Due to the sunny weather of the recent period, a very good strawberry harvest is expected...

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Tesco survey on loyal customer attitudes

We like to commit, but not only on one side -according to Tesco ‘s survey of loyal customer attitudes. Nearly 42 percent of the respondents have two or three loyalty...

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The Coop Aid Foundation’s truck started for the fifth time

The truck of the Coop Aid Foundation has started for the fifth time, which provides a donation of basic foodstuffs worth 25 million HUF to 8,268 state-cared children across the...

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The foreign trade balance is still in surplus

In March, the value of exports in euros was 7.5 percent and imports were 4.2 percent higher than a year earlier, while the export surplus fell by 343 million euros...

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Expert vulnerabilities in global food supply chains

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that global food supply chains are vulnerable. The highest level of uncertainty in soybean production due to high exports – Hollósi Dávid, managing director of...

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MLBKT: The Purchasing Managers’ Index rose in May

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in May was 40.3, which is higher than the 33.7 point in April, but still the lowest value ever in...

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According to a survey, young people have an average saving of 404 thousand forints

According to a survey in the first quarter of 2020, Hungarian young people between the ages of 19 and 29 have an average of 404,000 HUF in savings, of which...

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ITM: consumer protection is a central element in protecting families

The government considers the protection of families to be a central element of consumer protection, and therefore continues to strictly control the products placed on the market, the Deputy State...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States improved slightly in May

Consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved slightly in May from the previous month’s eight-year low, but a survey of the University of Michigan continues to show deep consumer concern. Analysts...

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Japan is home to five million food and beverage vending machines

One of the first things that stands out to the tourist in Japan is that it is amazingly many vending machines can be found everywhere – origo wrote. In Hungary,...

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These two crops could be the biggest losers of this year’s drought

Last week’s rains did not eliminate the drought either, according to information received by the National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), rapeseed is in a very bad condition, wheat is...

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Restaurants, bars and cafés have reopened in the Netherlands

In strict compliance with the rules on community distancing, restaurants, bars and cafés in the Netherlands were reopened on Monday afternoon, thanks to a further loosening of restrictions on the...

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Private Label 5 steps to new normal

In grocery retail, private labels are key to building loyalty. In the aftermath of a pandemic, when many are struggling financially, this area is given a new chance to grow....

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Moody’s: 4.8% decline this year, 4.1% growth next year at home

EU economies in Central Europe cannot escape the deep recession caused by the coronavirus epidemic this year either, but the public debt profile of most regional economies can withstand short-term...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.2 percent in the first quarter

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter was 2.2 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year. According to seasonally, calendar-adjusted and balanced...

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GfK Consumer changes – after the virus

GfK Hungária conducted online research on the effects of the COVID-19 virus in more than 2,700 households. According to the most important findings of the research, customers tried to avoid...

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Milk consumption is also promoted with online football

The Milk Product Council is celebrating in an unusual way. In view of the global emergency, the 45th World Milk Day is being held online. To celebrate the milk and...

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